View Full Version : Grandfathers wrath part five

05-11-2018, 11:08 AM
So I'd accepted Grandfather's terms for my youthful bad behaviour.
I'd adhered to his rules and arriving at his house I was ushered into his study
It was like the rest of his home fairly spartan a desk and chair and a large cupboard were the only items I could see as I entered...
Trembling slightly...Grandfather seemed to be in complete control and calm.. have you brought your sports kit?
I fumbled my shorts and vest from my bag and nodded sweating with increasing fear...

Right Strip and put on your kit then I want you touching toes in front of my desk keeping your eyes down...Do not let your fingers leave your toes at any time during punishment!
I quickly stripped noticing Grandfather's gaze as I pulled on my shorts and vest his eyes drilling into mine I had to look away as I nervously bent over in front of his desk..
It wasn't the most comfortable position to take as I bent double my ham strings and calves tight as I teetered trying to hold position...

Grandfather went to the cupboard and brought out the longest cane I had ever seen.
The cane was a mahogany brown colour and the thickness at the crook handle end ran and tapered to a smaller diameter at the tip.
Grandfather explained again...
You must not remove your fingers from your toes if you do one extra stroke will be added for every infraction!
Also six strokes will be taken clothed all subsequent strokes are to be taken on the bare are we clear?
I nodded from my uncomfortable position and said Yes the blood had rushed to my face and it rushed and pulsed in my ears...

Grandfather was right in the very periphery of my vision
I saw him wipe the cane over with some sort of dark oil on a cloth then he took his stance there was no pre swishing and the first stroke caught me high on my bottom the swoop swish and smack coming milliseconds apart as the shock of the strokes and the following searing registered I bent at the knees but kept fingers to toes
The heated line under my shorts expanded into a long welt
As Grandfather delivered another a fraction under the first
A whimper escaped my lips and the first prickle of tears collected in my eyes and slowly ran down my face
But I resiliently kept fingers to toes...

Grandfather let the pain reach its crescendo while my bottom bobbed and swayed riding the fire.

Grandfather let a faux stroke fly making me tense and clench for impact which never came so when the third stroke collided with my buttocks I couldn't help but cry out
Grandfather seemed pleased with my reaction and again waited for the pain to reach its peak
I scrunched my eyes up tight as the tears dripped from my eyes to the floor but I would not give him the satisfaction of extra strokes awarded.

Grandfather tapped the seat of my shorts to line up stroke four
Tap Tap Tap nudging the already swelling welts and causing the heated itch as they expanded...
A terrific thwack imploded on the Crown of my bottom as stroke four creased an indent into my cheeks and I did my level best not to break position
Unknown to me Grandfather swapped the mahogany cane for a looped bamboo variety with a hoop end rather than a fine tip...
Strokes five and six arrived with a gasp making intensity one for each buttock causing a bee sting swarm to sting a hoop shaped halo on each buttock....
Right that was extremely well taken lad but these next six are on the bare and I will have you over the desk for these and I want those shorts off completely
My bottom looked like I'd sat on a bar heater!
How on earth was I to endure another six!!!
T. B.C