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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Poole - can accommodate

    Default Spanking fun in Dorset - Commercial

    Strap, tawse, paddle, cane - whatever your desire I will happily bend over and display my creamy white bottom for your perusal and my punishment. I love what I do, and may not always be bad, but, I still have the deepest need for you to deal with me. I want you to visit me, to place me over your knee, to lift my skirt and reveal my beautiful bottom whilst you survey your blank canvas, stroking me gently, before bringing your hand down and serving on me the punishment I deserve, then making me stand before the mirror so that I am able to view the marks your hand has left behind, making me kneel before you asking for your forgiveness and begging you to punish me further. Then perhaps if the mood takes you, I may be asked to deal with you in return, to let you feel the warmth of my hand whilst laying across my stocking clad thighs. Whatever we do, rest assured we will have the utmost fun, you will never feel rushed, only relaxed and ready to enjoy what lays before you. If you require further details and would like to visit me then please email me at or telephone me between 10am and 6pm on 07926280036. I look forward to hearing from you.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Spanking fun in Dorset - Commercial

    Dear Tara

    How much do you charge for an hourly session? What is the cost of your overnight accommodation? Do you provide B & B with some spanking/BDSM before bedtime?

    Hot Bottoms!

    Barry Spockings

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Milton Keynes / Cant accommodate But can travel.

    Default Re: Spanking fun in Dorset - Commercial

    Hi Miss Tara,

    Just sent you a private email.

    Look forward to the reply.

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