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Thread: caned in public

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    congleton cheshire accomodate

    Default caned in public

    to be caned in public would be nice2597.jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    kent may accomadate

    Default Re: caned in public


    It is true to say that you appear to have shapely, beatable buttocks. However it also true to say , that such an image, combined with the words, 'to be caned in pulic would be nice, hardly constitutes a story.

    Lets start at the point of, lets say, your wife, telling you to strip down to your underwear on a lovely, nearly warm spring evening, whilst you hold a BBQ for your family, friends, neighbours and work colleages. Of course you obey, the humilation makes your cock shrink and your balls contract, so that the assembled company think you are very poorly endowed, except for the ones that know for sure.

    Next your wife sends you indoors to get her favourite cane, whilst you are inside collecting the implement and likely sinking some booze whilst trying to collect the courage to go out for your much desired public beating. Meanwhile your wife is telling your friends and family that this is a game and that its exactly what you want. Inevitably, some people leave.

    Back outside your wife gets you to bend over her lap, producing a substantial hairbrush from her handbag (you know the one), when you've been nicely warmed up your wife, opens your hairbrush spanking up to the assembled company, subsequently your boss, your Son and your next door neighbour have you over their laps for a physically and socialy damaging spanking.

    Some of the company have been taking photographs but now your wife offers the opportunity for anyone to take photographs. More people have arrived at your BBQ spanking, you dont know who they are. The wife tells you to take off your underpants and throw them on the BBQ, then you are bent over a garden bench and thrashed just as you might imagine a domestic servant might be, for stealing.

    After more photos you are sent back inside to get dressed into a maids uniform, so that the service of the evening might be restored. You continue the evening serving champagne to your friends, neigbours, colleages and family. Some people you are still not sure whom they are but your wife expects you to please them!
    Last edited by badgirl; 15-04-2013 at 05:32 PM.

  3. #3
    genre Guest

    Exclamation Re: caned in public

    re: Public Corporal Punishment

    In my idle teenage years I read this good historic book I loaned from my local library about the wild west days in the USA and in particular to early American Judiciary punishment awarded to wayward ladies.

    These alleged offences were mainly for wayward ladies that cheated on their husbands or whores from the local brothel that was found guilty of being drunk and disorderly.

    When the court Judge passed sentence he would have this offending lady publicly punished in front and outside the court room after the hearing.

    They would be shackled to stocks in a slight bent over position where their frocks at the rear was raised and withheld on the small of their backs and their bloomers lowered to expose a pair of bare buttocks.

    Alongside the stock was a spanking cane where each squire in the town all took turns one after the other, to flog her buttocks.
    The clerk of the court presided over the amount of flogs each squire was allowed, well if six strokes was awarded by each, I would think the punished lady hoped it was not attended by many squires.

    To add to their humiliation most of the town folk turned out, including their spouse, to watch and witness these punishment proceedings.

    Excuse the cowboy or cowgirl pun, it was rawhide!
    Last edited by genre; 22-12-2013 at 10:44 PM. Reason: font format

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Tunbridge Wells, Kent. cannot accommodate

    Default Re: caned in public

    I was having a pizza in Edam, Holland the other day where there was an upright version of stocks, suitable for spanking and flogging. The pizza was good but it'd be great to be flogged there or witness a (consensual) flogging.

    Quote Originally Posted by genre View Post
    re: Public Corporal Punishment

    In my idle teenage years I read this good historic book I loaned from my local library about the wild west days in the USA and in particular to early American Judiciary punishment awarded to wayward ladies.

    These alleged offences were mainly for wayward ladies that cheated on their husbands or whores from the local brothel that was found guilty of being drunk and disorderly.

    When the court Judge passed sentence he would have this offending lady publicly punished in front and outside the court room after the hearing.

    They would be shackled to stocks in a slight bent over position where their frocks at the rear was raised and withheld on the small of their backs and their bloomers lowered to expose a pair of bare buttocks.

    Alongside the stock was a spanking cane where each squire in the town all took turns one after the other, to flog her buttocks.
    The clerk of the court presided over the amount of flogs each squire was allowed, well if six strokes was awarded by each, I would think the punished lady hoped it was not attended by many squires.

    To add to their humiliation most of the town folk turned out, including their spouse, to watch and witness these punishment proceedings.

    Excuse the cowboy or cowgirl pun, it was rawhide!

  5. #5

    Default Re: caned in public

    This has happened to me on numerous occasions. All our family and friends know that my wife and stepdaughter regularly spank and cane me

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