View Full Version : Kristoph's Education

24-09-2017, 01:58 PM
The next chapter in my sort of on-going series. Comments and critiques welcome! This may be a continuing thread if it's of interest, ideas would be handy if so! I like the idea of writing other people's scenarios. As always this is intended only as an Adult Fantasy Fiction piece.

*Smack* "Fourteen. Thank you sir."
*Smack* "Fifteen. Thank you sir."

As the last strokes landed Jana let out a small sigh of relief. It was Friday evening and she had presented herself at her House Master's office as instructed and had waited her turn as the lower schools went first. She had dared to hope that this might be treated as a minor infraction, after all she had a very good record and her uniform indiscretion had already been dealt with. However she had been disappointed and here she was.
Here, at that moment was draped across the House Master's large oak desk. Jana's arms were out in front of her and gripping the far edge of the desk.

Behind, her skirt was flipped up and tucked neatly at her lower back and her pants had been pulled down to just below the curves of her cheeks. She had just received a bare bottom slippering for daring to question her earlier punishment. The Master had said "She needed to be reminded of her place." Abruptly she was woken from her reverie as he spoke. "You may stand up and re-dress."

Jana slipped her pants back up before she stood, determined that she would retain some amount of dignity tonight. The House Master was standing nearby as she stood up and brushed her skirt back into place. "I trust you have learned your lesson and I won't be seeing you back here soon?" "Yes sir, you won't sir." She replied contritely. "Very good, you are dismissed then." and he turned away, making for his desk chair. Jana swiftly moved to the door and exited, closing it behind her as she went.

The House Master sat down at his desk and moved some of his papers, having cleared the surface for some of the evening's punishments. He was just contemplating a drink when there was a knock at the door. This was highly unusual as Jana had been the last disciplinary of the day, and all other students would have returned to dorms by now. He called out "Enter." in a firm tone. The door opened slowly and Kristoph entered the office. He was not in his day uniform but wearing the more casual lounge wear students were permitted outside of lesson hours; Plimsoles, navy Academy joggers and a matching navy jumper.

"Kristoph. What can I do for you? I hope you don't have a referral slip from the Matron?" "Ummm, no sir. No referral...." The boy was uncertain and the Master motioned for him to come and stand in front of the desk. "So why are you here?" the Master replied in a more measured tone, as he had an idea why the boy was here. "Well sir. I don't really know how to explain this.... but when you punished Luke and I the other week....I think I somehow... liked it?" The Master kept his face impassive at this. "I see. And what brings you here now?" "Well sir, I was hoping that maybe you would....teach me, about it?" Kristoph managed to meet his House Master's eyes at this point, overcoming his nerves for the moment.

The Master steepled his fingers in front of him and contemplated this for a moment. "And why would I want to do that?" Kristoph did not have an answer for that and it was in a pleading voice that he said "Please sir, I'll do anything you ask." "Hmmmm." The Master let silence fall as he thought about it for a few moments before he continued. "I have a thought that may benefit both parties, but I propose a test before we begin anything. What say you?" Kristoph replied immediately "Yes sir, what do I do?". The Master nodded in acceptance. "Very well. You will receive a punishment as a test of your obedience. If you do well, I will continue your education in discipline. If you fail to do as I ask now then I will simply add this to your record for misbehaviour and we go no further. Is that clear?" "Yes sir." The student's eyes seemed to have come alight at the prospect.

"Good. Assume the position." Kristoph quickly placed his hands on his head and stood straight, feet slightly apart. The House Master remained seated as he issued his instructions. "Good. You will undress and place your clothing on the sideboard as before. You may keep your underwear on for the moment."

Kristoph complied without a word, firstly peeling off his jumper which revealed his bare torso, then untying his joggers and quickly slipping them to the
floor. This revealed a fitted pair of black briefs underneath. A moment passed while he removed his socks and shoes, gathered it all into a small pile and carried it to the back of the room. As he was setting everything down, the Master spoke again. "Bring your plimsoles here." Kristoph dutifully carried his footwear to the desk and set them down before resuming station in the middle of the room.

