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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    yorkshire can accomadate

    Default smacking on arms legs or hands

    hi ime new to the site was just wondereding if any here have memories or sudjestions about smacking on the arms legs and hands...its these options i received at school mainly and by parents relations was very embaressing ...seems not to be used as much now or does anyone feel it can still be effective..............tony

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: smacking on arms legs or hands

    Hi Tony,
    I was caned at school on the hands and it was very effective but I would have much preferred to have been caned on my bottom.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Weymouth __Poss. accomm; Pref. visit

    Default Re: smacking on arms legs or hands

    Bad idea to cane or otherwise strike the hands - they are too easily damaged. I'd certainly prefer to cane you on the bottom!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Perhaps the embarrassment was part of the punishment? I am not keen on the idea of striking the hands, by hand or (especially by) implement, but the hand on bare arm, or on the bare leg or bottom in private, is different.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Tunbridge Wells, Kent. cannot accommodate

    Default Re: smacking on arms legs or hands

    At junior school in Halifax about 40 years ago I was smacked on my thighs by Mrs (or Miss) Ingle. I was one of the only boy's to wear shorts in the first year of junior school.. Can't remember what I did to deserve it but suppose I wasn't paying attention. It was in front of the rest of the class. I cried!
    A ruler spanking on the hand was more common at the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by tony123 View Post
    hi ime new to the site was just wondering if any here have memories or suggestions about smacking on the arms legs and hands...its these options i received at school mainly and by parents relations was very embarrassing ...seems not to be used as much now or does anyone feel it can still be effective..............tony

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