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Thread: The Sjambok

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Fife can accommodate

    Talking The Sjambok

    Well last week I had a most memorable experience .
    Somone who visited brought along a real rhino hide sjambok
    This implement fitted my style as to how it performs and is something I would love to own . Unfortunately they don't come up on the open market very often
    Such a lovely item with a real attitude and even though I only used it light to medium on the person ( well he said my light to medium was other ladies full capacity ) it did leave some fabulous marking .

    I am really looking forward to using this implement again and again

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    falkirk cannot accommodate

    Default Re: The Sjambok

    God help us all.


    Quote Originally Posted by Barbedwire View Post
    Well last week I had a most memorable experience .
    Somone who visited brought along a real rhino hide sjambok
    This implement fitted my style as to how it performs and is something I would love to own . Unfortunately they don't come up on the open market very often
    Such a lovely item with a real attitude and even though I only used it light to medium on the person ( well he said my light to medium was other ladies full capacity ) it did leave some fabulous marking .

    I am really looking forward to using this implement again and again

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    falkirk cannot accommodate

    Default Re: The Sjambok

    I was just thinking Barbie. If you had been the slave overseer on a Roman galley it would have been the fastest ship in the fleet. Are you sure you didn't have a past life.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Sjambok

    Why don't you join Westy and go on the huff. That way the rest of us on this forum can have a reasonable conversation without bampots like you trying to bore us to tears with your humourless wit. Anyone with a degree of savvy could check the internet and discover exactly what you have stated. All you have to do is google Roman Galleys and it seems to quote exactly as you have said. No intelligence required there. What I was doing was having a bit of fun with a member of this forum that I like which you seem to be totally incapable of. Go away and disappear. Talk to Westy and leave the rest of us alone.


    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    I fear that she would be redundant! The Romans didn't have slaves rowing their galleys - their oarsmen were highly trained freemen, or those on the promise of freedom. There were some exceptions - the most notable being Scipio's conscription of some five thousand slaves during the Second Punic War. Even they were promised their freedom. Use of slaves to row galleys didn't occur until the 16th Century - long after the Romans! Charlton Heston as a slave made to row a galley is a figment of some producer's imagination. I'd recommend throwing Barbie off the back of the ship- lighten the load!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Sjambok

    You colonel blimp are the one who spouts the drivel. Did you not notice before you came charging in on your ass that members on the site were all mainly having a reasonably enjoyable intelligent conversation. Your quote regarding the Romans came straight out of the internet so why don't you just admit it. You knowledge of history is just about as good as you spanking skills. That comes from people I know who have visited you. In fact you are useless. As usual you have thrown the rattle out the pram. Maybe it is time that your nanny put you across her knee and spanked your useless backside.


    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    What you call having a reasonable conversation, some of us call spouting utter drivel!!If the acquisition of knowledge is so easy, why didn't you bother to check your facts, before spouting a load of crap about Roman galley slaves. I didn't need to use the internet to refute your nonsense; I was taught more than how to spell my name when I was at school!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Sjambok

    You know Cove, if you had been born a salmon you would have been hooked by now because of the way you rise to the bait. I actually get a laugh at the way you react. I don't boast about my education but I can assure you I did attend and obtain a degree from a top Scottish University. The thing is I don't require that knowledge to drive you to distraction. All I request you and Westy to do is to treat other members on this site with the respect they deserve. When you do that I will treat you with the respect that you deserve. If you are willing to accept that then I am sure we can live together on the forum. Down to you.


    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    As I said, thickhead, my knowledge of Roman History came from having done Latin and History at school, in the days when they were properly taught! I'm sure that what I said is available on the Internet- that's because it's true! You obviously didn't know it, and have had to go to the Internet to find out if you have made yourself look a proper dickhead again! Well, full marks, you have!! You haven't spoken to anyone who has been to see me- Barbedwire has, and may have spoken to you. That person is very unwise to be so indiscrete- I notice he hasn't been on the site recently. If he fails to accord discretion to others, he can hardly expect it back in return. I may be useless as a spanker( although the number of people coming to see me would belie that); at least, I don't have to pay somebody for the pleasure of getting my rocks off!! I wonder if Barbedwire would be so keen to see you, if you weren't coming up with the cash!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Sjambok

    Your reply is just what I thought it would be. I gave you the opportunity for peace but your ego would just not allow it. You really are a small minded insecure individual who thinks he is gods gift to this forum. Do you not understand the contempt you are regarded with. What is it in your make up that drives you to make a fool of members in the Forum. All you are doing is making a fool of yourself. Think about it, I am the only one that reacts to your posts, and that is because of the enjoyment I get out of doing it. You just hate what I know about you.


    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    Did they do Media Studies degrees when you "went to University"? Your knowledge of Roman History is obviously based on having watched Ben Hur. You've just shown in your last posting that you can't write a sentence in comprehensible English( yesterday's poetry lacked a basic understanding of metre and syllables as well)- so it can't have been English. As you've done me the compliment of comparing me to a salmon, let me return the compliment. I think of you as a monkfish - rather an ugly brute with a very big mouth. Only about one tenth of it is edible - the rest is utterly useless!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Sjambok

    Cove old pal, you know absolutely nothing about me and that appears to drive you to distraction. I have in fact met people who have visited you and what they say does not credit you in any way. I honestly couldn't care less about you and if you just stay in the background and avoid insulting members that I think highly of then I wont bother winding you up. Go and play with your friend Westy who is finding difficulty in attracting a nice lady and leave the rest of us alone.


    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    Do you know- everything that you say about me is an exact mirror of what others say about you. I'm sure that there must be some psychological term for that- I must look it up! I couldn't care less what you think of me. You don't know anything about me, and even if you did, am I bothered?!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Sjambok

    Your detective work is outstanding. You have logged in to a long ago message by me that quoted my name Andrew. That is absolutely brilliant. Oh my god I am absolutely devastated at your capabilities. So what Superass.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebell73 View Post
    Cove old pal, you know absolutely nothing about me and that appears to drive you to distraction. I have in fact met people who have visited you and what they say does not credit you in any way. I honestly couldn't care less about you and if you just stay in the background and avoid insulting members that I think highly of then I wont bother winding you up. Go and play with your friend Westy who is finding difficulty in attracting a nice lady and leave the rest of us alone.

    I have no intention of leaving you alone. I think that you'll find that I know much more about you, Andrew, than you know about me! You haven't met anybody who has visited me; one member has spoken to Barbedwire and she may have spoken to you. I have spoken to that person and know that to be the case. You don't wind me up at all- I love watching you read the postings before you've logged on, and then come jumping in with both feet. You're so predictable! I know exactly which buttons to press, to get you going! Works every time! Might I just suggest that you look at the Experiences forum, at the postings of some of those who have been to see me. They seem to tell a different tale to the one you are peddling. Tell you what - all these people you claim to have talked to- tell us all about them!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Sjambok

    Well Cove old pal It's getting late and I am heading off for a good nights sleep. You really are an ignorant bampot. You will obviously be visiting Scotland in the near future. Beware the stranger who books a visit with you because it might be me. You and I have a lot to discuss regarding the way you treat members on this forum.

    All the best pal, I do enjoy your ignorant rants.


    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    What? No names? What about all these people you claim to have spoken to? Just more of your imaginary friends?
    P.S. I didn't get your name from a posting, but you believe that if you want to.

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