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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Question taste of the birch?

    Hi all

    I joined this forum a short time ago and have enjoyed it so far as ive not really had anywhere to chat with other 'spank addicts' lol. Ive enjoyed getting spanked since i was in my teens.

    So far i have had spankings from the hand, slipper, strap, paddles and the cane. I have quite a high pain threshold sometimes i've had marks for several days afterwards which i also enjoy . Lately i have been thinking about trying the birch but i don't know the first thing about it.

    My main questions would be, is it a lot sorer than the cane and how bad are the marks? Are there different types of birch and if so what one is best to try out first? Is it easy to use? ie could any spanker take it up or is it best left to the experts?

    Hopefully someone can clue me up? I'd be especially grateful to hear back from anyone who has experienced it for real (either giving or recieving) and what their thoughts are on it as a punishment aid.


    I used to have an attitude problem. Hidden Content

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    newcastle-can accomodate

    Default Re: taste of the birch?

    Thelastcaress Sounds like you've had a lot of fun with your little bum .The birch is great ! It hurts but not as much as a proper rattan cane. The birch only damages the skin and doesnt cause deep bruising,but can leave marks for a couple of weeks,if you get well tanned. A cane used expertly can leave marks for 6 months or more. Hope you're still getting some good hidings !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Blandford, Dorset. Can accommodate.

    Default Re: taste of the birch?

    My experience is the reverse. If made properly the birch is far more painful than any other implement and the marks last much longer. I was severely birched in the autumn of 2006 and still had some marks nearly six months later. In the seventeenth century Brief Lives, John Aubrey says that one man, flogged as a schoolboy, had seven scars on his backside for the rest of his life. (One wonders, how did he know?)

  4. #4

    Default Re: taste of the birch?

    The judicial birch (typically three thick branches) can do serious damage and I've never used one. The spray birch, usually made up of 6-12 thin bushy branches stings a good deal and can easily draw blood but is unlikely to cause lasting harm. It does make a mess however - I spend the next few days after using one picking up bits of twig from around my study.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    YORK.Unable to Accom.

    Angry Re: taste of the birch?

    Based on my experiences I think I can say all the contributors to this thread are right.It depends on what you mean by a birch..An authentic implement made of 3/4 thick..but not too thick.. rods(More than this number of rods can bunch together and the force of the impact is absorbed by the birch itself) can be very painful indeed if used heavily.(I find hazel rods are the best ..if freshly cut.)A bunch of twigs however is mildly painful..and would make slight cuts..but is not an implement for serious punishment if that is what is wanted.A proper birch used heavily would make cuts that will take time to heal.I do enjoy being birched..especially if the birch is sappy and wet from being soaked.It is very erotic as well as exquisitely painful!But I would be hard pushed to say whether I prefer it to the cane.The cane as we all know can be very vicious and will certainly leave long lasting marks although I have never known these to last more than about two weeks at the very most.Now the tawse is a very under appreciated and under used outsider on this scene..If a genuine thick leather tawse is used with a swing from shoulder height I defy anyone to be able to take more than a few dozen without breaking down!!!Dare I say it is one of the best exports from Scotland that we have.We owe a debt of gratitude to whoever invented it!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Blandford, Dorset. Can accommodate.

    Default Re: taste of the birch?

    Well, I expect to be living in the Hull area for about three and a half months from mid-June, so theories about tawse v. birch could be put to the test. Trouble is - I will probably not be able to accommodate.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    YORK.Unable to Accom.

    Red face Re: taste of the birch?

    An excellent idea..In the interests of research we could put this to the test....a 'tournament' or competition?But I think in fairness the cane should also be pitched against the birch and the tawse.My proposal is that two or three of us offer ourselves as subjects for this experiment and that we each receive a prescribed number of strokes from each implement...certainly not less than 12 each...and that to make the test realistic these should be as hard as any given in an institution in the past.To make it more interesting there could be a penalty for whoever is least able to take this punishment with a minimum of fuss!Maybe an additional 12 strokes with the (agreed) most painful instrument?This would act as an incentive to 'take it' well and also a challenge to the MASTER to break each subjects resolve!The only problem is do we have any more takers and a MASTER interested in administering this as well as one (a taker or giver)who can host such an event?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: taste of the birch?

    I would say I would take the birch to the cane anyday, but perhaps from my limited experience I have not had a real taste of the birch just yet - time will tell,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: taste of the birch?

    Just checked back on this post. Some quality ideas - it'd be hard for everyone to get together. Could we hold regional competitions for that? I would put myself forward as a scottish rep lol.
    I used to have an attitude problem. Hidden Content

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Milton Keynes

    Default Re: taste of the birch?

    Quote Originally Posted by tawsemanuk View Post
    An excellent idea..In the interests of research we could put this to the test....a 'tournament' or competition?But I think in fairness the cane should also be pitched against the birch and the tawse.My proposal is that two or three of us offer ourselves as subjects for this experiment and that we each receive a prescribed number of strokes from each implement...certainly not less than 12 each...and that to make the test realistic these should be as hard as any given in an institution in the past.To make it more interesting there could be a penalty for whoever is least able to take this punishment with a minimum of fuss!Maybe an additional 12 strokes with the (agreed) most painful instrument?This would act as an incentive to 'take it' well and also a challenge to the MASTER to break each subjects resolve!The only problem is do we have any more takers and a MASTER interested in administering this as well as one (a taker or giver)who can host such an event?
    I would be interested in taking part in this experiment if anyone else is.

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