View Full Version : Two for the House Master's Office

18-07-2017, 07:32 PM
This is a continuation of sorts from the thread I posted in the fantasy forum, I found it easier to write it in the 3rd person though so here it is! Again this could be a male or female scenario but I think there's more males here so I wrote it this way. Happy to share different versions if anyone likes reading it. Comments welcome, either here or by PM if you prefer. Obviously this is an adult fantasy fiction piece.

At the boarding school, punishments were typically delivered on a Friday evening while the rest of the school were in Study Hall. The House Master, opened his study door to usher out what should have been his last disciplinary of the day. The junior boy stepped out and scuttled off up the corridor. To his surprise the Master found two more boys stood against the wall outside. Both were familiar faces, from the middle school of the house, who looked up to him with sheepish faces. The Master held out his hand for the referral note. "What is it this time?" He demanded. He quickly scanned the referral, which was from one of the teachers overseeing Study Hall that day. The boys had been passing notes, which were found to contain lewd content about staff and some of their fellow students. These two had been in trouble often enough and regularly enough to know they were in big trouble. "Right. You first Luke, get in here". The first boy entered the room and the door closed and locked behind him.

The Master walked over and leant against his desk and the boy walked to the middle of the floor before him, he only raised his gaze when he finally stopped and assumed position, standing with his hands on his head. "I won't bother to lecture you on this boy. You've had lectures, opportunities to improve and only minor discipline until this point, seemingly that is not enough." "We will start with the slipper, 30 strikes. Lower your trousers and your pants then bend over." As he said this, he walked round his desk and retrieved a well worn leather slipper. Luke slowly unbottoned his uniform trousers and lowered them to his ankles before doing the same with his black boxer shorts. He then assumed a shallow bend, doing his best to cover himself to the front. The Master had returned to his side of the desk by this point, implement in hand. "No boy. Do it properly, bend over and hold your ankles before I increase the strikes for wasting my time." Luke adjusted himself, bending double to the point he could see behind him, and held onto his ankles to steady himself. He felt terribly exposed like this, as the Master circled him he was sure he saw a smirk on his face.

The Master walked round behind the student, observing his discomfort and bared lower half; a toned pair of legs leading to a lean but not skinny bottom. Stepping to the boy's side, he removed any hope of coverage he hoped to get from his hanging shirt tail, flicking it up and causing it to slip downward, exposing the midriff somewhat. He placed one hand on the top of the arched back and lined up the slipper. "The count is 30. If you move or cry out, we add 5. Do you understand?" "Yes Sir" came the meek reply.

*Thwack* The first landed suddenly, striking firmly on Luke's left cheek. It was harder than expected and just as he caught his breath *Twack* a twin for it landed on his right. Before he could begin to process that another landed on his left. The sting of them began to blossom as the strikes continued apace. Luke held his composure but lost track of the strikes as they rained in. *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* The strikes continued to fall as Luke felt his face flush and his eyes begin to water.

Abruptly the strikes ceased, and Luke dared to hope it was over. He felt the Master's hand stroke his behind, roaming from his arched back to the top of his thighs and then across to the other side and repeating. He flinched a little at this, acutely aware of his nakedness. "14 more." Came the announcement and his heart sank. He nearly objected, cried out for something else but the thought of 5 more loomed in his memory. *Thwack* *Thwack* The strikes resumed their alternating onslaught on his buttocks and pain began to bloom in his mind as the strikes built upon those that came before. *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* The tears came now, running silently from his eyes. It was all he could do to keep himself in position, hands locked to his ankles as it continued. *Thwack* *Thwack* He had lost count again by this point, and just waited for the last. The Master's strikes were delivered with a practiced hand, covering the entire surface of the student's backside.

Then suddenly, there was nothing. Luke opened eyes he didn't realise he had been holding screwed tight shut, and through his legs could see the Master appraising him. From behind the boy's behind was a pair of smooth orbs now turning a warm, glowing pink, with a paler line marking the crack of his ass.

"Stand up" He was instructed as the House Master walked back round in front of him and set the slipper down on his desk. Luke slowly straightened, the pain in his behind seemed to worsen with the movement. He instinctively covered himself with his hands but a sharp motion from the Master indicated he put his hands back on his head. "I hope this evening is going to leave a more lasting lesson on you young man" Luke managed a "Yesssir. May I go sir?". The Master looked up sharply at this "Oh you're far from finished I'm afraid." came the reply. Luke's dismay was evident as the Master continued "I intend for you to learn your lesson properly this time, and not darken my door again. Now, undress yourself." "S-sir?" The boy questioned. Corporal punishment was the norm at the Academy but he had never been asked to do this before. "You heard me boy. Remove your uniform, fold it neatly and place it on the table behind you and resume position." The tone and expression on his face brooked to further debate.

