my latest visit to the site
i notice the 'spammers' are still about. the latest from 'supermoder', purporting to be from administration(!) informs me i have a ***** (untrue!) and i will be booted from the group if i do not download etc etc. so i booted this message into touch.
i have added 3 photos into an album-i hope the group finds them of interest. and if any lady in the south of england feels she can do better, please order me to report for duty
Re: my latest visit to the site
Re: my latest visit to the site
Originally Posted by
very nice pics Peter
Hi Kraker,
Nice pictures. I have had that spammer send me an email, i deleted it and i put him in to touch on this site. There is no way he will get through my anti *****, my computer is being checked as i am working on it most of the day.
Re: my latest visit to the site
Who is the head girl and where is she?