I’m an adult schoolboy – or at least, there is a schoolboy inside me and he occupies a significant portion of my total self, the rest of which is adult. I’ve been a spanko virtually all my life, but in recent years have come to realise more and more strongly that there’s more to it than that, and what I really am is a man with an ‘inner boy’. I am fascinated by (an idealised version of) life in conservative boys’ schools of the 50s and 60s: school work (especially Latin), school discipline, school uniform, school manners, and school punishments (especially the good old gym-slipper). I love showing respect and obedience to my superiors (prefects and masters, but also older brothers or uncles), and (so far from disliking it) revel in acknowledging my own humble status as a mere boy. Paradoxically, I choose to be submissive, I take pride in humility.