The Master watched with arms folded as Luke slowly undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, folding it and placing it on the floor beside him. He then stepped out of his shoes, and gathered his underwear and trousers from their position around his ankles, finally pulling off his socks to complete the order. He bent down to gather the little pile of clothing, wincing as he did so, and carried it to the sideboard on the wall behind him. He returned to the middle of the floor, desperately wishing he could cover himself, and slowly resumed position with his hands on his head. His eyes were downcast as he waited.

The Master studied the naked student in front of him, the young man's body was lean and slightly athletic. "How do you feel now?" "Embarrassed sir, and sore..." "Good. You're beginning to learn that you are not in charge of this Academy and you will follow its rules."

As he spoke The Master stepped to the side of the office and drew back a partition screen revealing a seating area with a sofa, armchair and a low coffee table. "You're going to have some time to consider your behaviour before we continue. Kneel on the sofa, face the wall and keep your hands on your head." He waited while Luke shuffled across the room and got himself into the ordered position. It was far from comfortable.

"Now, you will wait here quietly until summoned. I have to deal with your friend now." With that the Master drew the screen back across, hiding him from the main floor of the study, and went to open the study door again.

End of Part 1

24-07-2017, 02:44 PM
Soooooo, I thought I posted this a few days ago but it seems I pressed the wrong button and lost it!

Part 3 is nearly ready, I'm just not sure if I should post the vanilla version which continues in a similar tone, or if I should post the longer version which has some more adult content. Feedback welcome viewers!

The second student was waiting nervously outside when the door Study door opened again. Instead of his friend exiting, the House Master stepped out. "Your turn Kristoph, get in here." The boy walked inside and, knowing the rules, put his hands on his head as he waited. He glanced around surreptitiously for Luke but could see no sign. Had he somehow managed to put all the blame on him? He noticed a dividing wall to the side, if Luke hadn't left he must be behind there.

The door closed and a sharp click indicated it was now locked as the Master walked to his desk. "As I just told your friend, I won't waste my time lecturing you. Clearly guidance and the light discipline you have received in the past doesn't work, so I will use more severe methods this time." As he spoke he had picked up the slipper again "30 with the slipper to start. Trousers and underwear down.". Kristoph hesitated for a moment, he had been punished previously but never on the bare. He decided against arguing and slowly unbuttoned his uniform trousers and lowered them to his ankles. He put his hands to the waistband of his black briefs and looked to his House Master with what he imagined to be his most ingratiating look "Do I have to take them off sir?" "Yes you do, stop wasting time and get on with it." The reply brooked no further discussion and Kristoph pulled his underwear down, settling them about midway down his thighs.

The House Master was stood behind him by this point and regarded to student. Kristoph was a similar build to his friend but had a slightly plumper behind. "You will receive your strikes across the desk. Bend over it, and hold the far edge." The boy shuffled forward as instructed and carefully draped himself over large Oak surface, doing his best to preserve his dignity with legs pressed tightly together. The Master stepped up beside him and in one swift motion took hold of the briefs and pulled them down properly, joining his trousers at the floor. This done, the Master placed one hand on his student's lower back, ensuring no shirt tail got in the way, and brought the slipper down to rest against Kristoph's cheek. "30 strikes. Don't move or make a racket or I will increase it. Lets see which of you can take this better."

With that said the first strikes landed *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* Alternating between sides, they landed rapidly and accurately. *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* As they continued to land, Kristoph felt the impacts but didn't feel terribly pained by them - was this all there was to it? *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* As the 12th landed, he winced a little as it landed square in the middle of his buttock where several other strikes had crossed. *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* The 16th caused him to exhale heavily but stifled a yelp. The sting of the earlier shots now rising to compliment the new impacts. Suddenly he noticed a new sensation as the strikes paused.

The House Master's hand slid across the student's backside, feeling the heat of the flesh which was rapidly turning pink. It roamed from top to bottom of each cheek, pausing a moment to squeeze as it cupped each in turn. Kristoph tensed at this. "You're doing better than your friend at least." The Master commented before returning to his station to the side.

*Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* When the next 4 landed, they felt much worse than before. The sting of the first strikes was now well set in and Kristoph gripped the far edge of the desk tighter. *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* As they kept coming he was breathing harder and could feel his face flushing. The effort he had been expending on keeping his legs together faded and they parted slightly. Instantly this was punished *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack* the next strikes took advantage of his movement, catching the top of his thighs and relaxed bottom. He could feel water running from his eyes but could do nothing about it. *THWACK *THWACK* The last two felt like hammerblows, delivered squarely across each cheek with seemingly more force than ever. Kristoph sighed loudly and just maintained his position.

