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  1. #1

    Red face Have you spanked/been spanked in a public place? Do you want to?

    I would love to be spanked in a busy public place with first the hand and then a cane? Has anyone done it? What was it like? Did it reach the peak of a fantasy or was it disappointing? Truthful replies please.

    Last edited by Holidays in Eden; 05-08-2008 at 08:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Herts/Can't accomodate as no sound proofing

    Default Re: Love to be spanked in public

    I suspect it's an arrestable offence!
    With respect


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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    east london

    Default Re: Love to be spanked in public

    I have been slapped on the clothed bum by my master many times. Down the pub or in the supermarket or in the park. It adds a bit of zest.

  4. #4
    steevo Guest

    Default Re: Love to be spanked in public

    I know exactly what you mean, ive had this fantasy for a while too. It takes the form of me being spanked bare arsed in a packed pub. always makes me horny thinking about it and i've yet to even receive a spanking as i'm a total novice. !

  5. #5

    Default Re: Have you spanked/been spanked in a public place? Do you want to?

    Quote Originally Posted by Holidays in Eden View Post
    I would love to be spanked in a busy public place with first the hand and then a cane? Has anyone done it? What was it like? Did it reach the peak of a fantasy or was it disappointing? Truthful replies please.

    im not sure where you live or if your mobile but there are clubs up and down the country that you could visit and I'm sure someone would have great fun spanking and caning you in front of a audience in public well sort of public you never know your fantasy may just come true....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Leeds - can't accomm

    Default Re: Love to be spanked in public

    My first 'proper' spanking was in a car in a public car park - nice............


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    South Gloucestershire Accommodate

    Default Re: Love to be spanked in public

    I have been spanked in a public place. I used to visit an "aunty" in Plymouth to be treated like a little boy. Sometimes we would stay in her house and other times we would also go out, Before going out she would take me to the toilet, take down my trousers and pants and watch whilst I peed. If I did not go I would be warned that if she had to stop for me to use the toilet whilst we were out then I would be in trouble. One time I did not pee before going out and whilst we were out I needed to pee.Needless to say like all little boys I kept on that I needed to go. In the end she pulled into a small pull in, got me out of the passenger side, pulled down my trousers and pants and made me pee right there. When I told her I had finished instead of pulling up my trousers and pants she proceeded to spank my bottom. I remember if was hard but obviously not for long. This was on a minor road on Dartmoor where anyone could have driven along. I also got a much more severe spanking when we got home.

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