The House Master picked up one of the rubber soled shoes and weighed it in his hands as he spoke. "How do you feel now boy?" "A bit excited sir." came the answer. Regarding the largely naked student before him, the Master could see some stirring in the front of his briefs. "Mmmm hmmm. Did it excite you last time to see your friend punished too?" "Yes sir it did." "Would you have liked to punish him yourself?" There was a pause at this as Kristoph appeared to consider the idea "He...is my friend sir. But I think I....would?" "Interesting." The Master stood up and walked around the desk "Two choices then. 20 strikes or 30?" He brandished the plimsole, making clear it would be the implement of action. "Ummm, 20 sir?" Was the slightly uncertain reply. "Very well then. Come with me." The Master walked to his armchair and sat down, indicating Kristoph should stand just in front of him. Kristoph assumed position where he was told, visibly more excited already. "Turn around." came the next command and he turned away from his House Master, presenting his back to him.

A moment passed and he felt a hand on either side of his waist. The hands did not wait there, but slid down, catching the waistband of his briefs and pulling them all the way down to his ankles. The boy's bared behind was still slightly pink with the evidence of his previous punishment. Before he could react again, The Master took both cheeks in hand and kneaded the flesh roughly. "Ohhhhhhhh sir." He called out, more in surprise than pain as this happened. The Master released him after a few long seconds and massaged the area, exploring the space fully. To his credit, Kristoph maintained his position and only reacted with a sharp intake of breath as a finger traced over his asshole.

Apparently satisfied, the Master sat back. "Get on the coffee table, and on all fours." The low coffee table was directly in front of them both and
Kristoph crawled onto its surface, without being told, he placed his hands and legs toward the corners. It was a difficult position to hold, and one that left no coverage whatsoever. From his seat behind him, the Master could see the student's intimate places bared before him. Again he asked him "How do you feel?" "Excited sir. Ready." "Then we will begin."The Master stood up walked to the side of the submissive student. Placing one hand on the lower back, he lined up the plimsole with the presented buttocks.

Then without warning he began. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* Four alternating strikes landed in rapid succession but Kristoph maintained his position and his silence. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* Another four, moving over the rounded surfaces of his behind, seeking to catch new skin. Kristoph sighed but said nothing. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* As he reached twelve, the Master stopped for a moment to inspect his student. Kristoph's face was flushed and he was breathing hard, his cock was engorged. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* Kristoph was beginning to quiver as new strikes landed after old and the sting began to rise. "You shall count the last strikes." "Yes-yessir." *Smack* "Seventeen sir" *Smack* "Eighteen sir" *Smack* "Nineteen sir" *SMACK* The final stroke was delivered with all the strength the Master had and Kristoph rocked forward with it "Ohhhhh! Twenty sir."

The Master dropped the plimsole beside him and stepped back to admire his handiwork. Kristoph's behind was a rosy red from the top of his cheeks to his upper thighs, bisected by the pale unspanked crack of his ass. "Get up and stand in front of the desk." Kristoph did as he was told and slowly dismounted the table, wincing just once as he straightened his legs. He moved to the middle of the room and presented himself before the desk once again; Nude, drawn to his full height with hands on head and cock errect in front of him. The House Master stood before him, leaning on his desk. "You've done well Kristoph. Do you still want to make a deal?" The student met his eyes and answered firmly "Yes I do sir."

"Very well. Here's how it will work. You will inform on your fellow students for me. Anything that is against the rules, you will tell me, no exceptions. In return I will give you private disciplinary sessions, which it appears you would enjoy." He nodded to the boy's frontage. "Perhaps in time you will be
allowed to discipline others as well. Do we have an agreement?" Kristoph nodded slowly, not so sure of the idea of betraying his friends but excited nonetheless. "I agree sir." "Excellent. Then you are dismissed. Get dressed and return to dorm. I will summon you for your first report next week."

Kristoph's mind raced excitedly as he moved around the room, collecting his clothing and redressing. He wondered what he would happen when he reported for the first time? Who could he rat on anyway? Would the Master let him watch? His behind stung as he slipped his briefs back on but he sensed the time to exit was now and raced out of the room, still pulling his jumper down as he went.

26-09-2017, 11:21 PM
A promising start!

