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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Wexford, Ireland. No accom.

    Default What is a spankable bottom?

    Rant #1
    I am a 72 year old bottom, living in Ireland. At the end of November I will be visiting the UK and, before I make the trip, I thought I would search through the members' list to see if there were any tops in the areas that I will be visiting that looked interesting.
    I was rather surprised to find that some people had posted photos of themselves after what appeared to be a fairly satisfactory session and under the photos were some added comments. One or two of these comments referred to the fact that the spankee had a "spankable bottom". What, pray tell, is a "spankable bottom"? Or what's more to the point, what is a NON spankable bottom? Aren't all bottoms by definition spankable? I don't get it!

    Rant #2
    Also while searching the members' list I found several "possibilities", so I looked at their postings to try and get a feel for their tastes. I was very surprised to find that some of them only wanted to spank women - good luck on that! - and some of them would only spank somebody up to the age of 50 or 60. Now what is THAT about? As I say, I'm 72 and I like to be spanked. What am I supposed to do in this situation? Have I missed a special page on the Forum that is only dedicated to Old Farts like me? If I go to Boyz and Sirs in London or to the Manchester group, nobody asks to see my birth certificate or asks me my age, they just haul my pants down, put me over their knee, and get on with it.
    So, if anyone has an opinion - and I see there are several people on here with plenty of opinions - please get in touch. I will be in the Merseyside/Lancashire/North West/Manchester/Cheshire area and would be looking to meet someone for a Monday daytime session. I am mobile so travel is not a problem but, because I am visiting I cannot accommodate. I promise to reply to all contacts - no matter what you have to say.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gainsborough, Lincolnshire

    Default Re: What is a spankable bottom?

    well i have been told i have a spankable bottom. Not sure why.
    On age, it's down to perfernce., and what works for the dom or spankee.
    I like a spanking sessions with guys in there 30's or older. Any younger and it would be like me getting spanked or me spanking my son. It just would not work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Gloucestershire/Can accommodate Sometimes

    Default Re: What is a spankable bottom?

    For me, a spankable bottom is one that is firm, round and smooth.
    A flat, bony, wrinkly one would definitely not be spankable.
    Sadly, it is a fact of life that the former is more likely to be found on a younger guy whilst the latter becomes more likely later in life.

    Moreover, for me, most of the attraction is in the role play leading up to the actual spanking. This involves being an older guy disciplining a naughty younger guy which wouldn't work if the spankee is older than me.

    Always willing to oblige, I have spanked mature guys (though never older than me) but nothing can compare to the beauty of young male buttocks laid across my knee.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Southampton can't accommodate

    Default Re: What is a spankable bottom?

    This is a spankable I'm told

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Wexford, Ireland. No accom.

    Default Re: What is a spankable bottom?

    Thanks, everybody. I now have an idea as to what is spankable and what is not. Nice pic, mate, wish I was a top, I would certainly like to get a grip on that!
    I can appreciate the age thing - I must admit that I would rather be spanked by someone of a certain age rather than a 20 year old. I would like a certain amount of experience at the other end of the strap.
    Nobody really answered the age problem. At least nobody came up with an offer . . .?????

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gainsborough, Lincolnshire

    Default Re: What is a spankable bottom?

    if you could fine a cp club in your area, or a trip to london to bois and sirs. It's a same you do live so far away you could of joined in with me and my daddy.

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