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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Blandford, Dorset. Can accommodate.

    Default Re: Cane versus birch?

    I would take some convincing, Mr. Cane, when 19th century school birches are visibly made from betula betula, not silver birch. But I would welcome a demonstration and comparison, if you are able to travel to Dorset, and I would like to experience the 'Isle of Man' type. Post a reply to my advert if you are interested.

  2. #12
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: Cane versus birch?

    I have seen medieval woodcuts portraying birthing schoolboys and I'm not sure how accurate the depictions are but they they look very dense like little bushes.
    I have experienced a few canes but not birch twigs do they not cut the skin if covered in hard little buds.
    Not adverse to trying them out though! I bet they sting.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Manchester hotel

    Default Re: Cane versus birch?

    I have a fair bit of experience in delivering both, although more cane than birch. From my end of the stick(s), I much prefer to use a cane. I find that a birch tends to 'bounce' off the bottom with a cushioned feel, quite unsatisfying. The yelps and squeals emanating from the other end go some way towards providing some feedback, but it is a poor substitute for the satisfying thwack of cane across bum.

    Where a cane stroke is instant, in your face, pain with every stroke, the birch is sneaky. The first few strokes barely register, but as they are repeated a prolonged burn begins to develop, until repeated strokes on an already tenderised bum become agony. I am not a switch but I have first-hand experience of being on the receiving end as I won't use anything until I properly understand its affects.

    And then, there is the mess to clean up afterwards. Bits of bark and twig fly everywhere and recipient is left to pick bits out of moist crevices for hours afterwards. I don't mind birching for a change of scene, but not regularly. Just my 2 cents
    I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Cane versus birch?

    I've had limited experience with both, what I liked about the birch is how much it built up and stung; the mark left behind after were vivid and lovely, I found it less painful but harder to take (more noise and squirming)
    Canes feel more like stricter dicipline, the formality is what is appealing and each stroke makes far more impact. It's difficult to pick between the two!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Southampton can't accommodate

    Default Re: Cane versus birch?

    I was birched yesterday with a proper Isle of Man birch, it had been soaked in water the day before, I took 18 full on strokes and it hurt like hell I can tell you far worse than the cane.

  6. #16
    jaybo Guest

    Default Re: Cane versus birch?

    Any piccies pending Richard?

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