My first thought, which has probably occurred to the author too, is that Kristoph really needs to be careful on how he goes about collecting information on his fellow students, withoutbeing too blatant about it and getting a reputation as a snitch.

Apart from the obvious social consequences, once such a reputation is acquired, people will act very carefully around him, thus minimizing any value that Kristoph has, in collecting intelligence for the Master. Perhaps a policy of 'plausible deniability', say the Master tells the unfortunate punishee that another master spotted the act of rule-breaking, in order to protect his source?

With reference to future episodes, should be a mixture of boys and girls. It will be interesting to see which of these grows to 'enjoy' the sessions as well, more joint sessions with Kristoph, as well as private sessions.

27-09-2017, 09:06 AM
A promising start!

My first thought, which has probably occurred to the author too, is that Kristoph really needs to be careful on how he goes about collecting information on his fellow students, withoutbeing too blatant about it and getting a reputation as a snitch.

Apart from the obvious social consequences, once such a reputation is acquired, people will act very carefully around him, thus minimizing any value that Kristoph has, in collecting intelligence for the Master. Perhaps a policy of 'plausible deniability', say the Master tells the unfortunate punishee that another master spotted the act of rule-breaking, in order to protect his source?

With reference to future episodes, should be a mixture of boys and girls. It will be interesting to see which of these grows to 'enjoy' the sessions as well, more joint sessions with Kristoph, as well as private sessions.

Thanks Gus, will definitely be a mix in future. I have indeed thought of that and will hopefully manage to work around it. I do have a vague idea of how to finish that plot idea off but would like to get a couple of episodes out of it at least! To be honest I doubt many people are interested for the wafer thin quality of my plot.

What I would really like is to get people suggesting scenarios that I can write into these stories; positions, implements, characters as I expect to run out my limited imagination before long. Anyone?

07-05-2018, 07:58 PM
Any more of these stories in the offing I love teacher pupil scenarios Kristoph wasn't the only one getting excited....

23-05-2018, 09:14 PM
Hey Jaybo,

I've got plenty more in mind, I just stopped posting them because nobody seemed to be very interested - thought maybe my scenarios or writing was letting it down.
I'll try and come up with something new soon, do PM me if you have any suggestions!

25-05-2018, 05:24 PM
Hi So serious
I don't think anyone is disinterested in stories...this is quite a passive site and your standard of writing is excellent
So I would be happy to read another!
Do you post on other spanking story forums?
I enjoy the schoolboy schoolmaster scenarios
Best wishes Jaybo

08-06-2018, 08:23 PM
So in response to recent feedback, the story continues! I'll post this in Chapters as I did for the first part of this story, but I've kept it to this thread as a continuation.
As always I'm really keen for people to suggest things to include in these stories, whether its a character idea, a punishment or whatever - join in!

Usual disclaimer applies that this is an adult fantasy and nothing else.

The First Report - Chapter 1

The week following Kristoph's session with the House Master passed quickly, and he did his best to gather information of merit. He had the intention of keeping his friends out of this as best he could, despite his enjoyment of being punished at the same time as Luke. Unfortunately this had not quite worked out and as Friday came around he had only three pieces of information, and Luke was at the centre of one of them.

Kristoph was pondering this dilemma as he sat in Registration Class that morning when he realised his Form Teacher had spoken to him. "Yes Miss?" he replied, rather belatedly. Miss Simpson looked up at him from her attendance sheet "You're to report to the nurse's office. Off you go." and she returned to her paperwork.
Somewhat surprised, he mumbled an acknowledgment and gathered his belongings and left the room. The nurses office was near the Main Office, and away from the dorms and register areas and it took him a few minutes to walk there. He did wonder why he was being called now, annual physicals were at the start of a term and he wasn't ill now.

Arriving at the office he found the door open. He knocked loudly and then stepped inside, finding the main space empty bar the expected furnishings. There were two examination areas to the left but the curtains there were also open and apparently vacant. He was just processing this as a familiar voice sounded from the doorway behind him.

