View Full Version : Grandfather's wrath part two

04-11-2018, 11:13 PM
I stepped into Grandfather's house
It was a spartan affair
With only the essentials as furniture
He led me through the hall with no photos on the walls and no pictures
Just a beige wallpaper
The living room had a small settee and a chair which I presumed was Grandfather's as his glasses and newspaper sat on the arm of the chair.

I gulped as he stared intensely at me.
So what is it that brings you here boy
Is your father ill?
Oh no I blustered. ..it was very hard to meet his gaze no wonder he unnerved practically everyone he met!
No...I started to stutter I er I never really had much of a chance to speak to you and father said very little. .....Well Grandfather began ..Your father and I were always at cross purposes...he aways resented me for all the thrashings I gave him...
I perked up at this...Er thrashings you say?
Grandfather leaned in closer ..Yes he was an unruly boy cheeky and surly in those days if a boy stepped out of line a damn hard thrashing followed no ifs or buts!
I thought to myself well only the butt you were thrashing! And a little grin crinkled the corner of my mouth...

Something funny? Growled grandfather...
Er no its just that father rather went to the other extreme with me and I was rather spoilt rotten!
What you were never beaten for bad behaviour? He bellowed
Well not once actually Grandfather.
Oh no ..no.no exclaimed Grandfather
How did you learn right from wrong?

Grandfather had a point.. my lack of discipline had caused problems in the past..
Petty crime ..vandalism and drunken behaviour had all been a feature of my early teens.
I explained to Grandfather that the guilt of my past hung heavily in my heart but as much as I'd tried my hardest to redeem myself nothing assuaged the badness within!

The clock ticked on the shelf as Grandfather let this sink in...I could almost see the cogs in his head whirring away...
Well I could help you as obviously your father didn't do a very good job of maintaining standards but it's up to you if you accept my help
I could mentor you but you would have to agree to my terms no running back to father if we start a course of behavioural modification.