Stepping back the Master admired his handiwork. As he expected it had taken a little more effort but he was confident he had reached the same level as with Luke. Kristoph's behind was now glowing an even, warm crimson with legs now slipped apart as he clung across the desk. "Stand up and return to your position." He ordered.

On hearing the command, Kristoph let go of the desk and levered himself back to a standing position, ass aching as he straightened his legs to stand. He shuffled back to the middle of the floor and turned to face the desk where the Master was now standing, slipper discarded. "Starting to make an impression on you I think." It was not a question but Kristoph nodded regardless, mind spinning. There was a long pause before the Master spoke again "Now, undress and we will carry on."

Kristoph's head jumped as he looked at his disciplinarian's face. "Sir?" He questioned. "You heard me boy. You're not finished with that, now uniform off, fold it and place it on the sideboard behind you." He nodded toward a location behind the student. Kristoph's mouth hung open but he realised there was no getting out of this and complied. He removed his shoes and socks then stepped out of the puddle of his lower garments on the floor. Lastly he undid his tie and unbuttoned his white shirt. He bent down to gather everything into a small neat pile, the movement bringing an increase to the pain in his behind, and carried it to the sideboard on the back wall. It was only as he looked to set it down that there was a near-identical pile already sitting there. In that moment the thoughts of his friend rushed back; Presumably Luke hadn't ratted him out then as it appeared he had received a very similar punishment? Had Luke just heard everything that happened to him?

Thoughts still running through his head, he turned back and stood in the middle of the floor again, doing his best to present a calm face and cool the humiliation he felt. The Master appraised him with folded arms; Kristoph was a similar build to Luke, slim bodied but taller particularly as he stood now. It did not escape notice that the student's cock had stirred now. "How do you feel now?" The enquiry was unexpected but he did his best to answer "Disciplined sir. I'm sorry for my behaviour sir." "Good. I'm glad something is getting through at last, and you did bear it better, but that doesn't mean you can go."

As he spoke, the Master had walked to the side of the room and drew back the partition. As it moved the seating area was revealed and Kristoph saw his friend, stripped nude as he was, on one side of the sofa. Luke was on his knees, legs apart to maintain his balance, facing the wall with his hands on his head.

"Don't just stand there, get up beside him."


24-07-2017, 09:52 PM
Part 3 is nearly ready, I'm just not sure if I should post the vanilla version which continues in a similar tone, or if I should post the longer version which has some more adult content. Feedback welcome viewers!
Does this really need any deliberation at all?

Full monty part three please!

Excellent writing, great work!

27-07-2017, 08:30 PM
Thanks for all the views folks, please do comment if there's things you like / don't like -

future writing can only improve.

For part 3 consider this warning that it contains some adult / sexual content along with

spanking and discipline. It is a bit shorter as I've decided to split off a 4th and final

piece rather than rush it in here.


Kristoph knelt on the second cushion of the sofa and moved forward until he was leaning

against the back of it. He had to brace his legs apart to remain upright and take the

shown position. As he put his hands on the back of his head he took the briefest of

sideways glances to his friend. Luke kept his face directly ahead, eyes down against the


Behind them the Housemaster retrieved an object from behind his desk and seated himself in

the armchair facing the sofa. From this position he could regard his two students in

detail; Both were now completely uncovered, a situation enhanced by the position they were

now holding. The reaction to their slippering meant that both boys now had a faint sheen

of perspiration visible on their backs. Their buttocks were a picture of thorough

spanking; Luke's now settling to an even deep pink with a paler area toward the centre

where the slipper could not reach. Kristoph's was a brighter shade, reflecting the recency

of his punishment. Neither could do anything to cover themselves and their assholes and

balls were visible.

The Master took some time to observe them like this, taking in the result of his

disciplining and letting them consider what was coming. For their part, Luke was

completely numb and desperately hoping to leave, Kristoph wasn't quite sure what he felt,

the punishment had hurt badly but on some level he had strangely enjoyed it? Finally,

their Master spoke "That's long enough I think. Now, as you have once again landed in

trouble together it seems only appropriate that you take part of your punishment together.