"Good morning Kristoph." the house master said, as he stepped into the room.
There was a sharp click as he closed the door and spun the lock.
"Oh, umm good morning Sir." the boy replied, just mastering his surprise.
"For obvious reasons I thought this might be better for your first report to me." As he spoke the master moved across the room until he was leaning on the front edge of the desk, regarding the student. "Stand properly while you do so." He said pointedly.
"Y-yessir." came the reply, as Kristoph took the hint and set down his satchel and placed his hands on his head, standing to his full height. The master nodded approvingly.

"So. Your report please."
"Well sir, Johnson in B dorm took some money and other things from a couple of the others in there. Threatened to beat anyone who saw him..."
"Noted. What else?"
"Ummmm, Jason has a girlfriend from East House. Apparently he sneaks out to see her but nobody knows when or how."
An ominous silence followed this update.
"Rumours and vagaries are no use to me boy. If I wanted that I could spend 10 minutes overseeing lunch service. Now, unless you want to spend your evening doing lines at my leisure you better have something worthwhile to say instead!"
Cowed by the master's outburst, Kristoph cracked and gave up his friend.
"Luke has a copy of next Wednesday's math paper, he showed it to a couple of us. Thought he might be able to get something for it...." He trailed off and his head went down as it dawned on him what he had said.
"Better." Came the acknowledgement from the House Master. "A decent first attempt, be sure and maintain that standard in future. You are dismissed."
Kristoph raised his head, and the master motioned to the door. He quickly scooped up his bag and exited, closing the door behind him.

What was to happen now? He thought as he made his way to class. The Master had made no mention of what was to happen next, but he thought it best not to ask.

As it turned out, he would not have long to wait.

08-06-2018, 10:00 PM
The First Report - Chapter 2

The rest of the day passed as normal and by late afternoon Kristoph has all but forgotten his morning encounter. After dinner, the students had the option of changing their uniform wear ahead of evening study hall, which started at 6.
Kristoph and the rest of his Registration group were being signed in at the door by Miss Simpson. As he approached she tutted at him "I don't know what you did this time, but I suggest you get there promptly and don't make a habit of this." Kristoph was surprised as she handed him a referral slip which was already filled out, ordering him to the House Master's office. The infringement box was ticked at "Serious". "Off you go then!" Miss Simpson snapped, moving him along the corridor and moving to the next student in line.

He made his way along the familiar route to the House Master's Office, arriving to find the usual Friday evening line of chastened students lined up outside. There were three Junior Students waiting, and from the raised voice behind the door, at least one more inside. Kristoph dutifully joined the line against the wall and waited. A couple of minutes passed until another student appeared round the corner of the corridor and approached. It was Luke, and on seeing him the pieces clicked into place in Kristoph's head. He would not likely be suspected if he was punished too!

Luke looked terrified, and the boys waited in silence. The line slowly grew shorter as the junior students took their turns and one by one returned to the corridor and scuttled rapidly to their dorms. Kristoph did notice that the line did not grow longer, as no others were referred for the typical disciplinary time.

Eventually Kristoph was next and the door opened to the sight of their House Master. He was dressed as ever in business attire, but had shed his tie and his sleeves were rolled up. He did not look pleased.
"So. You two again. I thought I gave you suitable warning last time?" Not waiting for an answer, he took their referral slips from them both and pointed them inside.

Both students lined up in front of the desk again, acting instinctively in the face of their disciplinarian. Kristoph put his hands on his head and Luke,
taking the hint copied him a moment later. There was a moments pause as the door slammed loudly and the Master appeared in front of them, arms crossed, face thunderous.
"I had hoped that you two had learned your lesson last time, but it seems not. Well, I'm sure you both know fine while you are here. Miss Clark in the maths department tells me a copy of an exam paper was STOLEN," he laboured this word "from her class this week, and that you two were the last students at her desk."

Luke kept his eyes firmly fixed on the ground, unable to meet the presence of his Master. Kristoph looked forward, an odd mix of excitement and fear blending the knot in his stomach.

"Now I'm not interested in either of your excuses or lies. I had your dorm searched and lo-and-behold, the paper was found hidden in an old Jotterpad." He waved a hand at his desk, where a battered old notepad was lying open with an unfolded sheet of paper on it. "So as far as I'm concerned, you're both guilty and will be disciplined accordingly."

