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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Glasgow / Cannot Accomodate

    Default Rubber soled slippers?


    I am attracted to domestic style discipline, and the slipper seems like an item that would appeal.

    The slippers favoured for spanking seem to be 'vulcanised rubber sole slippers', and I've seen people complain about how slippers are being made cheaply with plastic soles now.

    This may be a slightly niave question - but if there are slippers online advertised as having a 'non slip rubber sole' or an 'outdoor rubber sole' - is that a different thing to the vulcanised rubber soles I've heard so much about?

    Would be grateful for input or recommendations!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Default Re: Rubber soled slippers?

    Not easy getting genuine rubber soled slippers. I have a few pairs but they are not genuine rubber as my parents used to use. Old type plimsols were great as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Birmingham Pro sub/switch

    Default Re: Rubber soled slippers?

    very hard to get a hold of nowadays! the new ones all have tread on them you have to really search around for the smooth soles, I have bought another 3 pairs since my last photo of my collection.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Professional submissive and switch, lots of lovely clothes and implements, CP and BDSM in a dungeon/schoolroom or domestic environment in Birmingham - visits London, Croydon and Bristol.

  4. #4
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: Rubber soled slippers?

    I often wonder why they stopped making the old kind of slipper?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Birmingham Pro sub/switch

    Default Re: Rubber soled slippers?

    @jaybo too many Grans and Grandads putting the bins out in their smooth soled slippers and coming a cropper, my Dad broke his hip doing that on a wet path couple of years ago.
    Professional submissive and switch, lots of lovely clothes and implements, CP and BDSM in a dungeon/schoolroom or domestic environment in Birmingham - visits London, Croydon and Bristol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Strathclyde. Cannot accomodate

    Default Re: Rubber soled slippers?

    Quote Originally Posted by FlickB View Post

    I am attracted to domestic style discipline, and the slipper seems like an item that would appeal.

    The slippers favoured for spanking seem to be 'vulcanised rubber sole slippers', and I've seen people complain about how slippers are being made cheaply with plastic soles now.

    This may be a slightly niave question - but if there are slippers online advertised as having a 'non slip rubber sole' or an 'outdoor rubber sole' - is that a different thing to the vulcanised rubber soles I've heard so much about?

    Would be grateful for input or recommendations!
    if you grew up in a 60s 70s 80s era you would remember the slippers of those days with the beige or grey vulcanised rubber sole. Nice and bendy when worn in by ladies and older gents alike.
    Distinct aroma from these slippers remained with me to this day but unfortunately as some asre saying no longer made which Jaybo is down to a couple of things I think. cost and also central heating in most houses now.
    Good to see some ladies like Tara recognise these slippers as a good domestic implement.
    Not a better sight to see than a strict lady wearing skirt tights and these retro slippers ready to take a naughty boy over her knee and take one of her slippers off to leather his backside. Or a strict mature slipper wearing uncle
    Bring back the retro fur collar slippers please!

  7. #7
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: Rubber soled slippers?

    Re: Tara and boydt's comments about the old fashioned slippers I do remember my grandad wearing tartan slippers with a smooth black sole which seemed a bit iffy on a slippery surface and my nan wearing fluffy green fur trim ones with the soft rubber sole realise I am going to be checking out soles of slippers now when I go shopping!!
    Ah happy days😃

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Tara View Post
    @jaybo too many Grans and Grandads putting the bins out in their smooth soled slippers and coming a cropper, my Dad broke his hip doing that on a wet path couple of years ago.
    Ooh nasty🙈

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Newport/ Cardiff travel only at present

    Default Re: Rubber soled slippers?

    just found this thread and its exactly the theme I adore as a spankee and also getting to like the spankers role, please see my intro.........I have a pair of the rubber soled slippers amongst MANY other slippers in my collection. They are fur collared and a deep red velour colour/ style. they do not need to be used hard as the rubber sole itself does that for you. Yes i remember reading anything that contained a spanking/ slippering in comics and books. i also remember in the noddy books of the teacher having a slipper hanging on a hook behind her, cant ever remember reading that it was used on anyone...I love what boydt mentioned of skirt tights auntie taking her slipper off to use on a naughty boy, love the idea of on-the-spot slipperings in the domestic scene, love the sound they make, the sayings that were used in those good old day...'i'll take my slipper to you' or 'you will get such a walloping with my slipper' if you carry on etc etc I also love the idea of a formal slippering perhaps sent up to change into pyjamas to await auntie/ uncle and even better having one slipper (the vulcanised rubber one) hanging on a hook in the hallway so you see it every day as you pass thro' sometimes told to 'fetch THE slipper' and bring it to auntie/ uncle who awaits in the chair in the parlour or even take it upstairs when told to change into your pj's and place pillows on the bed with the dreaded slipper placed on top and the anticipation as you stand there awaiting the footsteps of auntie in her slippers coming up the to hear all responses and continue this topic
    just william

  9. #9
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: Rubber soled slippers?

    Re. Just Williams new post on slippers..
    If I remember correctly the slippers when used in punishment all had a different sound depending on what they were made from and what the sole thickness was thin flexible soles loud and slappy the denser thicker soles more of a thump.
    Also what size bottom was on the receiving end little skinny bottoms impact sound was different from a pupil with a huge jelly bottom.

    Sports teacher's generally favoured an old plimsoll or training shoe probably garnered from lost property.
    I honestly can't remember if any teacher's used the traditional carpet slipper my memories very selective these days!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Strathclyde. Cannot accomodate

    Default Re: Rubber soled slippers?

    Great post on this subject William
    The traditional carpet slippers for men or women were the obvious implement of choice many years ago, now on sites like this, more popular seems to be canes etc, or even paddles, wooden implements are not really a great like for me, correct what you say about the rubber sole of those types of slippers, give a real sting even if not spanked severely hard, though I would like to try a severe leathering with this type of slippers.

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