View Full Version : Grandfather's wrath

04-11-2018, 10:38 PM
My grandfather was the old fashioned strict victorian variety.
His own upbringing was split between a strict private school and strict parenting.
My father had left home at seventeen because of the oppressive nature and made his own way in the world away from the domineering atmosphere at home.
My upbringing had been anything but strict every whim had been catered for
and in fact I had been spoilt.

On the rare occasions I'd met my grandfather he had been distant and not spoken to me.
As a young man I developed an interest in corporal punishment maybe a throwback to my Grandfather's strict ways through genetics.

I wanted to question my Grandfather's ways but was a bit nervous to broach the subject directly so I mediated through my Aunt and she made the initial contact on my behalf.

I didn't expect to hear from him, but lo and behold a letter arrived from him only a week or so after he'd heard from my Aunt and my interest in a meeting.

He was blunt in his letter just a short note requesting my attendance at his home ...no signing off with love or kind regards just ending with "yours Grandfather"

I found myself strangely nervous standing at Grandads front door reluctant to knock
as it was the door opened My grandad stood there looked me up and down and commanded "Inside"