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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Southampton can't accommodate

    Default A walk in the woods

    I went for a walk in the woods under the following conditions:
    I went to a nearby woods and in a secluded spot changed into a Baby Doll nightie and panties then with a sign reading: "I've been a very naughty girl, please pull my panties down and spank my bare bottom." pinned to my front and carrying a Tawse or a Paddle. I walked along the quieter pathways.

    On one occasion in Thatchers Wood I started the walk and was met on the path by a Transvestite. She had me bend over and spanked me with a rubber Paddle over my panties which she then pulled down and turned by bare bottom red.
    She told me to stand up and tucked the back of my nightie up then she made me walk to another part of the wood whilst smacking my bottom with the paddle.
    In the new venue there was a fallen tree which I had to bend over while she paddled me again, during this paddling two older gentlemen turned up to watch and make comments.
    After my spanking we all had a chat for a while before leaving.
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