So, move yourselves together where you are, and continue facing the wall. I want no space

between you." There was a pause while the command was received and then the two students

complied, edging together in the middle of the sofa. In order to close the gap, they had

to put one arm round each other, using the other to brace themselves on the back of the


The Housemaster stood up and walked over to them, he placed one hand to either side and

pushed the two tighter together, forming a close row of tanned cheeks which met in the

middle and pressed against the other. "Remain there." he ordered as he turned to retrieve

the item he had selected earlier. "Ten of these should be sufficient I think."

The two students waited for their fate, hearing the Housemaster approach and then felt

something against their behinds. Whatever it was was smooth and cool, and it seemed to

have a good surface area as it lined up against them.

The Master took a moment to line up the long wooden paddle, pressing it against them in

order to gauge the optimum position to get all four buttocks evenly. Satisfied with this

he announced "Ten swats gentlemen. No moving, no noise - do you understand?" He received

two quiet answers in the affirmative by return. Without further ado he began.

*Smack* The first shot was not too heavy, as he got his eye in, but it was sufficient to

get the students attention *Smack* *Smack* Two more followed in quick succession and he

could hear the rate of breathing changing on the sofa *Smack* *Smack* as they reached the

halfway point he got a reaction. Luke just stifled a noise and began to pull away, but

Kristoph clung to him, maintaining his place "No, you've got to stay" he hissed under his

breath. "Quiet please." The Housemaster reminded them sternly but made no further

comment. *Smack* *Smack* He delivered two more, catching them equally across the centre of

their bottoms. Luke grunted through gritted teeth, doing his utmost to keep quiet.

Kristoph gave a sort of sigh, breathing deeply in time with the swats. *Smack* *Smack*

*Smack* He delivered the final three in a rapid fire flurry, targeting the top, then the

middle and finally the bottom of their cheeks in turn. The finale caught them both on the

fleshy lower quarter of their bottom and shifted them forward with it. Luke's head was

down again and Kristoph appeared to be clinging to him ever tighter to stay in position.

He stepped back and set the paddle down on the coffee table. The duo were just about

holding station with considerable difficulty. "You may resume your own positions." Order

given he waited while they disentangled themselves from one another, edging back to

opposite sides without falling from the seat. Kristoph resumed his place quicker, pressing

himself to the back of the sofa and slightly seeming to protrude his behind which was now

turning to a bright red accented by pink edges. Luke was slower to adjust, but did get

back in position, both cheeks now marked with a solid red line across their centre, the

paddle apparently taking its time elesewhere.

The Master spoke to them, while simultaneously massaging each of their behinds. The gesture was more intrusive than it had been after the slipper, running over the smooth orbs of their cheeks, stroked across the warm flesh, but also exploring the crease between them and brushing briefly against their holes. "I think we're making some progress now gentlemen? Perhaps now you'll think twice before wasting your study time with lewd comments on the girls and other young men in your House?" "Yes-yessir, won't do it again sir." from Luke and a more even "Yes sir." from Kristoph. "Good." As he spoke, the Master slid his hands between both sets of legs and cupped the two students. Luke's body tensed at this but he managed to stay where he was, his cock had stirred slightly by now an involuntary reaction he did not understand. Kristoph for his part was very nearly errect and had a sharp intake of breath at this. The moment was fleeting and the Housemaster stepped back.

Answering the thought in both students heads, he announced "Now you will both receive an individual hand spanking, and then you can go. Wait until called."


28-07-2017, 11:33 PM
I've got a feeling at least one of them will be back for more 'punishment'. ;)

30-07-2017, 10:52 AM
The end everybody. Part 4 contains spanking and sexual content, and reiterates that this is an adult fantasy fiction only :) Comments welcome!

The Housemaster returned to his seat facing the two students and waited, allowing the effect of the paddle to sink in. Finally he spoke "Kristoph, you will be first this time. Come here." Kristoph stepped off the sofa and moved to stand in front of the Master, he was breathing hard, a strange mix of pain and excitement running through him. His cock was prominent as he stood there. The Master looked at him pointedly "Are you enjoying yourself Kristoph?" "No sir. I don't know sir.....It just happened sir..." The Master smirked at the confused response, knowing full well the effect a spanking could have. "We'll see how you enjoy this then. You will receive your spanking in the wheelbarrow position. Turn around, and then step back on the chair."

Being a deliberately awkward position to assume, a few moments passed while Kristoph got himself there. First kneeling on the chair, legs straddling the Master's lap, and then he was guided forward, until he was holding a press-up stance. His behind now rested perfectly in his Master's lap, exposed by merit of his legs position, the result of his earlier punishment glowing.

