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Thread: what is best

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    cupar fife

    Default what is best

    As a beginner, what would be the best position to assume. Does type of implement make any difference to position? Does nobody answer e-mails?on this site it seems they don,t. Can,t each town or city form a group of 3 or more to help if any is busy or on holiday. It would help me if they did.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: what is best

    For me it was otk. Everything about the over the knee position is good for me. It's intimate which is especially good if its a woman doing the spanking and it can be adjusted so that you're flatter, ie across a sofa, or so that your bum is higher up, ie lying over a knee with the spanker sitting on a chair.
    Go with what you're comfortable with. If you're looking for something harder but not too sure about it i found lying flat on the bed is a good way as the bum is less tight then. But basically don't let anyone talk you into something you don't want to do.
    Good idea about starting city groups btw. Would help things along i reckon.
    I used to have an attitude problem. Hidden Content

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    salisbury can`t accommdate,will travel

    Default Re: what is best

    the choice of impliment definately requires an appropriate position.for me,if i'm being spanked by hand or brush then it's over a single knee,palms to the floor and have "sir" pin my legs beneath his spare leg.this get's your bottom nicely arched and exposes the sweet spot where buttock meets thigh.for caning,i like to go right over the back of an armchair again palms to the floor.this gets your bottom and thighs very taut and allows "sir" to bring the cane down in a much more vertical stroke for maximum effect!

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