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Thread: male or female

  1. #21
    jennysub Guest

    Default Re: male or female

    My favourite timewaster story:

    I was due to meet a "tough 'ard Dom" about 18 months ago. I was sure he wouldn't turn up so as I was going to visit a friend at a hospital in hammersmith I aranged to meet him at Hammersmith tube,

    10am, the appointed time, no show so I sent a text message then wandered off to have a coffee with my friend.

    10.15am an incoming text: "My name's Mark, my friend Ray asked me to contact you, he has gone down with swine flu, been taken really ill, with him now in hospital"..

    "Oh goodness, poor Ray, what hospital are you both in?"..

    "Charing Cross"

    "Oh!! How convenient!! So am I. What ward? I will just pop up"...

    strangely my message was not answered and when I tried calling the phone was switched off

  2. #22
    jennysub Guest

    Default Re: male or female

    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    I don't think that is a trait that is gender specific- !


    One trait that is gender specific is blokes pretending to be female.

    We used to have an old saying...

    "welcome to the internet where Men are Men..... and so are the women"

    Joking aside I know many women who whilst portraying as women will fantasise, just blokes seem to have the monopoly on gender bending

  3. #23
    jennysub Guest

    Default Re: male or female

    Oh dear, we are prickly

    most undomly

    Jave you ever been in the real D/s world?


    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    First, if you are going to quote me, please don't take what I have said out of context, and then try to apply it to what you want to say!

    Second,I strongly disagree that "gender bending" is a male peculiarity(I mean that in the correct sense of the word). It is more apparent on a site like this, because a significantly larger proportion of the members are men. But there are a lot of women( mainly lesbian) who delight in looking as masculine as possible, and who take great offence if referred to as "she".

    The Demon Headmaster

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: male or female

    yea covspank you need to stop bitching like you always, do and just do what we are suposedly all here 2 do. stop trolling covspank.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: male or female

    lol you think your funny dont you. ur not original "I await a response with great eagerness" aka sad fuck. you are a hypocrat you fucking troller. you are probably a sad lonely old man that goes on the internet to pick up on spelling errors. just because you speak of the dictionary does not meen you're clever. and i put comma in the wrong place big wow you sad old bastard grow up

    I await a response with great eagerness lol there u go i gave you want u want. yea im obviously an immigrant lol

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: male or female

    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    Well, Westey, doesn't reading this, just make you despair about the state of British education? Even given the obvious fact that "loveitotk" has the brain of a gnat, and an IQ lower than his shoe size, I ask myself how it can be, that a boy of 19, who must have gone through at least 11 years of compulsory education, can come out the other end as such a pig-ignorant, illiterate cretin! The one thing that he says that we can most definitely refute is his claim to be an immigrant. Nobody coming from another country would speak to an adult, old enough to be his father,in such a rude and disrespectful way. Only a pure 100% British yob could produce the sort of foul-mouthed abuse evidenced in his posting! Like him, Westey, I look forward to your reply!

    The Demon Headmaster
    Hear, hear! I have a friend in her early twenties, who went to University, not even knowing the basics of English grammar. The whole year had to be taught extra classes in order to plug the void left by British state education. Unbelievable!

    And loveitotk, you did more than "put a comma in the wrong place," you silly oik! Capital letters and full stops would be a good start. Would you be quite so brave if you were faced with the likes of Covspank or Westy weilding a dragon cane or a Scottish strap? I think not son! No, it's far easier to hide behind the anonymity of a computer screen - how terribly macho of you(!)

    Q. What's the difference between a book and lovesitotk?
    A. A book has got a spine.


  7. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: male or female

    Yes Sir, I read that account - it was particularly vivid if I recall. Someone needs to give him a hiding. If I wasn't constantly on the wrong end of a cane, I'd do it myself! *chuckles*

    Cherry x

    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    Loveitotk accuses me of not doing any spanking! Might I suggest that he look at the Experiences forum, which is littered with the accounts of those who have been spanked by me. I even offered to spank him back in February- we exchanged two PM's and then guess what- the silence of the Timewaster descended! I've looked at his profile, and can only find 6 postings- two of them are insults directed at me! Strangely, I can find no evidence to show that he's ever been anywhere near a spanking. Perhaps, instead of giving me the benefit of his advice, he ought to follow it himself. My study door is always open. I suggest that before he comes he reads raden 67's posting "Demon Headmaster punishes an impertinent boy" to learn of the fate that will await him! ( There are pictures as well, as I guess, from the standards of literacy evidenced in his writing, that he may not be too good at reading either!)

    The Demon Headmaster

  8. #28

    Default Re: male or female

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle David View Post
    I entirely agree as, especially being a newcomer to the site, I too find it frustrating when it's either difficult or impossible to determine the gender and sexual orientation of a member.
    Because applications for membership have to be authorised, I suggest that the administrator should refuse membership to anybody failing to make their gender obvious in their user name and or profile.
    Uncle David

    Only just today I had to go to a Members Profiles to find out if two members - with decided 'Female' user names, where actually female - as it was they were a T-Girl and a TV. Very frustrating!!!!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: male or female

    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post

    Second,I strongly disagree that "gender bending" is a male peculiarity(I mean that in the correct sense of the word). It is more apparent on a site like this, because a significantly larger proportion of the members are men. But there are a lot of women( mainly lesbian) who delight in looking as masculine as possible, and who take great offence if referred to as "she".

    The Demon Headmaster
    Perhaps you ought rename yourself "THE P.C. Headmaster"

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: male or female

    Quote Originally Posted by covspank View Post
    My goodness! Cyber-bully! Troller! Now Politically Correct! The last one is just an insult too far! You'll be hearing from my solicitors!

    The definitely un P.C. Demon Headmaster
    *shakes head* I don't know...someone touches a nerve and then you go running to the solicitors. It's the grown-up version of dashing home to Mummy because someone at school called you a nasty name! Talk about thin-skinned!

    Cherry x

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