View Full Version : active members and guests

08-01-2019, 12:08 PM
It seems as if the site has a massive amount of dormant members. is there any way we can get this tidied up via moderators.
It would be great to have the chance to chat with people who are still active rather than checking every profile to see when they last posted.
Just an idea. Also the visitors becoming members and being active will help.
BS was a great site to chat to fellow spankees and spankers.. ( slippers one preferred!!lol)
Any opinions anyone?

red hand
08-01-2019, 03:00 PM
I agree.
Surely those absent for a year should be deleted.
I also suggested in the past that the last visitors to my profile should be contained to 20 at max.
As i find it annoying to click on my far too lengthy visitors (members) list and find some have not been active for 2 years or more.
So can the mods please give this consideration.

08-01-2019, 05:36 PM
Thanks Red hand for the backing. When I look at the last visitors to my profile it seems to show the same names as it has done for ages, thi=us not knowing who is active as red hand says. also the number of visitors climbs but the names don't change so I can only assume that it is guests looking in on your profile. Maybe i'm wrong on that one though.
OTK for me if am wrong.. quite willing!!

08-01-2019, 06:21 PM
I agree.
Surely those absent for a year should be deleted.
I also suggested in the past that the last visitors to my profile should be contained to 20 at max.
As i find it annoying to click on my far too lengthy visitors (members) list and find some have not been active for 2 years or more.
So can the mods please give this consideration.

I would leave old profiles for longer than a year - some people come back after relationships have failed, some people like to look for old acquaintances on these forums.

I hate forums who show the last few people who have clicked on your profile, it means I daren't go and check anyone's profile out for fear of getting a memo when it turns out I wasn't interested in them.

Are there any mods left on this forum though?

09-01-2019, 11:42 AM
I have just joined the site, so will see how active it is

11-01-2019, 12:13 PM
Sadly it doesn't seem too active nowadays, but only us can change that. I've met four people from here over the years, all very good, reliable people. A good success rate. Long may it continue.

red hand
11-01-2019, 06:30 PM
I would say this site is getting busier perhaps at least in part due to british spanking closing down.

14-01-2019, 01:28 PM
Hi All , i am new to this site , was an active member of BS & still a member of other sites . Myself & my partner regularly attend Munches and Kink events at a local club where we are members.

14-01-2019, 11:11 PM
I am not opposed to the changes suggested above, but have to admit that I was dormant on this site for years so am not in a position to criticise others for doing the same.
Part of the problem is that people often join on-line groups, but if they are not immediately successful in making contacts, they wander off again. Or feel that the group is 'too quiet'. It is a tough job to try to persuade people to stay, to participate, and make the most of the opportunities that a site like this offers.
And can I thank the moderators for all the work that they do.

15-01-2019, 10:29 AM
A very useful discussion - thank you for starting and/or contributing to it.

I set up the site, own the site, administer the site, moderate the site and pay for it - it makes a loss year on year of about £200.00 plus my time.

We have about 10,500 proper members (At the outsetI I deliberately allowed about 1,000 spammers in to get things going. This was prior to using captcha to prevent any more from joining and they are now locked away as dormant members).

I can't see individual private messages but do get broad statistics and looking at them a lot goes on behind the scenes, often with people who haven't contributed to the forum for years. I also believe that the proliferation of social media, swipe left/right type sites hurt forums like this a lot initially but I can now perceive a move away from this trend back to sites like this as there is the very depth we are discussing.

A while back we were a seething snake pit of endless comments and sniping by two or three very active members who were basically frightening everyone else off so I banned them and the site quietened down but became focussed upon people making arrangements to meet for spanking sessions thus: Quieter but more relevant.

I myself have made quite a few very happy connections through the site, mainly with ladies.

The feedback that I have had is that we are too M/M oriented and that we are not busy enough. I broadly agree but I can only provide the pitch and the goalposts: who plays and how often can only be decided by users.

By deleting users we leave their threads hanging as either 'Guest' or their posts deleted which would make threads very confusing so there is a genuine debate over whether to time limit membership based on activity.

One final point: I know from direct experience that many ladies will not post but contact people that have posted, often years ago through the PM system. They don't want endless contacts and pictures of willies but would prefer to look at the sort of comments people are posting and responding to a longer term view.

I'd like to encourage more ladies to join but have no idea how to do so - I regularly go out with posts on other forums and would encourage other members to do so as well. I would like the site to suit all who love spanking and to lean in no specific gender direction or sexual orientation.

Hope this helps to clarify a few things and please, keep the discussion going - all suggestions are welcome if not always acted upon at all or immediately.

Regards to all

Monty Burns
15-01-2019, 10:48 AM
It is quite easy to find the active members.
At the top of the page click community, scroll down and click Member List.
Click on the heading Last Visit.
The list is then sorted by the most recent visit.

15-01-2019, 11:57 AM
I like this site!!
I found a contact friend
It didn't last forever but I have happy memories!
And I love the banter
I dont live the lifestyle..just dabble
But it works for me!

15-01-2019, 03:49 PM
I too have had a lot of success here. I have found quite a few people I've sent on to my husband so he can arrange for them to deal with me in the ways described in my blog posts. In fact I'd say the best have come from here as a lot of other sites seem to produce wham, bam, thank you ma'am type of replies along with the, already heralded, cock shot.

I know that when I'm at someone else's computer I never log in, just view what I can as a guest and then delete history.

Although our esteemed site owner says most ladies do the approaching on the QT, I seem to get approached quite often. Maybe that's because of the afore mentioned blogging activity or maybe I'm just a little brazen. Certainly I don't seem to remember many posts by the (un)fairer sex - perhaps we're shy.

It would be a shame to limit members by time but perhaps by some measure of activity. Not sure if that's possible. I also seem to remember there was a rating system in the early days. Perhaps that could be re-introduced.

My thanks go to John for making all this possible.


15-01-2019, 03:53 PM
I have set the limit at 30, it was 100. Hope this helps

I agree.
Surely those absent for a year should be deleted.
I also suggested in the past that the last visitors to my profile should be contained to 20 at max.
As i find it annoying to click on my far too lengthy visitors (members) list and find some have not been active for 2 years or more.
So can the mods please give this consideration.

red hand
15-01-2019, 08:07 PM
I have set the limit at 30, it was 100. Hope this helps
Many thanks.
This is now an easier task for me to keep up to date with anyone who may be intereted in me.