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  1. #1
    jaybo Guest

    Default Daydreaming wanker

    Ah a nice quiet moment for me to indulge in some self satisfaction through a nice slow wank.
    What is going to float my boat today?
    Angry battle axe with assortment of cruel canes swishing down hard on unblemished bum?
    Or saucy buxom wench who needs some correction to keep her in line a dose of the strap and watch her wriggle that scarlet behind.
    I think I might throw myself into the mix trussed and tied for a double caning ...slow and drawn out with just the sounds of the swish and the connecting thwack and the gasps...yep all of them that'll do!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Weymouth __Poss. accomm; Pref. visit

    Default Re: Daydreaming wanker

    Right, and after tea?

  3. #3
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: Daydreaming wanker

    ooh when I get my head back in the game I'm sure to come up with something.....tbc

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