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  1. #21
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

    Looking back on my schooldays,obviously CP had a profound effect on me the fact is that with reasonable clarity I can remember an incident from nearly 40 years ago yet cannot remember three blooming items from a mental shopping list today!
    I am still puzzled why CP and bottoms still hold such a great fascination to me and secretly enjoy the vaguely naughty exciting feeling that veiwing and partaking in CP scenarios brings me.
    At the time being a schoolboy slippered seemed horrendous but becomes something that builds into a fetish in later life.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Camrbridge - cannot accommodate

    Default Re: Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

    "....builds into a fetish in later life." Your post reminds me of a quote I recently saw which compared two things as children we don't like, sleeping and spanking and the two things as adults we do like, sleeping and spanking!!!

  3. #23
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

    Yes Bendoon tastes change as we get older.
    But I still wonder if some psychological seed is planted as a youngster that becomes the fetish in later life or are we born like it. Sorry about the amateur psychology.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Weymouth __Poss. accomm; Pref. visit

    Default Re: Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

    I'm sure you are right Jaybo.

    Not slippering but a hand-spanking on bare bottom I witnessed in Infants' School was my seed, I now believe.

    Slippering helped fertilise it: not by Dad or on me but witnessed, this time in senior school, the PE-Teacher's plimsoll on shorts.

    Perhaps the fact that the first was unique and the second rare helped me remember them, and although I escaped the slipper gladly at the time, I do have my PE-kit including my original school ones, 50 years later, surviving by an accident of domestic history. (Our family has the hoarder gene - the shorts lay forgotten in a drawer.) Wearing them makes me feel more submissive and immature than I usually am, and the slipper or plimsoll may well help me!

  5. #25
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

    Hi Titanites
    My sports masters saw the slipper as an incentive to encourage lazy arse students like moi to see the value and worth in sport the competition the team spirit.
    Did it work NO!
    I am and forever will be a placid creature of comfort who could not give a monkeys whether Gronkchester united or
    Plebite Rovers win lose tie or dont turn up.
    Why on earth the tutors didnt just say hands up who would rather read than run around and get sweaty.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    East Anglia. Can't accommodate

    Default Re: Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

    Interestingly enough I talked to one of my PE teachers later in life who told me that he was slippered at home growing up and that he also slippered his sons at home, although he used a carpet slipper rather than a plimsoll which was more usual in PE lessons at school. An advocate of cp in other words, and an afficiondao of the slipper.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Default Re: Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

    From my Dad it was always on the bare and he would use whatever shoe he was wearing, so usually a slipper but sometimes a work boot!

    Hardly ever got spanked by Mum, but on those rare occasions she used a table tennis bat

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    East Anglia. Can't accommodate

    Default Re: Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

    A work boot sounds a bit awkward to whack with. Must have been difficult to get a good grip! Makes me wonder what sort of shoes your dad wore and whacked with. Very interesting!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

    Sounds like a sensible bloke - carpet slippers much better for home whackings! Dads in my era used to test them out in terms of good soles etc. \Best were often from Clarkes or BHS!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: Any one get regular dad slipperings?If so with what?

    Never slippered at home. Punished yes.
    Only slippering/plimsol i ever received at school was age 13 in p.e. kit 6 strokes on shorts . From p.e. teacher.
    That did sting a lot.
    I think i was wired up at birth to be into spanking.
    I dont think any spankings i got growing up were the reasons for my interest in spanking.
    There are a lot of young people now who were never spanked either at home or school and are very into spanking .
    So like me i think they are born with it in their genes.

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