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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default when we were young

    being brought up in the 60's when cp was still allowed me and my two younger sisters were regularly beaten on our bare bottoms.occassionally when we were caught in some joint misdemeanour we were spanked being the oldest was always spanked last and the hardest but witnessing my sisters bare bottoms turn red left an imprint.never happened since my childhood but often fantasise about a joint spanking

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    East Anglia/Can Accommodate

    Smile Re: when we were young

    I too have many memories of being spanked and punished when I was growing up. With two older sisters we were often spanked by my mother who dealt with all the discipline side of things. If all three of us were to be dealt with then waiting outside the room by the door and hearing the spanking being administered by my mother on my sisters bottoms was a combination of excitement at their misfortune and an apprehensive feeling knowing that when they were finished it was my turn.
    Sometimes the spankings were with one or all of us present and I still have memories of watching my sisters being pulled over my mothers laps and spanked with her hand and hairbrush across their skirts and as they struggled, glimpses of their stockings and suspenders and panties. To continue to watch if it was not my turn when they had their skirt lifted and a sound hand spanking administered on their pantie clad bottom often made me rush to the privacy of my room and enjoy myself. No wonder I have grown up into a world where I find all of this most enjoyable.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: when we were young

    once caned on my bare bottom in front of the whole school in assemby.must have amused the girls watching my bottom get striped.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gainsborough, Lincolnshire

    Default Re: when we were young

    i was often spanked in front of the class. I would have to be on all fours with my head between the teachers legs. You could see his big hand prints on my bum cheeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: when we were young

    we used to get the plimsoll across our bare bottom in the classroom including the girls.

  6. #6
    Intrakota Guest

    Default Re: when we were young

    Facing the blackboard then touching my toes "STRAIGHT LEGS BOY" Mr Jones or Mr Challis would say, with the 1" leg on my shorts offering no protection from the eyes of the other 31 students I felt the 6 hard strokes of Sir's hand on the back's of my upper legs or all 6 on one leg.
    Mr Challis hurt like hell BUT Mr Jones could take the skin off a boy or girl's leg's, you wore those medals for the rest of the day, the newsagents always appeared "extra" busy around 4pm as we all piled in, of course a 4pm Slapping ensured the Dr Scholl wooden sandal or a Strapping when I got home just 15mins later, Happy days.

    Thanks guy's, where are you now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: when we were young

    Yes when we wore shorts at school our legs were the first target for the teachers hand, and it does sting a lot on bare legs. It does make you feel embarrassed when you are young and have to walk round school with hand marks on your legs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Intrakota View Post
    Facing the blackboard then touching my toes "STRAIGHT LEGS BOY" Mr Jones or Mr Challis would say, with the 1" leg on my shorts offering no protection from the eyes of the other 31 students I felt the 6 hard strokes of Sir's hand on the back's of my upper legs or all 6 on one leg.
    Mr Challis hurt like hell BUT Mr Jones could take the skin off a boy or girl's leg's, you wore those medals for the rest of the day, the newsagents always appeared "extra" busy around 4pm as we all piled in, of course a 4pm Slapping ensured the Dr Scholl wooden sandal or a Strapping when I got home just 15mins later, Happy days.

    Thanks guy's, where are you now.

  8. #8

    Default Re: when we were young

    I remember in first year forgetting my PE kit three times in a row Miss simpson one of the more mature PE teachers asked me why I had forgotten and I think I shrugged or something as you do at that age.
    The worst thing I could have done, I found myself doing Pe in my white y-fronts and a tatty school provided vest at the end Miss Simpson took me into the teacher room and spanked me on my bottom leaving some hand prints for badness and then I had to shower with the rest of my class mates flicking towels at me very kind of them not but I must admit Miss simpson who I imagine is no longer here could spank my bottom anytime she wished I was already aware before that I was attracted to spanking..

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