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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Fife can accommodate

    Default People not being upfront about requiring paymet

    I have heard from a few people that some who say they are tops or bottoms donot mention they require payment for what they offer until a date is made go and meet them .
    Suddenly in a mail they will get a message saying ,when you come I expect payment or you need to bring me stuff or if the person offering is going to travel they say I require £xxx amount of money for travel which is usually quite high .

    Surely people who do this are taking advantage and those who endup in this situation should make it known to other users so that the person/people are made to admit they charge for their services one way or another .

    Maybe I'm wrong but surely if they want payment of some description (be it cash or goods) they are working professionally .

    Just my thoughts about people not being upfront and honest !

    Barbie x

  2. #2

    Default Re: People not being upfront about requiring paymet

    i totaly agree with you barbie
    and i think if thay want payments thay should not be here
    im shure there are lots of other sites where thay can go to and pimp

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Whitehaven Cumbria

    Default Re: People not being upfront about requiring paymet

    I got to know a pair of non pro dommes on the former Informed Consent website, and for all they were strongly against the pro scene, still demanded a tribute for visiting them over a weekend. Also they wanted to be paid into a fetish night and the whole thing ended up costing me £ 300.
    Really I'd have been better off visiting a pro lady and taking the hit, as at least it would have been more honest.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    kent may accomadate

    Default Re: People not being upfront about requiring paymet

    I wouldn't dream of charging anyone to punish me, nor would I expect to be paid, except by way of pain and humiliation. I'm doing this for enjoyment and would hope that everyone else is, otherwise it ruins the emmotional side of it possibly leading to dangerous, ill inspired behaviour

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Whitehaven Cumbria

    Default Re: People not being upfront about requiring paymet

    I always prefer it when people are honest. I certainly would always ask if someone is pro or non pro and always prefer it when pros state their tributes on their websites.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Chester - Yes

    Default Re: People not being upfront about requiring paymet

    Well you are certainly honest and up front and everyone knows where they stand with you Miss. That wasn't a criticism either in fact it was praising you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ely can accomodate

    Default Re: People not being upfront about requiring paymet

    Recently had a young 22 year old male, (not from this site), trying to ask for a 'tribute' in last stages of arranging a meet. Told him to get lost after which he tried to arrange a meet again without any fee involved. Repeated my invitation to him to 'get lost'. and blocked all further communication. Have no problem with his wanting a fee - only that he was not upfront with it - which in my book is deception.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Weymouth __Poss. accomm; Pref. visit

    Default Re: People not being upfront about requiring paymet

    I agree entirely. If they don't have the honesty to say they charge they should not be advertising, at least not in the non-commercial areas of a site like this one. Fair enough offering your visitor something towards his or her fuel or fares if coming a long distance, or at least offering a meal (at home or out); but it should be on that basis and open.

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