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  1. #1
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    Default Sports Shop Saga Chapter 7 - 'All out in the open' by Luke

    Chapter 7 – All out in the open.
    By Luke

    I was in my seventh heaven! Never had I been happier.
    But I jump ahead.
    When I last wrote to you I went as far as my being fast asleep after telling Ian about my episode with Zak.
    Ian had caned me hard and left me tied up on his bed.
    Never has an evening that started so terribly ended so wonderfully!

    I was in the middle of a very erotic dream as I slowly awoke and realised that my buttocks were being massaged and that it wasn’t a dream.
    As I became fully awake I gazed into Ian’s beautiful eyes and I burst into tears. I tried to apologise but Ian was having none of it and said how sorry he was that he had hurt me.
    He even wanted me to cane him and he led on the bed face down showing me his glorious, firm, beefy, hairy, gluteus maxima. I was awe-struck.
    I just couldn’t do anything to hurt him and only gave him three light taps.
    Then he said what I had waited for and longed for – he loved me!!!


    I began seeing more and more of Ian, both at work and at other times too. I was still cheeky to him and didn’t always do what I was told. (I never stole from him again, though.) It was usually just an excuse to get my bottom smacked, which I found turned me on more and more. OK, so I wanted a bit more than a spanking!

    I could tell that Mum had realised something was going on. (Her sister had recovered and she was back home.) I felt that I owed it to her to tell her the truth but just didn’t know how to. I didn’t know how she would react. I went over it and over it, rehearsing my little speech. I finally decided that I couldn’t just say "Mum, I’m gay!". It would be much easier if she got to know Ian and then I could tell her that he was my boyfriend.
    So, one day, I asked if I could bring someone home for tea.
    "That lovely boy, Zak?" she asked.
    It never registered that she hadn’t expected it to be a girl.
    "No, my boss, Ian."
    Mum had called into the shop a couple of times so she had met Ian, albeit briefly.
    "Yes, of course, dear. He seems like a nice young man…and very handsome."
    "Don’t worry, dear. I won’t embarrass you."
    "He’s too young for you", I protested.
    She laughed and gave me a playful clip around the ear, "Cheeky!"
    I threw my arms around her and gave her a huge hug, "I love you".
    "And I love you and I’m very proud of you", she replied.

    Mum did us proud and made a wonderful tea for Ian and me.
    When we had finished eating and were enjoying a cup of tea, I took a deep breath.
    "Mum, I’m sorry but we have something to tell you. Ian and I love each other."
    "As if I didn’t know!", said Mum with a smile.
    "What!", utterly shocked.
    "Do you think I don’t know my own son? You’ve done nothing but talk about Ian and the shop for months. Why do you think I teased you when you asked if he could come to tea? Do you think I haven’t seen the looks you have given each other over tea? Come here both of you."
    She opened her arms and took us both into her embrace.
    I was overwhelmed. The two people in the whole world who meant the most to me loved me. I burst into tears of sheer happiness.
    As we broke apart, Mum took Ian’s hands into hers and looked him in the eye. "Just you look after my boy – if you don’t, you’ll have me to answer to."
    "Oh, I will, I will, Mrs Jones."
    "As long as you do, you can call me ‘Mum’."
    Later, Mum told me that she had suspected I was gay long before I even knew myself.

    Of course, I kept my dear friend Zak informed about developments and, bless him, he was so happy for me even though I knew that he wanted me himself.

    Yes, I was blissfully happy…..there was just one fly in the ointment. Jason!
    We had never been buddies but had got along OK. However, as I had got closer to Ian, Jason had started to make nasty little comments. Then he started calling me names when Ian wasn’t around, - nasty names like ‘Boss’s pet’ and ‘BPB’. When I asked him what ‘BPB’ meant, he smirked and said ‘Boss’s Pussy Boy’. That really upset me and I very nearly slapped his face.
    Things got really strained after that and we only spoke when it was absolutely necessary. I didn’t like it but didn’t know what to do about it.
    Eventually, I just had to tell Ian. I hated snitching but didn’t know how else to stop it. He told me he would sort it the following Saturday. I was a bit nervous but I trusted Ian. I guessed it would involve some spanking but I didn’t know how Jason might react to that.
    I suppose he was quite sexy but I’d never fancied him. But the thought of him getting a good spanking really gave me a huge hard-on, even if I knew it wasn’t going to happen.
    I started thinking about what had happened between us and I guess that I had become a bit bossy with him.

