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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    kent may accomadate

    Default Behaviour at Funerald

    Surely there are fairly universally acceptable standards of behaviour at funerals, surely Margaret Thatcher should be laid to rest respectfuly, even though it seems that its us ordinary folk that are paying for her Top Brass send off. I'd like to have seen her go off on a rocket

    I want to correct Funerald but cant

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    West Sussex

    Default Re: Behaviour at Funerald

    Yes, and after all she was elected three times. I do remember that by 1979 we were in an absolute mess and were sinking fast. Whatever her methods, and they were brutally tough, it would be good to find a politician in today's parliament guided by principles rather than focus groups.

    And surely a rocket would be much more expensive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    kent may accomadate

    Default Re: Behaviour at Funerald

    Quote Originally Posted by algonania View Post
    And surely a rocket would be much more expensive.
    Spectacularly expensive and in very poor taste. I hope that the ceremony is in many ways good for the country and a lesson in politics.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Farnham, Surrey, can rarely accommodate

    Default Re: Behaviour at Funerald

    Guided by principles perhaps, but her principles (greed is respectable, compassion is a dirty word) not mine

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Fife can accommodate

    Default Re: Behaviour at Funerald

    Everyone should get a decent send off no matter who they were !
    I do not agree with the expenses of maggies funeral tho . There's no need for it ,especially with the state of the country .

    If she had been a man making the decisions that she did and had to ,with her head in the firing line to take all the blame ,( don't forget all the so-called men in her cabinet , advisers and backstabbers),then it would not have caused as much of a stir or all the garbage that people blame her for .
    The lady fought tooth and nail to get to where she did and was not all bad, and no ,I was never a fan of hers just incase you thought that !

    Can I have the rocket please

    Barbie x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Fife can accommodate

    Default Re: Behaviour at Funerald

    Everyone should get a decent send off no matter who they were !
    I do not agree with the expenses of maggies funeral tho . There's no need for it ,especially with the state of the country .

    If she had been a man making the decisions that she did and had to ,with her head in the firing line to take all the blame ,( don't forget all the so-called men in her cabinet , advisers and backstabbers),then it would not have caused as much of a stir or all the garbage that people blame her for .
    The lady fought tooth and nail to get to where she did and was not all bad, and no ,I was never a fan of hers just incase you thought that !

    Can I have the rocket please

    Barbie x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    south of London/occasionally

    Default Re: Behaviour at Funerald

    I think she did a lot of very good things and, inevitably got some things wrong. Certainly she left the country with a better future than when she found it so maybe the expense is less extravagant when one considers the state we'd be in had she not been the Iron Lady.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Behaviour at Funerald

    I can't think of 'a lot of very good things' Thatcher did, and I don't believe she left the country with a better future - indeed she sowed the seeds of our present troubles. She certainly left some people much better off, but the country wasn't any richer so what she did was to redistribute wealth. But then I'm biased as I and my wife were among those who paid for Thatcherism - and the loss isn't just historical, I get a reminder every month when my (contributory) pension is paid.

  9. #9
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    south of London/occasionally

    Default Re: Behaviour at Funerald

    And my father was paying for what was happening before she came along - 97.5% tax rate! He was doing lots of work in the USA at the time and I remember the family discussion about moving there and how much better off we'd be.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Behaviour at Funerald

    Thanks yummymeusli. It's useful to be reminded that those who did best under Thatcherism were those who already had more than the rest of us

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