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  1. #1

    Default I have reinstated my album.

    Just to let everybody know that I have reinstated my album with some bum pics. I dont expect I will ever get much out of it but anyway you are all welcome to look. Hope you have fun!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: I have reinstated my album.

    I am interested in your post and can fulfill your needs. I will punish you with the slipper on your arse and feet as i am into slippering and i do like slippering feet. Look forward to your reply

  3. #3

    Default Re: I have reinstated my album.

    Can you accom? I cannot but can easily travel to Northampton. When are you free?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Gone away for good.

    Default Re: I have reinstated my album.

    Thanks for putting your album back on the forum. I was very disappointed when you took it off as I wanted to copy some of the pictures. I notice that you have discarded a lot of the old ones and you virtually have a new album which is much better. Thanks for the picture of your feet, nicely sun tanned as is the rest of your body. Also the picture of your cock, not big but very nice. All in all, a very nice album with good clear photography. Don’t stop now. More please!

  5. #5

    Default Re: I have reinstated my album.

    Compliments indeed. Many thanks to you and the other person from Wales who Pmd me saying more or less the same thing. As to Mr Dunlop 54, no reply from him. Another rude time waster (forumites please take note).
    We will have to meet up in a couple of weeks for a chat. Up front, I cannot do much as from Monday for a couple of weeks as I will be busy on a project and will not be on the Internet but I will be in touch later. Once again, many thanks. More pics will be published in the next couple of months.
    Kind regards and take care.

  6. #6

    Default Re: I have reinstated my album.

    Naked and waiting. It appears that I have created the classic time waster keep you waiting. I will be available on the phone number I will send you in a pm at 9:00 pm most evenings. I can be back home briefly on Tuesday. Please phone.

    Kind regards.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: I have reinstated my album.

    Something has been bothering me,I have been critised by someone who wears old man underpants,worn by my father who died 40 years ago.Go figure you mug

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Gone away for good.

    Default Re: I have reinstated my album.

    Quote Originally Posted by jmwpam View Post
    I have been critised by someone who wears old man underpants.
    Nothing wrong with the pants mate, nice and clean, tight and fairly minimal. I thought the picture was quite nice as are all the others. They really turn me on anyway.It is what the pants contain mate! That is one lovely smooth sun tanned bum that I hope to get my hands on soon. I think the problem may lay with you.

    Naked and waiting.

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