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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Coventry - cant accommodate

    Default Preparing for a spanking

    As a newbie, I would appreciate the help of others here who are more experienced.
    I intend to advance from self spanking to handing control over to someone else. I assume that when doing it myself, I will naturally be "pulling my punches", so assume that the impacts when someone else is in charge are likely to be more severe?
    In order to prepare for this, will it lessen any marking / bruising if I carry out regular self spankings to "harden up" my rear end? Does regular exposure to spanking/beating with implements reduce the risk of markings later on?
    Any advice great fully received

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Stamford/Peterborough - can sometimes accommodate - but much easier for me to travel - have a job that sees me staying away from home a couple of times a month

    Default Re: Preparing for a spanking

    Hi Chatabox08 - a couple of things:

    1) Spanking yourself won't reduce your risk of marking. You just need to be spanked in a way that minimises marking.

    That obviously limits the fun you can have, but it is perfectly possible - eg prolonged hand spanking, careful use of the the slipper.

    2) Having someone else spank you does not have to be 'more severe' - you can be spanked gently > moderately > firmly > to whatever level of severity you want.

    I would be happy to help you advance at you own pace, mindful of the marking/severity issues.

    I've sent you a PM - feel free to contact me when you're ready to move forward.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Coventry - cant accommodate

    Default Re: Preparing for a spanking

    Jack, I have tried to reply to your PM, but it says your mailbox is full.
    Thanks for the reply here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Stamford/Peterborough - can sometimes accommodate - but much easier for me to travel - have a job that sees me staying away from home a couple of times a month

    Default Re: Preparing for a spanking

    Chatabox08 - have cleared my box (as it were!) so please PM me again

    Didn't realise I needed to purge it periodically

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    south of London/occasionally

    Default Re: Preparing for a spanking

    In my experience the backside doesn't get any harder but one learns to expect what's coming and therefore to cope with it, then to want it, to then crave it and finally to need it. The marking issue is quite separate with it being very much down to individual skin types. I've known some hardly redden after a severe beating and others to mark up with just a mild spanking. I think it depends on very many physiological factors but each individual is unique.

    best of luck.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chatabox08 View Post
    In order to prepare for this, will it lessen any marking / bruising if I carry out regular self spankings to "harden up" my rear end? Does regular exposure to spanking/beating with implements reduce the risk of markings later on?
    Any advice great fully received
    Last edited by happygolucky; 27-09-2013 at 05:45 PM.

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