Poll: Do you act out childhood experiences in CP?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Praha, Czech Republic

    Default Spanking interest linked to childhood experiences? Yes or no?

    Hello all,
    I have read in several places that our spanking interest is linked to childhood experiences. This is not true in my case. The scenarios I act out have no connection to anything I experienced as a child. I first felt the cane across my arse when I was 26.
    I have to admit that I DID develop an interest in CP when I was young and fantasised about it (like caning scenes and the judicial birch). But this has nothing to do with any corporal punishments applied to me a a child.
    I will look forward to hearing your thoughts!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gainsborough, Lincolnshire

    Default Re: Spanking interest linked to childhood experiences? Yes or no?

    i would not want to act out what my dad did to me, but i do enjoy been a naughty school boi. I had my frist canning two years ago. My last real punishment was when i was 20years old. A good sound hand spanking on my bare bum.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Praha, Czech Republic

    Default Re: Spanking interest linked to childhood experiences? Yes or no?

    Quote Originally Posted by borocub View Post
    i would not want to act out what my dad did to me, but i do enjoy been a naughty school boi. I had my frist canning two years ago. My last real punishment was when i was 20years old. A good sound hand spanking on my bare bum.
    Unfortunately I'm too young to have benefitted from the cane in school. I just got some slaps around the head as a child, which has nothing to do with my interest that developped at a young age (though it took me a long time to act on it).
    You got a real punishment aged 20? I would like to know more about the context

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Spanking interest linked to childhood experiences? Yes or no?

    To say that I "act out my childhood experiences" would be to go too far but those experiences did have a very big influence. I fantasised about about my friends getting spanked from their young dads (I was part of my dad's second 'brood' so he seemed quite old by comparison with some of the other dads).

    I was smacked and slippered as a schoolboy, then caned after leaving school for under-age drinking exploits, and it was always bare backside.. My last dose of cane, and a dose of the pit belt, was just before my 18th birthday.

    I always got a hard caning if my dad found I had been drinking under-age. Then as soon as I was of legal age to drink, which was 18 here in UK back then, my dad could not care less about me drinking and I lost all interest in alcohol - almost as if yearned for the risk of getting caught and paying the price with a sore backside. Dad kept the cane on display right until I was 21 but it was never used again.

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