View Full Version : Poolside punishment

12-08-2017, 07:23 PM
Hi all, another story from me. This is in the same continuity as my first thread (which you can find here http://www.spankingcontacts.co.uk/showthread.php/8566-Two-for-the-House-Master-s-Office). Naturally this carries the usual disclaimer of being a purely adult fantasy fiction piece!

Any comments welcomed too.

One of the duties House Masters assumed responsiblity for was supervision of the sports teams that represented their House. On a Monday such as this, it was the swimming teams who would practice - Juniors first, then the Middle School and the Senior / Adult Team would practice late in the evening. It was approaching 8:30 as the House Master walked the corridor back toward the pool area, dressed simply in shorts and School Polo with a whistle hanging round his neck. He could hear sounds of activity ahead of him, which was not unusual as the Senior Teams were treated as such and expected to arrive and warm up promptly and by themselves.

He passed the staff office by the pool and onto the poolside, and blew sharply on his whistle. There was a flurry of activity as the Team assembled on the side, some from around the pool and others from the water itself. In short order the three boys and three girls formed a lineup by the wall and he appraised the group. The swim teams had a uniform kit which they were expected to wear; a modest but practical one piece for the girls and speedos for the boys, both outfits black with school and house crests. The lineup before him clearly demonstrated this, with two exceptions.

A boy named Scott was standing wearing short red swimshorts. "Where is your uniform?" The Master demanded "Couldn't find them sir." The boy replied, a little too glibly. "Very well. Disciplinary, remain behind after practice." He announced and continued along the line. He stopped in front of a girl named Jana who was wearing a skimpy two piece bikini with a blue floral print. "And your excuse Jana?" "In the wash sir" Again the response was a little too cocky for his liking and he responded "Remain behind at the end, you're also to be disciplined." Both student's faces dropped as he walked on. "All right, lets get started, everyone in and 15 lengths to start."

Practice ran as normal and an hour later the final whistle blew to signal a conclusion. He called out loudly "Good job everyone, that's where we'll end for tonight. Hit the showers, you have ten minutes then I want you off to Dorms." The Team exited the pool and scattered toward the male and female changing rooms. Scott and Jana lingered near the doorway to their respective changing rooms. "You two will assume waiting positions, there and there." The Master pointed to the corners at the far end of the pool and waited as they walked either side of the pool and assumed the punishment waiting position; face close to the wall, back straight and hands on head. This done, he walked out into the corridor where he could see the door to both sets of changing rooms and waited while the other swimmers emerged and headed off back to their dorms. He could see them whispering among themselves, no doubt wondering what their friends had brought upon themselves.

This done he turned back to the pool and walked to the far end where the two students waited. "Right, I will say this once for both of your benefit. You are meant to be an example to the Junior Teams, if you do not follow the rules, why would they? Do not mistake the freedom we give you to train as an excuse to do what you like. Are we clear?" He received two mumbled assents to this before he continued. "Scott, this is not the first time I've had to discipline you here. Go to the changing rooms and resume your position there, I'll deal with you shortly." Scott lowered his hands and walked smartly along the side and entered the male changing area, the Master heard him walking through the cleaning pool as the door closed.

"So Jana, you will be first." He said as he turned toward the Senior Girl. Jana cut an attractive figure even with her long black hair plastered against
her as now. The bikini bottoms she was wearing did not fully cover her buttocks and teased what lay beneath. "Turn around." He instructed and she turned on the spot and looked back at him. She was cold, standing in the open space as she had been and her nipples were clearly visible through her top. "So, do you want to tell me the truth of why you're wearing that or am I to increase your punishment for lying as well?" Jana looked away, and seemed to consider this for a moment. Eventually she answered "Suzie dared me to do it, she thought you might let us wear our own if you liked it." "Well at least you're still honest." He replied. "As this is your first infringement, I propose to deal with you with a simple hand spanking." As he said this Jana breathed a visible sigh of relief, clearly fearful of something worse "Yes sir, thank you sir." "However." He continued, that swimsuit is not acceptable in this pool and I am confiscating it. Take it off."

