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Thread: Accomodation ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Oxford - can't accomodate

    Question Accomodation ?

    Hi All,

    I have been close to meeting various people found via sites like this, only to discovber they can't accomodate. This especially annoying as I have always specified that I can't accomodate and they have not said anything during exchange of emails'

    Two quiestions arise

    1) why waste everyones time if you know you can't accomodate ?

    2) it does appear from reading the adverts that very few people can accomodate. So is this a ploy to keep ones home address secret (understandable) or can very few people accomodate ?

    Best wishes


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    London, cannot accommodate

    Default Re: Accomodation ?

    I suspect the latter, actually - that many people here live with a wife/husband/partner/significant other and genuinely need to meet outside the home. I do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Gloucestershire/Can accommodate Sometimes

    Default Re: Accomodation ?

    I think that there are also a large number of people who simply like to fantasise and talk but who have absolutely no intention of ever putting those fantasies into effect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    London, cannot accommodate

    Default Re: Accomodation ?

    Sadly, that's the truth.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Accommodation ?

    A lot of people I'm in touch with can't accommodate because they have a partner who does not know or does not approve of the activity but some are just reluctant to let people come to their house. I think it is true that a lot of first time advertisers just don't think through the practicalities.

    Because I specialise in role play, I like to spank people in an environment over which I have control, which means I prefer not to visit people to spank them if possible. However, since my ability to accommodate is limited at times, this does restrict my activities.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Accommodation ?

    I have both visited and hosted in my time but my circumstances now are that I am a full time carer and never get the house to myself - and I hope I make clear that I cannot accommodate.

    I can understand a reluctance to give a complete stranger your home address or to invite him into your home. I overcame this by arranging to meet in the car park of a landmark pub, firstly so that they actually showed up before getting my address and then to quickly size them up. And then they were surprised to find they were within sight of my home. I was only ever let down once - a youngster who bottled out.

    When visiting I like to have a contact phone number and I do like to ring when I am getting close. I once had a puncture so it was useful to be able to ring and say that I was definitely on my way.

    Whatever our little 'querks' might be I think we all appreciate common courtesies. I have only ever met with warm and friendly fun people ...

    ... what am I saying? - these have been some of the most painful encounters of my life!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Southampton can't accommodate

    Default Re: Accomodation ?

    I always put that I can’t accommodate as I live in a flat and it is not very soundproof, someone told me that the neighbours would not know what the sound was, but I can’t take that risk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Re: Accomodation ?

    i see this problem on many sites cant accommodate,which in my case is true,so why not those who can perhaps allow others to use there faciltys in their own areas.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Accomodation ?

    Personally I could accommodate at home and in my mobile transport. Unfortunately there are quite a number of people out there who either want to beat you up badly or others who may have other reasons for getting into your accommodation. Perhaps to "case the place", perhaps for blackmail. "Ill tell your neighbours". I am quite happy to meet away from my home, assess the person and probably have a few outdoor sessions or in an hotel etc. Also, people waving cameras about worry me somewhat....... blackmail? I wonder?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    London, cannot accommodate

    Default Re: Accomodation ?

    Everything you say makes complete sense, of course, but I'd just like to put in a word for us "camera-wavers". I was recently forced to dress up as a maid and had to humiliate myself by standing in a corner with my knickers down and kissing and licking my punisher's high heeled shoes. I now find all this much more arousing in retrospect, looking at the photos, than I did at the time. Of course I would always ask permission first.

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