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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Fife can accommodate

    Cool Bastinado / foot torture

    This is something I have wanted to try for a long time but never had any takers.
    Yesterday I had the delight of someone wishing it during a CP session .

    Well all I can say is, it certainly was something to relish

    Feet shackled in a spreader bar and then hoisted to waist height ,nowhere for him to hide them and open to what delights he received.
    As I am so nice I started with a wide leather belt to warmup his feet before moving eventually applying the cane to his heels , instep ,toes and balls of his feet .He did wriggle a lot and some lovely yelps of pain even when I just touched his feet or stroked a fingernail along them .
    Along with some hard face slapping it was all-in-all a very good session leaving both of us smiling and very happy .

    It makes me wonder if it really is only for those who wish something very intense and painful yet not showing any marks that may have them caught out by their significant other or is it for those who are very masochistic ? Hmmmm

    Now where do I find more people into this type of play ???

    Barbie x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Fife can accommodate

    Default Re: Bastinado / foot torture

    Seems like you have no trouble finding them!!!!

    There I was yesterday late morning, over Miss Fife's/Barbie's knee, minding my own business, when she starts smacking my feet. Ok, I'll admit that I have a habit of kicking up my legs when getting spanked by the good lady and yes, yes, the feet came up very near her head etc, etc but smacking my feet???? Baaaaaad Barbie! Though now that I think of it ... it was not entirely hideous - not that I would be asking for it anytime soon!

    Has she said anything about offering tickle torture? Bloody hell, that is just mad. The tickling distracts you from the pain of a walloping and the walloping is a delicious reprieve from the tickling. Honest to god, that woman knows how to deal with naughty girls and boys!
    Last edited by Elliej; 31-01-2013 at 10:27 AM. Reason: Clarification

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Fife Scotland

    Default Re: Bastinado / foot torture


    You are certainly windening your horizon!! but my feet are for walking on I am afraid...what I did see somewhere was a hand tawsing with a twist the recipient was sitting with each wrist secured to an upright about 2 feet apart so that all he could do was stretch out his palm..Two ladies then applied the tawse simultaoneously to each outstretched palm. This meant both hands receive the tawse together and because each hand was secured there was no escape...after 6 strokes .the punishment was then repeated harder using 3 tail tawse,,,an interesting twist...looked painful...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    falkirk cannot accommodate

    Default Re: Bastinado / foot torture

    Now Romasz

    Why are you giving those two Fife torture experts, Barbie and Ellie ideas. I have just finished reading her happy post about leathering some unfortunates feet. Barbie will now be out sourcing materials and someone to build her a contraption that will allow her and the Chief Enforcer to belt a pair of hands at the same time. You know what she is like. I am just back from a nice extended holiday and I am shortly going to have to try and pluck up the courage to visit the Fife lair. I have forgotten what the tawse feels like. No doubt the Chief Enforcer will also be looking to have a word with me at some point in the near future. It's a pity Ellie has just had her backside warmed by Barbie because that just makes her belt my backside all the harder.

    Anyway, I hope all is well Romasz


    Quote Originally Posted by romasz View Post

    You are certainly windening your horizon!! but my feet are for walking on I am afraid...what I did see somewhere was a hand tawsing with a twist the recipient was sitting with each wrist secured to an upright about 2 feet apart so that all he could do was stretch out his palm..Two ladies then applied the tawse simultaoneously to each outstretched palm. This meant both hands receive the tawse together and because each hand was secured there was no escape...after 6 strokes .the punishment was then repeated harder using 3 tail tawse,,,an interesting twist...looked painful...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Fife Scotland

    Default Re: Bastinado / foot torture


    good to hear you are back from hols....I am back in China for next 3 weeks well out of the way.....must admit the lady in question has been very quiet must be her new found partner tiring her out...well lets hope thats the case...pass on my regards if you venture into fife!!

    Cheers J

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebell73 View Post
    Now Romasz

    Why are you giving those two Fife torture experts, Barbie and Ellie ideas. I have just finished reading her happy post about leathering some unfortunates feet. Barbie will now be out sourcing materials and someone to build her a contraption that will allow her and the Chief Enforcer to belt a pair of hands at the same time. You know what she is like. I am just back from a nice extended holiday and I am shortly going to have to try and pluck up the courage to visit the Fife lair. I have forgotten what the tawse feels like. No doubt the Chief Enforcer will also be looking to have a word with me at some point in the near future. It's a pity Ellie has just had her backside warmed by Barbie because that just makes her belt my backside all the harder.

    Anyway, I hope all is well Romasz


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