View Full Version : No rubbing better

15-05-2018, 08:05 PM
Franks feeling of impending doom grew as the clock ticked it's way to four o'clock and the end of the school day...........

Frank had fallen foul of the demerit system at Saint Cainworths academy.

Frank had been warned that if he reached a total of six demerits in one month he would lose his sport privileges
and any further incident would invoke the headmaster giving a stern lecture followed by a caning numbering the amount of demerits received.

Frank wasn't wilfully badly behaved but didn't know when to keep his mouth shut...
He had embarrassed Mr Craven the Science master when asked "What form of gas has an unpleasant egg aroma?"
Frank had turned to his friend Wally and remarked "Cravens breath" this set Wally chuckling and unfortunately Mr Cravens bat like ears had picked up the remark....
An ear cuffing and dressing down from Mr Craven plus three more demerits caused Frank some concern....

Wally what am I going to do? mused Frank
I've got one more week till the months up and then I am in the clear ...but if I get one more demerit it's a trip to the head and ...forget sitting comfortably for a week!...

Wally was examining the contents of his handkerchief going cross eyed as he studied intently the contents of his nose...

WALLY!...shouted Frank this is important!

I thought you only had three? Whined Wally not wanted to be distracted...

No I already had two for making fart noises during Choir practice. ...

Well old Son said Wally you've got to keep your nose clean!
He giggled and showed Frank his disgusting hanky.....

The Headmaster's study. ....

Mr Archibald Gruff,Saint Cainworths headmaster dropped the cane to the desk...
He'd just completed giving ten of the very best to a nasty little oik called Smithers who would not stay in position hence the six increasing to ten for moving and covering the seat of his trousers with his hands...
The boy Smithers looked as though he needed to urinate as he squirmed with his hands on his head...
Go on boy out of my sight!
Smithers bolted from the study and rubbed his tender bum furiously trying to abate the fiery sting.

The headmaster studied the demerit list updated this morning and pondered who would be next to visit him.

Frank was heeding Wallys advice and being a model pupil which made some of his tutors suspicious!

Frank had one more day until he was clear of the threat of a beating... he'd been to the heads study on a couple of occasions and wasn't in a hurry to repeat the experience he just had to play it cool for a couple more hours...

To be continued. ...

25-05-2018, 06:56 PM
No rubbing better 2

Frank is in fear of getting another demerit earning him a one way ticket to Headmaster's Gruffs study and a very sore bottom.

Frank was feeling confident he only had forty minutes left of the school day
A strange fuzzy feeling came over him as he stared out of his classroom window... almost the weekend he mused
His daydreaming caught the attention of his Geography master Mr Hughes....
Well Frank perhaps you would like to explain the geographical points of the West African savannah to the class as you obviously find it so riveting....
Frank suddenly realised he'd been looking out of the window for some time ....
Erm Sorry sir ...Frank had lost his train of thought...
He stared at his text book but no help was forthcoming....
Well?...asked Mr Hughes
Franks blank look affirmed the fact that he had indeed been daydreaming. ..
Well I'm sorry Frank if you cannot be bothered to learn then I shall have to give you a demerit. ...
Franks buoyant mood took a nose dive....

Outside the Headmaster's study...

Frank gulped as he heard the sound of rattan on bare flesh and the resounding howl of pain from within the headmaster's study.....it was so quiet here in the corridor only the ticking of the clock ....another muted thwack as wood struck flesh and yet another cry of pain....
The sounds of punishment ceased and Frank heard the Head talking to the canee....
The door to the study opened slowly and a fat boy called Simmons waddled stiffly out into the corridor. ..
He said you can go in.. sniffing back tears the fat boy ambled slowly away from Frank wincing as he attempted to rub his buttocks....

Frank knocked on the door......Enter! Boomed the head
Ah Frank
You nearly made it lad...the last lesson too!
The headmaster almost sounded cheery
Frank stood meekly in front of the head as he looked at Franks demerit report tutting loudly....
Well lad it's not the worst report but nowhere near the best
I think a good six will give you something to buck your ideas up eh?
Frank groaned inwardly and replied yes sir....

Well let's not beat about the bush and he allowed himself a dry chuckle ...you know the form lad ..jacket off! ..trousers and pants down! and right over the desk if you please!...

Frank did as he was bid it was so humiliating to be beaten in this manner and Mr Gruff always dragged a caning out.

Mr Gruff examined his rack of canes layed out in order of thickness and flexibility he looked at the cane then at Franks bottom like a child in a sweet shop which to choose?
He settled on a thin and whippy cane painful but not a bruiser like the senior cane.....
Mr Gruff positioned himself and took a couple of gentle practice taps then let fly with a swishing scorcher...
The impact left a white line that slowly bloomed to red across franks buttocks...

Frank hissed through his teeth and fought back tears as the pain surged....
One! The head stated
That horrible pause between strokes and the inevitable pain really made Frank sweat with fear...

Another series of gentle taps preceded another huge SWISH...CRACK! as the cane bit into Franks tender cheeks..
Frank howled loudly but kept position a second tramline appeared across his pale bottom the line starting to welt ....
The head removed his jacket and let a couple of practice swings fly... Frank automatically clenched and flinched
As he couldn't see the headmaster from his bending over.

Two consecutive harsh Thwacks heralded strokes three and four and Frank clutched the desk edge and did a little jig but stayed bending over...

Good lad said Mr Gruff nearly there...

Franks bottom throbbed savagely four angry red welts ran horizontallying across his aching bum...

Mr Gruff raised his arm high for stroke number four and swished an arc as it slashed diagonally across the other welts....

A lad named Peters heard the yell walking past the study and trotted a little faster with a little shudder....

Frank couldn't help himself and his hands went to his bottom and rubbed and rubbed Oooooh!...

Mr Gruff wasn't best pleased ..I should start again from stroke one for that lad!
Frank didn't care he was enjoying rubbing his poor bottom too much...

The head slapped Franks hands away and pushed him back into a bending position

Frank knew that was a no no getting up before the punishment ended. ..

Frank braced himself as the Head let fly Three tremendous whacks one after the other
Franks bottom positively glowed from the caning and Frank squirmed trying to dissipate the fierce aching he was feeling but wouldn't risk rubbing himself again for fear of more strokes!...

The head red faced and panting replaced the cane in the rack...

Frank just wanted to stick his buttocks in some cool water
The heads passing comments Well taken lad, now get dressed and no more demerits eh!

Frank nodded and Yes sir thank you sirred the Headmaster.

Frank ran holding his bottom to the boys bathroom and ran icy cool water into the basin then plunging his bottom into the cooling liquid a dreamy look came over his face