Jana looked shocked for a moment before she responded "Is that necessary sir?" Jana was a final year student and had a very good disciplinary record indeed, she had not had her bottom bared since she was in Middle School. The Master's face set into a hard look "Yes it is necessary young lady. It would do you well to remember that you are still a student here, and as such you will do as instructed. You will report to my study on Friday for that backchat." Jana's mouth opened to speak again but he said loudly "Now. Remove that swimsuit and set it down beside you before I increase this punishment to something you obviously do not want." He crossed his arms as he said this, brooking no further debate. Jana thought better of it and lowered her eyes with a sigh. She dropped her arms and swiftly unhooked her top, catching it with her left hand, while doing her best to cover her chest with right hand and arm. She dropped the top to the floor beside her and used her free hand to tug the lower half down to her ankles where she stepped out of it and nudged it into a pile with the top. She placed her left hand in front of herself in an attempt to maintain some privacy.

"Resume your position." He said evenly. This brought Jana's eyes back up and she glared at him, a battle of wills taking place before she sighed and put both hands back on her head. Fully revealed, he took in the 18 year old before him; Her dark hair was now swept back over her shoulders, eyes front but deliberately looking beyond him. Her breasts were a pert handful with nipples errect, entire body toned from an athletic career with a strip of dark hair shaved neatly at her crotch. It would take a stronger man than the House Master not to find her beautiful.

"Good, now we can get on with it." He motioned toward the pool where the step ladder stood with its two high metal legs sticking up well over the side. "Brace yourself between those." He waited a moment as Jana walked stiffly to the ladder and stood between the poles, gripping one in each hand. "Very good." The House Master stepped up to her left side and placed his left hand on her lower torso, fingertips just brushing the fine strip of black hair. She was cool and clammy to the touch and quivered slightly at his warm hand. Placing his right hand on her back, he guided her into a gentle bend, sticking her bottom out behind her. "Now then, 20 strikes shall suffice I think. I know you haven't had one for a long time but if you make a noise or move out of position it will be increased. Do you understand?" "Yes sir." She replied, the earlier challenge gone from her voice now.

*Smack* The first strike landed loudly on her left cheek and he let his hand lie there, cupping the smooth, clammy flesh. A small "Oooh" of surprise
escaped her lips and her body moved forward, caught by his firm left arm on her torso. "Hold yourself firmly now." He cautioned, and watched as she shifted her grip on the pool ladder. Duly satisfied, he began in earnest *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* Strikes alternating between cheeks, the sound accentuated by the her still damp skin *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* by the time he reached the mid point he could see a slight pink starting to form on the pale flesh of her exposed behind. *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* another four and an "Mmmm" escaped her. Glancing up, Jana had her eyes closed and was biting her lip for quiet. *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* by the time the 18th landed she was breathing hard but maintained her stoic position. "Two more." He said, hands caressing her lightly bruised bottom as he did so. *Spank* He paused after the left cheek, letting both the string and the thought sink in *Spank* The final smack landed hard and finished. He massaged her behind gently for 20 seconds or so as she regained composure, straightening up and stepping back from the edge of the pool. He allowed her to stand normally but all normal thought was clearly out of her at present and she made no move to cover up. "Now I hope that was a small lesson in the rules of this Academy. Even at your age they all apply." Jana just nodded "Good girl. Present yourself at my Study during detention hours on Friday for your backchat. That will be all." Jana nodded again, mumbled a "Yes sir." and walked down the side of the pool to the girls changing room. The curves of her bottom shifted nicely as she walked and showed the pink glow starting across its surface.

He watched her go, then scooped up her abandoned swimsuit in his hand and walked to the Pool Office. Inside he dropped it into a box on the counter labelled "Confiscations" which already contained two similar sets and sundry items. He waited a few minutes until he heard the door to the girls changing room open and close and the soft sound of footsteps recede down the hall. His thoughts turned to the remaining student, this would be an entirely different set of circumstances indeed. He lifted an item from a drawer and stepped out.


12-08-2017, 11:29 PM
Quick posting this time, feedback on both is welcome!


The changing room was lined on each wall by wooden benches with clothes hooks mounted above them. To one side there was an open space that led into the showers, alongside that there was the cleaning pool and doorway to the pool itself and on the far side was a storage cupboard. Scott had positioned himself in the middle of the floor with his back to the doors, looking toward the showers. Scott was in his first of his three senior years and had a chequered disciplinary history;this would not be the first time he had been punished in here. The truth of his story was that he had worn the shorts to impress the girls with his bravado, not that he was about to admit that. He was rather cold now and reckoned he had been waiting about 45 minutes since practice finished. He had tried listening for Jana but the door to the pool had very effectively blocked any sound from there.