    As Saturday evening approached, I became even more nervous. I made sure I didn’t say anything that might upset Jason during the working day and could tell that he was on his best behaviour too. Ian was obviously watching us. I still didn’t have a clue what he had planned. Saturday dragged as never before.
    Eventually it was time we closed and, to my surprise, Jason gave me a knowing wink. Perhaps things weren’t going to be too bad after all.

    When all the shutters were down, Ian told us to clear a large space on the shop floor. Strange!
    Ian lined us both up and gave us a real tongue-lashing. He shouted at us and even told us that he would have to let us go if we didn’t behave. I didn’t really believe him but I could tell Jason was really worried. I was too, I didn’t want him to lose his job because of me and I began to realise I was as much to blame as he was.
    Then he told Jason and me to stand facing the walls. Curiouser and curiouser!
    I could hear Ian moving around but didn’t dare take a peek.
    After what seemed an age, he told us to turn around and come and stand at opposite sides of a mat that he had put down on the floor.
    Suddenly I realised it was a wrestling mat and the penny dropped.
    The bastard was going to make us wrestle each other!
    I’d never wrestled anyone in my life. Hopefully, neither had Jason and at least I had the advantage of height.
    Then Ian told us to take our trainers and tops off, which we did. I had never seen Jason bare-chested before. I was surprised at his big brown nibbles, sorry, nipples (Freudian slip) standing erect, with a few hairs around them. Another line of hairs ran down his torso, over his flat tummy and down to his trackie bottoms. I wondered what they led to. His shoulders weren’t as broad as Ian’s of course but his biceps and pecs were good and firm. Despite myself, I began to get excited at the thought of grappling that naked sexy chest.

    Then we were told to take our trackies off – Ian was really making this a hot scene. I quickly dropped mine and took them off – glad I had put on clean CKs that morning.
    I heard Jason protesting that he was ‘going commando’ (no underwear) – this was getting better, I might get to see where that line of black hairs went to – and refused.
    To my amazement Ian produced a table tennis bat from somewhere and gave Jason two enormous whacks on his butt and hold him to get them off or walk – I knew he wouldn’t.
    I heard Jason mutter something – I didn’t catch what - but he slid his trackies down and as he bent down to take them off his feet, Ian gave him another two huge whacks, this time on bare flesh and told him not to swear.
    As Jason stood up I finally got to see where that line of hair led – to a thick black bush of pubic hair. And rising from it, with a lazy lob, was Jason’s thick, circumcised cock. It was nowhere near as impressive as Ian’s, of course, but it had a certain Je ne sais quoi.
    I was wondering what it would be like fully erect when Ian’s voice snapped me out of my reverie. Obeying him, I took my CKs off, making no attempt to hide my own hard-on from either him or Jason. This was going to be fun!
    Ian gave us some brief instructions and ordered us to wrestle. I don’t think either Jason or I quite knew what to do as we circled each other, neither wanting to make the first move.
    "Get on with it", we were told.
    We grabbed each other’s arms. I think it was the first time I had actually touched Jason – and here we were, both naked, clinging on to each other.

    We continued circling, now locked together.
    Suddenly, Jason twisted me, stuck out his leg and sent me flying, face down, onto my hands and knees, doggy style.
    In a flash, he was on top of me, his naked chest on my back, holding me down. Incredibly, I could feel his cock, now hard as a rock, between my buttocks. I couldn’t move as he started working it up and down my crack, obviously trying to find my hole. The bugger was trying to fuck me! I still don’t know whether I wanted him to succeed or not.
    Before I could decide, Ian stepped in and I heard two hard thwacks on Jason’s buttocks as Ian said, "Stop that!"
    Jason rolled off me and I took my opportunity to leap on him as he lay on his back and pin his shoulders down. I could feel my own erected cock rubbing against his.
    "I win!" I yelled.
    And, almost instantly, I realised what the whole problem was – Jason was gay and jealous of Ian and me. I leant forward and kissed him. He responded instantly.
    Then I got the same treatment as he had – two hard thwacks on my butt from Ian.
    He told us to stand up and as we did so, so naturally, Jason and I took each other’s hand and stood there facing Ian, hand in hand.
    I was not surprised (or worried) when Ian told us he was going to spank us for being so silly. I didn’t think Ian would be too hard on us. This could be fun.