He regarded the duo before him. Kristoph was dressed in the evening casual uniform again, grey joggers, a matching jumper and black plimsoles. Luke was dressed in similar fashion but he wore a blue jumper marking him as a member of a school debate team.

"Given the severity of this, and your prior warnings, it goes without saying that this will be a severe punishment. I expect you to accept this properly and without any nonsense. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes sir." "Yes sir." chorused the replies.
"Good. Get undressed, uniforms on the sideboard behind you. You may keep your underwear on for the moment."

The two students reacted, and began to strip off. Kristoph shed his jumper first, then his shoes, socks and finally dropping his trousers. Luke's jumper was last and both gathered their clothes into neat folded piles to be placed on the side. As they both resumed their positions, the Master circled the pair, reading Luke's acute humiliation and Kristoph's somewhat more willing participation. The exposed bodies were covered only by a pair of black briefs in Kristoph's case and black boxer briefs on Luke. When he returned to their line of view, he was carrying a chair which he set down facing them. The chair was well made, of hard wood with a ladder back, and no cushioning whatsoever.

"You will be first." The master announced, pointing at Luke. Surprisingly he then walked over and pulled Kristoph by the arm, until he was stood some distance behind and out of Luke's line of sight "And you, stand there." The intention was clearly that Luke would think Kristoph was enduring some corner time, when in actual fact he would be observing everything.

Attention returned to Luke, and instructions followed. "Kneel on the seat, and lean over the back." The boy complied, adopting the uncomfortable kneeling station on the chair, and leaning over the back, his hands gripped the 3rd bar of the back tightly. Luke's underwear hugged his behind tightly as his bottom lifted and presented itself.

Keeping the suspense building, the Master lectured them further. "Now then, last time you received the slipper as a warm up, but this time I think we will just get straight to the paddle." As he spoke he picked up a large paddle from the side of his desk, Kristoph recognised it as the long, heavy implement that had simultaneously punished them last time. The Master lined up, and without further ceremony delivered 3 heavy swats, the long paddle allowing it to catch both cheeks together *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* the noise was muted somewhat by the protective layer of clothing. There was a sharp intake of breath from Luke but he did not cry out. The Master stepped back to survey his handiwork briefly.

"Of course, a punishment is not properly delivered unless on the bare." He declared. As he did so, his free hand grabbed a the rear waistband of Luke's boxers and yanked them downward, settling them askew halfway down his thighs, bared buttocks showing just the slightest tinge of pink. Luke yelped in surprise at this but knew better than to move without permission. "Now then, that's better. Ten should suffice I think?" Luke stiffened as his sentence was given voice but buried his objections.

The Master resumed his station at Luke's left, placed a hand on the centre of his back and lined up the paddle. He delivered the strokes rapidly and without mercy, each seemingly harder than is predecessor. *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* at this point Luke began to moan a plaintiff "Owwww" which continued through the second half of his paddling. *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* by nine he was beginning to wriggle in place, but the hand of his Master on his back pressed more firmly, indicating he should hold station. To Kristoph, looking on hungrily, the final stroke seemed almost like a golf swing, such was it's energy *SMACK!!* "OWWWWWWW! I'm sorry sir!" Whined Luke.

Stepping back, the Master took a moment to review his handiwork. Luke's behind was turning an even shade of raw pink, illustrating the perfect coverage achieved by the paddle. The Master motioned to Kristoph to turn away and he did so, standing with his nose to the rear wall of the Office to await his turn.

"Stand up." Came the command, and Luke slowly eased himself to a standing position. He took a step back from the chair and raised his hands to his head again slowly. From the front he had a red mark where he had been leant uncomfortably over the old chair back, with his pants pulled down he was exposed and clearly embarrassed by this, relunctant to meet his Master's eyes. His knees were also red from kneeling on the hard seat of the chair.
"Starting to make an impression hmmmm?" The Master asked, completely rhetorically. Luke just nodded. "Stand in the corner by the door." Luke turned and shuffled across the room to the corner by the door, hampered by his dishevelled clothing. As he moved he saw the back of his friend, facing the wall near the sideboard, awaiting his own turn.
He stopped as close as he could, but his elbows prevented him standing truly close to the corner. Barely a second passed like this before the master seized
his arms and repositioned them to meet in his lower back. This done, he was pushed forward until his nose was milimeters from the wall. "Do not move until told." Luke sighed in a moment of relief as the Master turned away, leaving him alone to his thoughts and what he could hear.

