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Thread: 'Thanking'

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    London, can't accomodate

    Default 'Thanking'

    There are many CP stories and accounts where, after a caning, the spankee has to kneel and 'thank' the Headmaster orally. It seems less regularly to be mentioned when it is a Headmistress who has done the caning. How much does it happen in r/l, do many Headmistresses enjoy and require to be thanked orally by the recipient of their cane?
    Obviously, by orally I do not mean saying "thank you"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Manchester, no

    Default Re: 'Thanking'

    I daresay in real couples it happens all the time. With "professional" headmistresses (and I include those who don't actually ask for a tribute), outside of a one-to-one relationship, I think it is effectively never. Most are highly offended at the mere mention of it and as disciplinarians they feel they don't need thanking. They are very happy to have disciplined their naughty boys and don't want any other contact.
    Of course I might be proved wrong - but I don't expect so.
    Men and women are different.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: 'Thanking'

    It is actually quite common in m2m role playing.
    For the sub to want to "say" thank you.
    Ist cane stroke. Is often met with a response of
    1 Sir. Thank you Sir.
    2 Sir etc etc. Up to whatever number the caning ends.
    I suspect it is far less common certainly in my experience for a sub to offer oral after a caning.
    Perhaps though as i always insist on no sexual contact whatsoever when m2m.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    south of London/occasionally

    Default Re: 'Thanking'

    I nearly always find myself on my knees with a gobstopper to deal with and love doing so. It seems only right to find my head being held firmly whilst my erstwhile tormentor delivers their last contribution to my day.
    This is me, practicing:

    Quote Originally Posted by red hand View Post
    It is actually quite common in m2m role playing.
    For the sub to want to "say" thank you.
    Ist cane stroke. Is often met with a response of
    1 Sir. Thank you Sir.
    2 Sir etc etc. Up to whatever number the caning ends.
    I suspect it is far less common certainly in my experience for a sub to offer oral after a caning.
    Perhaps though as i always insist on no sexual contact whatsoever when m2m.

  5. #5
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: 'Thanking'

    Re yummy pics
    Holy heck who is the recipient?
    Mr Well hung😄

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