Now Barbie

I know you like to dust down your tawses on a frequent basis usually on some unfortunates hands and backside and I am one of the aforementioned unfortunates, but that is a bit of a loose statement "maybe you would enjoy taking some of the pressure off Romasz when you are dusting off his tawses". If Romasz is daft enough to bring along his tawses for you to dust down then why would I want to be in the vicinity of this dusting down. I have a feeling that this would involve pain. I believe Romasz has an excellent sellection of Mr Dick' finest. Letting you loose with these belts would be like allowing the fox into the hen run.


Quote Originally Posted by Barbedwire View Post
Now romasz we both know how you enjoy a nice reward and really it's about time the tawses of your came out for another airing
I sent you an email in regards to some new toys that you may be able to get me whilst in China ( if you're not on your way home already )

BB , maybe you would enjoy taking some of the pressure off romasz when i'm dusting off his tawses ??????

Barbie x