"Right boy. Your turn."

09-06-2018, 12:28 AM
Another brilliant chapter so serious
Always a fun read!
Thanks j

09-06-2018, 12:58 AM
The First Report - Chapter 3

Kristoph turned around to face the House Master, who was now standing beside the chair again. He beckoned Kristoph over and the boy complied, stopping just in front of the chair. Kristoph was excited, thrilled by his own submission and voyeuristic viewings. "Lower your pants." came the order, and the Master watched as Kristoph lowered his arms and then slowly pulled down his briefs, rolling them down his legs until they sat between his knees. Duly exposed,
Kristoph was already semi-errect, drawing a raised eyebrow from the Master as he motioned for Kristoph to assume position. "In position boy. Do not move."

Kristoph climbed onto the seat and draped himself over the back as he had seen before. He was struck by the discomfort the position caused, staying in place was genuinely an effort, even without a punishment being delivered. A warm hand settled on the arch of his back, and he felt the texture of the paddle brush across his cheeks as the master lined up his strokes.

From the side, the House Master watched as the submissive student settled into place. Subconsciously or not, Kristoph was presenting his rear perfectly from his position, the outcome of his last punishment almost faded to nothing. With the same lack of fanfare, he drew back and unleashed a series of strikes, alternating his aim to catch the top, middle and bottom of Kristoph's backside. *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* Kristoph counted them softly under his breath "One, two, threeeeeee, four, five, sixthankyousir" audible only to himself and his disciplinarian. The Master took a moment to stroke the skin with his free hand, and delivered a hard slap to each cheek as he withdrew *smack* *smack*. "Warming up nicely." He declared as he lined the paddle up again. The remaining four slammed home, Kristoph moving in motion with each as he continued his whispered count. *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK*
With ten reached, the student exhaled deeply and waited for permission to move, his chest was pounding.

The Master set the paddle down on his desk, Kristoph being able to see this, and took his time walking the floor between the two students, observing the reddened flesh of each. A short lecture followed "Hopefully we're starting to see the error of our ways now hmmmmm? Serious misdeeds will be met with serious punishments! That said, you are not finished yet." He turned back toward Kristoph "Kristoph, you may stand up." As the boy dismounted he continued

"Return the chair to its place by the wall." He waited and watched intently as Kristoph, stepped carefully off the seat, now bearing the same red knees and midriff as his compatriot, and picked up the old wooden chair. It was heavier than it looked and Kristoph exerted himself a little carrying it to the wall near where Luke was standing. "Luke, come here. Kristoph take his place."

Luke turned in place and walked stiffly to the middle of the floor, arms still linked behind his back, and stood before the Master. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" At this unexpected question, Luke plucked up all his courage and looked up to say "Yes sir, I'm sorry sir. I did wrong sir." The Master nodded as he listened to the pleading tones. "I accept your contrition, belated as it may be. Five with the cane it is then." Luke's eyes went wide at the mention of the cane and he started to protest. The master turned on him in a flash "I remind you that noise and failure to accept your punishment will see it increased." Luke's eyes were watering but he nodded silently. "Take off your underwear and place it on the desk." The master ordered as he turned away, taking a cane from a cupboard behind his desk. Luke slid his boxers off and set them on the desktop, he resumed position with his arms behind his back, but body language suggesting he desperately wished to cover himself.

The Master remained on the far side of the desk and turned to regard Luke. "Bend over the desk, with your arms out to hold this edge." He rapped the desk with his knuckles as he did so. Luke obeyed, approaching the desk and slowly lowering himself onto it's cold oak surface. He reached out with his arms and held the far edge as instructed, keeping his legs firmly pressed together. The Master watched impassively, purposely holding the cane horizontally at Luke's new eye level so he could see what was coming. Finally in place, Luke put his head down, staring only at the desk's writing pad.

The Master circled the desk again, taking a moment to turn Kristoph in place so he could observe once more. Kristoph said nothing but his eyes were alight.

