View Full Version : First Bare bottom spanking

11-07-2017, 04:09 PM
I remember well my first and only bare bottom spanking , I think I was about 10 years old and my sister and I were staying with out Aunty. One afternoon I was playing football in the garden and my sister was annoying me. So I got the football and kicked it straight at her as hard as I could . It missed my sister as she jumped out the way and went straight through the glass patio door. My Aunty was straight out and sent me to my room with the look of thunder on her face.

She was a large lady and I could hear her on the phone to my mother. Soon she appeared at my door and told my she had spoken to my mother and I was going to pay for the damage from my pocket money and my aunt was to deal with me as she felt fit . She grabbed me by my wrists and pulled me in to her bed room. Where she told me she has seen me kicking the ball at my sister and for that I was going to get a good spanking that I will not forget in a hurry and by the time she has finished I will not be able to sit down for a week .
With that she pulled down my trousers and pants and forced my over her knee. I was so shocked and rembassed .

The first spank was not too bad but they came think and fast and soon I was crying out for her to stop.
Which she did only to pick up a hair brush on her bedside table which really stung my poor bottom I was I tears and had a vey bright red and very sore when she finally finished. I lay on my bed rubbing my bottom and feeling sorry for myself ,totally embassed but strangely remember feeling her suspender belt as I wriggled on her lap. Today I stil find this memory strangely erotic .When my mother picked me up , my aunt told her she had given me a spanking I will never forget .which is true .Maybe I should to re live this !