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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    bournemouth cant acomadate

    Default 47 years of hell

    47 years of the curse of wanting a spanking perhaps i am to old for anyone interested,although my form teacher at school used to say boy you are not to old or to big to go across my knee.
    but when you are 14 how can you say yes please miss i would like that.
    did have a few months a while ago visiting escorts and had some good spankings. but cant now afford there prices, where i live 5 of them i know of whith the monoply .so sky high prices.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Harrow Middlesex - Can accommodate or travel.

    Default Re: 47 years of hell


    This might not be helpful (probably not!) but I see your needs are a bit specific, and would be mainly catered for commercially but there's not much chance of finding too many non-commercials who might suit you - especially in Bournmouth.

    I'm 15 years older than you, and don't seem to have any problem finding partners. However, my tastes are more straightforward and I'm a true switch (i.e. I don't give just in order to get) which makes things much simpler. Not to mention the advantage of living close to London and being able to accommodate.

    Sometimes one has to 'bend' to market forces!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Halton cannot accomodate

    Default Re: 47 years of hell

    Hi, have you tried any Munches in your area? PM me if you would like a link.

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