Approaching the desk again, the Master issued further instructions. "Legs apart boy, quickly now." Luke reluctantly slid his legs slightly apart and in response, found a Cane rattled back and forth between the inside of his thighs, the thin cane stinging with each impact. "Ooooh oh oooooh" Luke reacted, and slid his legs further apart until they were properly splayed behind him. This removed any dignity Luke had hoped to retain, his entire undercarriage now on show to those behind him. "Better." declared the Master as he stepped alongside and played the cane across the surface of Luke's cheeks. "The count is five." He announced formally, and delivered the first stroke. *WhissshCRACK* Luke tensed as it landed and a muffled sob emitted from his downturned head. *WhissshCRACK* *WhissshCRACK* two more landed in quick succession, the thin cane slicing across the uniform pink of Luke's behind, leaving rawer red lines.

Luke audibly sobbed again and gripped the desk tighter. *WhissshCRACK* *WhissshCRACK* the final two slashed low and then high, catching the underside of Luke's cheeks and then across the fleshy top, criss crossing with those already delivered. Luke tensed at both and remained so, even as the Master's hand ran over the bruised area, feeling the warmth now emitting clearly from the student.

A pointed look was exchanged and Kristoph turned back into the corner as the master guided Luke back to his feet. Tears were running freely and it was clearly all he could do not to make a noise at this point. The master handed him his underwear and directed him away "Put those with your uniform and take your place in the corner." "Kristoph, come here." A moment passed while the disciplined Luke changed places with the compliant Kristoph, Luke settling as close into the corner as he could, still sniffling loudly.

Kristoph for his part shuffled quickly into the middle of the room and slipped off his underwear when prompted. hcarefully set himself across the desk, a task made more tricky by his engorged situation. With his behind well displayed on the edge of the desk, he parted his legs as directed and waited for his punishment. The master tapped the cane on Kristoph's upper thighs while he spoke "Remember, keep your position and remain quiet unless counting your strokes. Clear?" "Yes sir." "Then we will begin."

*WhissshCRACK* "One."
*WhissshCRACK* "Hsssssssss two." The second strike caught Kristoph directly over the first and drew a hisss of discomfort from him.

"What's that boy?" The master asked loudly, making a show of stepping close and bending down to Kristoph's face. "Oh really?" He continued in the same loud tone. Kristoph said nothing, not understanding what was happening. "Remain in place." He concluded, his normal tone returning.

"Luke it appears to be your lucky day. Your friend here has just admitted ringleading your joint mathematical misdeeds. Turn around." Luke turned on the spot, looking confused now on top of his distress. "You may get dressed and return to your dorm. I still expect you to learn a lesson from this, theft and cheating will not be tolerated in this Academy - do I make myself clear?" "Yes, yes sir, very clear sir." Luke managed to babble out as he grabbed his uniform from the sideboards and donned it in record time. The master met him at the door with his completed referral slip which was now marked up;
3 Paddle (cover)
10 Paddle (bare)
5 Mid Cane (bare)
and signed at the bottom.

As the door opened and he was ushered out into the corridor, Luke caught a final glimpse of his naked friend laid out across the House Master's desk. The master broke in "Straight back to dorm. I'm afraid your friend here will be some time yet."

The door closed firmly, and relocked. "Now then Kristoph, where were we....?"

09-06-2018, 08:59 AM
Yes I freely admit I'm engrossed in this story
You seemed to have captured that awful feeling of impending punishment with a hint of spiciness :-)

12-06-2018, 01:04 AM
I'm really pleased to see this back!

29-07-2018, 09:49 AM
Hi all, the much delayed final part of this Section of the tale. I must admit I struggled with how to conclude this part, as I've got a few ideas for fresh storylines (in the same universe) which I've been planning instead. Hope its not too poor, feedback and importantly, suggestions are welcomed!

Usual disclaimer applies that this is an adult fantasy fiction piece only. Also warned that there is some sexual content in this one (I've tried to spoiler tag it, but I'm not sure if this forum supports that script.

The First Report - Chapter 4Kristoph did not reply as the Master returned to the desk. The two strokes already delivered were beginning to sting. A moment passed during which the Master appeared to be admiring his handiwork, before he felt the Cane resting against his cheeks again. The Master played it down and up the boy's bared behind, letting the anticipation build in his mind.


