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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default Slipper on bare bum

    I got the slipper a few times while at school in Australia in the late 70s.
    On one occasion I had been naughty in the morning and received the slipper bent over at the front of the class in my shorts, at lunch time one of the girls in my class asked if it hurt I said it did a bit but not to bad. Then she asked if she could look so I pulled my shorts and pants down and showed her my bum.
    After lunch someone must of told the teacher as she called me to the front of the class again and told the class that I had not learnt my lesson and that I should get the slipper with my shorts down. I had to take down my shorts and she gave me 10 slaps with the slipper on my pants. Then she said as I wanted to show everyone how my bum looked after the slipper the whole class should get to look and pulled down my pants and gave me another 10 slaps on my bare bum infront of the class.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Slipper on bare bum

    Quote Originally Posted by Spanked bum View Post
    I got the slipper a few times while at school in Australia in the late 70s.
    On one occasion I had been naughty in the morning and received the slipper bent over at the front of the class in my shorts, at lunch time one of the girls in my class asked if it hurt I said it did a bit but not to bad. Then she asked if she could look so I pulled my shorts and pants down and showed her my bum.
    After lunch someone must of told the teacher as she called me to the front of the class again and told the class that I had not learnt my lesson and that I should get the slipper with my shorts down. I had to take down my shorts and she gave me 10 slaps with the slipper on my pants. Then she said as I wanted to show everyone how my bum looked after the slipper the whole class should get to look and pulled down my pants and gave me another 10 slaps on my bare bum infront of the class.
    Wow I would have loved this to happen to me. How old were you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: Slipper on bare bum

    That must have been embarrassing being bent over with your bare bum and your balls hanging for the whole class to see.
    Where you slippered really hard?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default Re: Slipper on bare bum

    Around 7 or 8

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yep was very embarrassing and humiliating and yes was fairly slippered fairly hard

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