Without warning the door to the room opened and the Master walked in. He wasted no time and came right up alongside Scott. "Here we are again Mr Wills. I'm not going to waste my breath asking this time, if it was to impress someone, vex me or maybe you really did lose them but in any event it shows your stupidity and failure to learn from past punishments." Scott almost smiled at this, finding the House Master's cold anger amusing. This as it turned out was a mistake. "Oh you think this is funny? I assure you young man, by the time I'm done with you this evening you will not be laughing." As he said this the Master revealed what he had carried in with him; a black leather belt dangled from one hand as he spoke. Scott straightened up at this, he had been spanked and paddled before but never the belt. Typically it was reserved for major misbehaviours. "Don't bother with your excuses now boy. Take those shorts off and prepare for a thrashing."

Scott's hands went to his waistband and he slipped the clinging shorts down then bent and picked them up. He set them on the nearest bench and put his hands back on his head. The Master seemed to be contemplating the room before he spoke again. There was a metal rail designed for a curtain to segregate the showers from the wider room, albeit no curtain now existed. "Stand here, and put your hands on the rail." The House Master commanded. Scott obediently moved to the threshold and took hold. Stood behind the Master regarded the student; As one might expect of a swimmer he was lean and defined of muscle. The boy's behind followed this template, firm and devoid of much in the way of fat it made for a neat target. "Stick your bottom out boy. You know how this works." "Yes sir." Scott replied, there was still a note of defiance in his tone.

Weighing the belt in his hand, the Master then doubled it over and launched into his punishment. *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack *Thwack* the strikes were rapid and without warning. With no warmup Scott reacted with a sharp intake of breath and his body leant forward with each. *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack *Thwack* as another four rained in, the pink welts started to appear across Scott's behind and he was heard sniffing back tears. *Thwack *Thwack* The last two cut across his cheeks, expertly landing across the marks laid by their predecessors, and this was enough to get a reaction. Scott cried out "Owwww, please sir!" and took his right hand off the bar, reaching for his buttock.

Scott realised the mistake as soon as he did it, but unexpected instructions followed. "Turn around." Scott turned on the spot until he was facing the Master, who was now looking somewhat pleased with himself. "Starting to understand who is in charge here now I think?" He questioned. "Yes sir, I'm sorry sir." was the meek answer. "Seems you're not as tough as your bravado makes out Scott, only ten to break your resolve there." Scott just nodded, no answer coming to him in his contrite moment. "That's only half of your punishment mind you." Scott's eyes went wide as he said this "Oh no sir, please no! I'll stay in line. Look, my trunks are even in my bag there." He dared to point out one of the small pockets of his kitbag lying nearby. The House Master unzipped the pocket and carefully lifted out a fresh pair of Team Speedos, complete with crests and "WILLS" printed across the backside. "I really can't fathom the mind that thought any of this was a good idea Scott." he continued "And yet, no amount of whining is getting you out of this. On the bench, face down. Quickly."

Resigned to his fate, Scott moved to the wall bench and lay down where he was told. He put his hands in front of his face so they could both hold the edges and support his face. The House Master regarded the naked senior, stretched out before him with ass turning a warm red. "Look up." He said causing Scott to raise his head from the bench. As he did this he found his mouth stuffed with a piece of material and mumbled in surprise. "I think we've heard enough from you for one evening, don't you?" Said the Master as he pushed the balled up Trunks into the student's mouth. "Now then, 10 more."

Whether it was ten more or a hundred more, Scott could not tell. *Thwack *Thwack**Thwack *Thwack* By the time the fourth had landed he was crying freely, but his moans were quite effectively silenced by his trunk gag. *Thwack *Thwack**Thwack *Thwack* The thrashing continued, laid in hard across his cheeks and one caught the very top of his legs, causing him to wriggle slightly. *Thwack *Thwack* The final two landed on bright red cheeks, the build up of well laid shots generating an even colour.

Without further ceremony, the House Master stepped away. "I hope this time the lesson takes, you know well what comes beyond this." He waited as Scott moved himself to a kneeling position, too tender to sit, and acknowledged him. "Yes sir, I'm sorry sir." "Good. Get yourself showered and back to dorm, I expect you there before lights out." and with that he was gone, leaving the punished student to shuffle his bruised behind to the showers.

16-08-2017, 02:56 PM
Excellent writing as always. Another pair which may earn a further appearance?

17-08-2017, 07:48 PM
Excellent writing as always. Another pair which may earn a further appearance?

If anyone wants to see someone reappear, I'm happy to oblige! Any suggestions from those so far viewers?

07-09-2017, 04:09 PM
Bit late to respond, but I'm happy with any/all of these characters to reappear :-)