Swiftly and without warning, the cane snapped back and sliced across the lower half of Kristoph's behind. He swayed forward slightly with the motion of the blow, but without missing a step made his count “Three-eee”.

The Cane resumed the stroking up and down motion for a moment and Kristoph imagined the crimson lines that were surely forming on his flesh. The sense of submission he felt was total but for some reason it excited him even more. He was broken from this momentary reverie by and unexpected double strike.

*WhissssshCRACK* *WhissssshCRACK*

The Master delivered two strokes in the blink of an eye, catching the fleshy mid-cheek area with both. Kristoph rocked into the desk with the first one, but there was nowhere to go from the second. Surprise more than anything inflected his voice as he counted out “Four. Ohhhh Five....”.

The Master set the cane down on the desk beside the prostrated student and inspected the results. 4 clear red lines criss-crossed both of Kristoph's buttocks, one of them was almost an exact matching pair across the middle. Apparently please, he made a sound that was almost a grunt of satisfaction. “Not bad young man.” Kristoph wasn't sure if this was a rhetorical statement or not but decided to reply with a meek “Thank you sir.”

The Master began to massage the punished area with his hand, and Kristoph relaxed a little, easing the grip he was maintaining on the far edge of the desk and letting some of the tension out of his wide-spread legs. “I believe you enjoyed your first session as an observer didn't you?” He said conversationally. “Yes sir, very much so.” “If you continue to deliver on our agreement we will continue to build on that.” As he spoke the Master's massaging hands explored the full area of Kristoph, finally slipping down to cup his balls. Kristoph tensed at the unfamiliar touch but said nothing. “Do not forget yourself however, I'm sure dorm would be most uncomfortable if word of your betrayal..” he laboured this word “...got out.” He gently squeezed the student and received a rapid “Yes sir, of course sir.” in response.

“Good. You may stand up, turn around and lets take a look at you.” Kristoph pushed himself up from the cool desk and turned on the spot, his Master was stood close behind him which surprised him a little. Instinctively Kristoph raised his hands to his head and assumed position which earned an appreciative nod. The House Master appraised him quickly; red faced and breathing hard, the red marks from leaning over the chair were faded almost to invisibility across Kristoph's lean midriff but he was now at full attention below.

Writer's note – I've Spoiler tagged the next section which contains sexual content, anyone who is only reading for the spanking can skip ahead :)

“It is time Kristoph for you to learn the proper way of thanking your disciplinarian for correcting you personally.” Kristoph met his eyes and read the seriousness in his face. Remembering his first punishment alongside Luke, he had an idea what was coming. Refusing did not seem like an option, and even if it was, a large part of him wouldn't have wanted to anyway “Yes sir.” He replied, adopting the same meek tone as before. Apparently satisfied with this reply, the Master stepped back slightly before his next command. “On your knees. Open your mouth.” Kristoph submissively dropped to his knees, which was in itself uncomfortable having knelt on the hard chair for so long, and his heels were now pressing against his punished rear. He opened his mouth expectantly and waited. The Master stepped in close again, his crotch now largely level with the student, and unbuckled his belt. The Master was also at full attention as he released himself from his boxer shorts. Placing one hand so that it captured Kristoph's hands he guided it to his waiting mouth. A brief lesson took place with the Master steering the student on basic technique until he came with a barely audible groan. Kristoph accepted this and finding his head tilted back, swallowed completely.

The Master returned to his own side of the desk and after a moment ordered Kristoph to re-dress. He did this carefully, the fitted cloth of his briefs rubbing uncomfortably on his behind and frontage. Turning he found the Master was waiting for him by the door. “Two weeks until your next report. I will send for you again.” Kristoph nodded as the Master handed him some items. The first was a small tub of ointment “That will help with your strokes, be sure and keep it to yourself.” He said meaningfully. Another nod. The second item was his referral slip which he accepted wordlessly.

“Until next time Kristoph. Remember, the better the information you give me, the further your training can go.” Kristoph nodded as he acknowledged this, mind a-buzz with excitement, humiliation and already wondering how he would form another report. He stepped out and the door closed behind him.