    When will I ever learn not to jump to conclusions?

    We have some benches in the shop for customers sit on to try on trainers & boots.
    "Get your sorry backsides over that bench!" snarled Ian, "Side by side."
    Ruefully, we did as we were told. As we lay over the bench, I put my arm around Jason’s shoulder and he put his around my waist, our hips touching, our butts in the air, waiting for Ian’s pleasure.

    A split second later a burning sting, centred on my buttocks, spread through my body.
    "Ow!" – it was the shock rather than the pain. I clutched Jason’s shoulder.

    But no pain as Jason gripped my waist and his "Ow!" echoed mine.

    My bottom was singing now as Ian concentrated his table tennis bat on it.
    Each word was punctuated by a vicious strike as he told me "You will stop bossing Jason around. You are not the manager. Understand?"
    "Yes, Sir! Sorry, Sir!"
    My poor little bottie was screaming now but at least I was used to it. I wondered how Jason would react to the same treatment. My cock was also somewhat intrigued……and very, very hard!

    Next, Ian turned his attention to the gorgeous beefy but smooth bottom lying alongside me.

    I heard the first stroke land on Jason’s butt and he gasped and squeezed my waist again. As with me, Ian admonished Jason as he spanked him.
    "I will not have a bully in my shop. You will be civil to everyone. Understand?"
    After about the third stroke, Jason started squirming, rubbing his hip and thigh against mine and groaning. By about the fifth he was gasping and breathing hard. Soon, he was sobbing his little heart out. I moved my hand from his shoulder to his head and stroked his hair to try to comfort him.

    "Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir", he managed to gasp.

    "Right, you two, stay there, bare-arsed, and think about what I’ve told you", barked Ian. "I’m going to finish off my VAT (sales tax) returns."

    Jason was still sobbing as Ian stalked off and my cock was still hard as iron.
    I rolled over and put my arms around his naked shoulders and pulled him to me. We moved to the wrestling mat to be more comfortable, still hugging each other.
    "I’m so sorry I got you into this", I whispered into his ear as his sobs subsided.
    "Naw," he said, "It was as much my fault as yours. I’m glad things are out in the open now."
    As we talked, holding each other tightly, our hands drifted down to caress the other’s red, hot, cheeks, easing the sting. Our cocks were rubbing together.
    "I realise now that you wanted Ian yourself", I said. "I’m sorry."
    "No, you pratt. It’s you I want! I’ve loved you since you came here."

    I was utterly shocked. First Zak, then Ian and now Jason all wanted me!
    What was so special about me?
    "I’m so sorry, mate. We can’t help who we fall in love with and it’s Ian who I love."
    "Yeah, I know and I shouldn’t be a bastard to you. But you are a bossy so-and-so, you know."
    "Yeah – I suppose I got a bit carried away ‘cus I was so happy with Ian. You know, I didn’t even know I was gay until Ian thrashed me the first time."
    "You mean he’s beaten you before tonight?"
    "Right! Many times!"
    "Cor, no wonder you took it so well. Can I ask you, do you get hard when Ian thrashes you?"
    "You bet!!"
    "Thank goodness, I thought I was just me."
    "So, are we mates now?"
    "Yeah, of course."
    And we hugged, still naked.

    "So there’s nothing like a joint spanking for staff bonding," boomed a voice, "Come on you two, get dressed. Let’s go, get a drink."


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: Sports Shop Saga Chapter 7 - 'All out in the open' by Luke


    Nice one!

    Cherry x
    I don't mean to be naughty, or bad, or just kinda happens! Hidden Content

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Peterborough cannot accomadate

    Smile Re: Sports Shop Saga Chapter 7 - 'All out in the open' by Luke

    One of the best stories I've Eva read as I'm only 20 I'm hopin il get the chance to experience smthing like this

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