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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Fife, cannot.

    Default A Message from Fife

    Dear ladies and gentlemen,

    Thank you for your time reading the post. It is probably going to be most relevant to those of you who would enjoy having a young (18) tall and slim male in the position of your choice, seeing him vainly trying to stay in it and hold the tears back as you are applying your implement on his defenceless bottom, sending him away to stand in the corner once you think he has had enough and knowing all the while you are doing the right and just thing.

    After a discussion, naturally, you could use a much wider range of corporal punishments than just spanking. Do you want your spankee in the corner, trying to hold a coin with his nose under the fear of extra spanks, red from embarrassement (or maybe for another reason too)? Writing lines, not quite managing to sit on a hard chair? Doing push-ups under the stopwatch? If none of these is your thing... Surely you have something better in mind. If you are a couple or already have a spanker/spankee in mind, would you perhaps prefer to have two bottoms reddenned side-by-side in front of you rather than one (or to be not the only one recieving the strokes and have someone equally or even more embarrassed and wanting to rub the pain away next to you)?

    Many of you are probably looking for exactly the same thing - namely, being punished rather than punishing; please feel free to get in touch if that is the case, but knowing that being a good spanker is a very hard and responsible role, I am not sure I would be comfortable punishing someone now, when my own experience is at zero. However, once I learn more with your help... But this may become the next advert.

    I hope it is fine by you that I would prefer to do quite a bit of talking/discussing before going anywhere further and am completely against the encounter becoming sexual; any "grey areas" between punishment and beyond you want to enter are probably best discussed in advance. Unfortunately, while I am more than happy to talk to anyone, eventually going further is much more likely, for technical reasons, with people able to accommadate in or within a reasonable distane from Fife.

    Once again, let me thank you for your time, and wish you all the best.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Fife can accommodate

    Default Re: A Message from Fife

    Well firstly welcome young william from Fife , although I didn't realise it had moved over the bridge to Edinburgh ,which may cause confusion to some members when they look at your profile .
    I am sure there will be plenty of males who will pounce on you as it seems most do wish to go over the line from punishment to sex and at your young age they may try to take advantage of you. I doubt you will find many people who can accommodate in the area unless it is a hotel .
    Pity you are way too young for what I am seeking .

    I hope you have fun whilst learning .

    Barbie .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Fife, cannot.

    Default Re: A Message from Fife

    Thank you for the response - and apologies if there was confusion. I am in Fife, and put Edinburgh down as it is the nearest big city - my definition of a "big" city must be at fault here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    falkirk cannot accommodate

    Default Re: A Message from Fife


    You have to be a bit careful on here. I don't come from Fife or Edinburgh so I' m speaking from a neutral point of view. You must remember that Fife is a Kingdom while Edinburgh is merely a city. The natives of Fife like Barbie can get a bit touchy when you don't give them the respect they deserve. Barbie is a very nice person but she doesn't suffer fools gladly. I can vouch from experience. Don't worry about it, I am sure you will learn as you go along.

    All the best


    Quote Originally Posted by RedWill View Post
    Thank you for the response - and apologies if there was confusion. I am in Fife, and put Edinburgh down as it is the nearest big city - my definition of a "big" city must be at fault here.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Fife, cannot.

    Default Re: A Message from Fife

    Thanks again. I am really sorry if I caused somebody offence by my ignorance (been in the UK for only for a couple months so far). All the places I've been lucky to see around here are great.

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