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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Spanker waiting.

    I ask you to walk across the room to me. I have positioned myself on a large sofa and you notice that I have removed my sweater, the tee shirt fully exposing my arms and hands. As you near me I pull you over my knee. Your skirt is lifted and I commence spanking you panted bottom. The force of the slaps make your legs rise in the air and you struggle to cover your bottom with your hands. I hold your arms in place with one hand and continue to slap your bottom with my other hand. After thirty or so slaps I instruct you to stand up and remove your skirt and pants. Upon completion I pull you back across my lap and continue to spank your bottom. During the following fifty or so slaps your legs remain in the air. Your bottom becomes increasingly red and sore.
    When I am content that you have been spanked sufficiently with my hand I instruct you to stand up. You are then told to remove my belt. You notice, as you slip the belt through my trouser rings, how wide and thick it is. I lead toward the back of an arm chair and instruct you to bend over it. My hand grabs the back of your hair and forces your head to remain down. You feel the first of twenty strokes of my belt. Each impact of stroke forces you forward as you feel the pain surge through your body. The blows continue and your bottom begins to feel that it is on fire!
    Upon completion of the belting I pause before reaching for a senior type school cane. Long, thick and whippy. You are instructed to keep your buttocks fully exposed at all times. I pause between each of the twelve strokes that you will eventually receive to allow the maximum effect from each swipe of the cane. Your cries are ignored as the thrashing continues and finally as the last stroke strikes your bottom you slump forward. You are then instructed to stand facing the wall with your hands on your head for thirty minutes. During this time I take the opportunity to admire you read and lined bottom. When thirty minutes have passed I call you over to me and hug you tightly!
    All women are welcome to get in contact .... may occasionally consider men with no sexual contact!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    London Home Counties. Pref not.

    Default Re: Spanker waiting.

    That's quite a hiding, Sir. Thorough and well-rounded!

    I am a 69-yo experienced male spankee in Surrey; and and even if I don't end up being one of your pupils, I like your sense of purposefulness, control, and methodology. Whether I can take quite that much discipline now, I'm not sure; but you are undoubtedly offering proper cp.
    I understand that you only accept men without any sex.

    Best wishes,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    London, can't accomodate

    Default Re: Spanker waiting.

    Oh, that made me go all tingly!

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