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  1. #1

    Default Help me if you can I need a spank

    Slim, attractive, submissive female requires a firm male hand for spankings and soothing massages. Have always self spanked but would like to feel a man's sharp hand on my bum, breasts and other as well as whip etc.
    Last edited by Holidays in Eden; 28-04-2008 at 10:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Re: Help me if you can I need a spank

    Would love to help you, nothing I love more than a cute young firm girls bottom to spank. davebrad2006 on yahoo

  3. #3

    Default Re: Help me if you can I need a spank

    Would love to heklp - where do you live?


  4. #4
    kindlysir Guest

    Default Re: Help me if you can I need a spank

    Having chatted I know your circuimstances changed, but if they change aagin and you wish to communicate in the future .. please do get in touch again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Flintshire, Can travel or accomodate

    Default Re: Help me if you can I need a spank

    I did send you a private message, so not certain that you received it, if you would like to chat I am available anytime.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Help me if you can I need a spank

    Hi there,
    Just joined spanking contacts, so would like to respond to your ad, and let you know that I am here!!

    48 yr old white male, experienced spanker, always keen to hear from naughty young ladies. Always keen also to visit naughty young ladies and provide them with what they need - and certainly a spanking followed by a caring and soothing massage is right near the top of my list of favourites!

    Anyway, I am sure you had plenty of similar offers - more than enough to keep you busy! But if you would like to chat more, please do e-mail me at - it would be great to hear from you,


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    County Durham Cant accomodate at home at moment this may change. Will meet at outside venue if appropiate

    Default Re: Help me if you can I need a spank

    Sounds like and wind up to me. LOL
    Happy hunting
    Just4fun Hidden Content

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