The Master placed his hands on each cheek and massaged them gently, it was a pleasant sensation and Kristoph relaxed into it, only to be brough back to earth as a series of alternating open hand spanks landed *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* Kristoph had a sharp intake of breath but otherwise maintained himself. The Master resumed massaging and this time grabbed the boy's buttocks in his hands, firmly kneading the punished skin. Kristoph's head came up with a sigh but he did not speak. *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* *Spank*. The punishment continued in this manner for a short while, as it did so Kristoph continued to breathe heavily, but did not cry out at any of it. He did notice a certain hardness to the Master's lap he was laid against. Finally, after two harder smacks everything ceased and the Master spoke "You may relax now." Kristoph slumped down to his elbows on the floor at this, glad to be able to rest his arms from the difficult position. "Stand up and stand to the side." He awkwardly dismounted from the chair and came to stand to the right of the Housemaster's seat. He placed his hands on his head in the waiting position, cock now rigid in front of him which did not go unnoticed.

"Luke, your turn, come stand here." Luke, who by now was clearly the softer of the two students, got up from the sofa and presented himself before the Master. He had listened to all that had just taken place and was conscious that no limit had been set before Kristoph was spanked. He could see Kristoph standing to one side, chest rising and falling rapidly, the punishment must have hurt." Plucking up all his courage he spoke up as the Master regarded him "Do I have to take it like Kristoph sir? H-how many?" Surprised by the out-of-turn question the Housemaster replied "The number shall be at my discretion young man. When I determine you have learned your lesson we will stop. Is that clear?" "Yes sir." "Good. In answer to your second question, get across my knee."

Luke approached and draped himself over the Housemaster's lap, who moved himself to accomodate the position. Soon Luke was laid down diagonally, upper body and arms over the arm of the chair, lower body in range and his legs hung down the front of the chair. Without further preamble, the Master began the same massaging method he had employed on the first student, this time with only his right hand, the other resting on the boy's lower back. *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* *Spank* When the first slaps landed, Luke yelped and wriggled in place, his legs kicking slightly also. The Master held him where he was without issue but neverthless he lifted his right leg to trap the boy's legs in place, pinned between his. In the same motion his left hand caught Luke's right forearm and pulled it round to his lower back and held it there firmly. These adjustments effectively immobilized the student. "We will continue without further silliness." The Master's tone carried a warning note to it. "You'll want to hold on to that." He said more quietly. Luke did not know what this meant but it was aimed at Kristoph, as the Master indicated his engorged cock.

Luke's punishment continued in the same format, but much louder, each spank accompanied by an outcry of some sort *Spank* "Owww" *Spank* "Oh!" *Spank* "Owwwwww siiiiir" The noise died down during the massaging interludes but got loudest when grabbed "OWWWW owwww owww please sir...." When he had received about two thirds of what Kristoph had the Master spoke, while continuing to massage. "Now Luke, for the final part of your punishment, you're going to have to help out your friend, then you can both go. You'll do that won't you?" "Yes sir." Was the quiet reply. In his head Luke was ready to agree to anything that got him back to dorm quicker. The Master made a gesture Luke couldn't see and his friend suddenly appeared in front of him, face flushed and gently stroking his cock. The height of the chair's arm put Luke roughly in line with it. As realisation dawned, the Master instructed Kristoph "Put it in his mouth." The student complied and Luke closed his mouth around it instinctively. Kristoph came almost instantly with a loud groan, trembling slightly with the release. Luke for his part was so shocked by the near immediate discharge that he swallowed completely before opening his mouth to object. He was so distracted by this that he barely noticed two motivational spanks which landed at the same time.

A moment of two passed as Kristoph withdrew and the Master released Luke from his position. "Get dressed, both of you and stand in front of the desk." The duo scurried over to the sideboard to retrieve their clothing. The Housemaster watched while they picked up their boxers and briefs and slid them back on, grateful for the coverage but wincing as they pressed against bruised cheeks. He turned away as they donned socks, trousers and shoes.

Finally the pair stood back in the middle of the Study, uniforms in reasonably good order. The Master spoke as he validated their disciplinary slip. "I hope this will be a valuable lesson to both of you. It goes without saying that if I have either of you referred again in the future you will receive worse. Do you understand?" A small chorus of "Yes sir, thank you sir." Came back to him. With that, the Housemaster strode to the door and unlocked it, off you go then, Study Hall is not yet finished, you can return your slip to the Duty Master. The two students filed out, Luke accepting the small paper slip as he did so, they walked stiffly down the corridor as the Study door closed again.

03-08-2017, 12:38 AM
And a round of applause for the conclusion.

As I said, I get a feeling at least one of these lads will be back before too long...