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Thread: Hello!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Nr Lowestpft Suffolk

    Default Hello!


    I am Paul 61 brought up in Liverpool bit of a scallywag and had a lot of corporal Punishment at home and school. MY parents were Liverpool/Irish catholic background and dad was VERY strict. Had hand slipper and Belt at home quite a ferw times. Went to all boys Priamry school then Boys sec Mod that became Comp. Had hands caned at bottom smacked at Primary school and hands and bottom caned at secondary also slippered quite a few times too.

    left school and found a Mentor who used Cp to help me with my life choices and also got me into giving as well as taking which I enjoyed. Was with him till I married at 35. My wife was Cp enthusiast her dad was a Policeman and he used to smack her bottom and slipper her so she was quite keen. Sadly, she died young from cancer and left me to bring up children on my own. Now they are grown up I am getting back into scene.

    I do enjoy role play situations especially domestic ones, strict dad with naughty teen son or daughter, I like to smack bottoms and slipper also enjoy The Belt as wee. I am happy to do school role as well and have a study and school desk I use.

    I have provided a Mentoring service in the past and would be happy to do that again if anyone would like to use my service. very happy to meet to chat and get to know people before any disciplining takes place. happy to indulge in sexual activity (but not penetration) if others want tit but not essential for me.

    I have two of my adult children living with me so not always easy to accom but can travel. I am in Suffolk on East Coast Nr Lowestoft. Happy to chat or e-mail.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Weymouth __Poss. accomm; Pref. visit

    Default Re: Hello!

    Hello Scousescally, and welcome! Very interesting autobiography, though I will say I do not approve of caning hands as they are too easily damaged. Pity we're too far apart to meet but I would enjoy chatting (I prefer voice phone to text or e-mail). Please do look at my profile, & PM me if interested.

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