View Full Version : Bertha the bully and the sisters of no mercy

14-04-2017, 12:37 PM
Bertha terrified children and adults alike.....
Born to a meek and mild couple Mr and Mrs Brown she manipulated her parents soft countenance with terrifying hysterical wailing fits if she didn't get exactly what she desired. Mr and Mrs Brown thought it was a phase and it would pass but as Bertha became older her demanding and fury only grew with her size.
She soon towered over her mother and father who took to nerve pills and booze to block out Berthas demands.
Banned from school, sixteen year old Bertha was heading for borstal or worse Mr and Mrs Brown were at their wits end they loved their daughter despite her horribleness....
That's when they discovered the sisters of no mercy a last hope for parents of horrible children they had a 100 per cent success rate so the Browns made the call....

15-04-2017, 01:26 AM
Part 2

Bertha found herself unceremoniously dumped in a cab after the agreement between her parents and the sisters was confirmed she was told she need not bring any possessions with her to the sisters home as they would provide everything for her stay.
Grumpy but with as slight unnerved feeling Bertha arrived at the sisters home ,it was an unassuming place much like any suburban home from the outside at least.

Bertha's usual arrogance was lacking today as she knocked on the door.......
It seemed to take an awfully long time for the door to be opened so Bertha knocked again.....
The door opened suddenly and Bertha jumped in fright.....
Two ladies stood at the door both stern looking with plain faces and tight pinched lips and piggy eyes which seem to bore into your very soul seeking out wickedness!
Bertha is it? the larger sister snapped Yes said Bertha in a quiet voice she didn't recognise of her own.
You best come in said the other sister who was wiry with a ruler clutched in her hand which she slapped into her palm.
Let's get you registered and go over the rules.....
Bertha found herself in a gloomy study with the sisters they sat but Bertha didn't have a seat to sit on.
I am Sister Morag said the plump sister and this is Sister Rhona you will address us both as Ma'am this is important failure will result in a black mark accumulation of Marks will result in punishment from us both you have been warned.
We are looking through your paperwork and it seems to us that you have been a brat for a very long time I think we can help mend your ways.
We will take you now to your room yours for the duration of your stay with us.
Bertha followed the sisters to her room thinking how she was planning her escape no way was she gonna put up with their nonsense!...TBC

15-04-2017, 11:03 AM
Part 3

After being shown to her small room and being given a thin smock to wear Bertha joined the sisters for a meagre dinner of boiled veg of which mostly consisted of cabbage and some tiny potatoes with a thin slice of ham the meal was eaten in silence Bertha doing her best to swallow the watery veg and sipping tepid water.
Eww thought Bertha no wonder they had a high success rate no one would stick around for this muck she thought.
After dinner the sisters said lessons commenced at seven in the morning so she best get ready for bed.....BED!? But its only 6 PM... Blurted Bertha she realised she'd spoken out of turn.....
Hands out! Shouted sister Rhona Palms up! Said sister Morag.
Bertha made a dash for the door but sister Morag blocked the way.
Bertha spotting the open window behind sister Rhona skirted around her and dived through the gap ..Bertha sensing freedom was dismayed to find herself half in and half out of the window hands gripping her ankles had stopped her midway she kicked and struggled she was so close....
Bertha felt the window frame slide close on her back!...Help! She began to call...sister Rhona appeared in front of her,....oh my what a pickle she snickered and with that stuffed a pair of tights into Bertha's mouth stopping her calling out.
Sister Rhona and sister Morag looked upon Bertha's waggling bottom sticking out from the inside of the window.... Justice is sweet eh sister? They grinned evilly and raised their thick wooden rulers as they crept towards the wriggling target.... One at a time or both together ? They pondered as they raised their rulers high.......TBC

15-04-2017, 05:20 PM
Part 4

Sisters Morag and Rhona were primed for the attack when there was a loud knocking at the front door...bother! Exclaimed the sisters...Bertha heard the knocking too and managing to spit the tights out of her mouth started hollering again help someone help... sister Morag went to the door and sister Rhona went outside to shush Bertha...
.... Now you let me go you witch screamed Bertha into sister Rhonas face I will tell if you lay a finger on me!...
Sister Rhona said nothing as three familiar figures joined them along with Sister Morag to Berthas surprise came her parents Mr and Mrs Brown....Mum Dad do something these two looneys are mental help me out of this window and I will come back and behave I promise.....Bertha gave her most convincing smile and the Browns almost gave in......

But remembering the years of torment and strife Bertha had caused them the constant apologising for her behaviour and the shame she brought the family they needed her to learn her lesson once and for all.....
I am sorry love said Mr Brown comforting his trembling wife...but enough is enough the sisters have come to help us and if that means discipline then so be it....

And so it came to pass that Bertha the bully was about to receive the first and mightiest spanking of her life the sisters started first employing their stout wooden rulers across Berthas bare bottom still wedged in the window frame and with no way of freeing herself Bertha kicked screamed and bellowed as the long deserving punishment came....WHACK after whack struck Berthas tender bottom each sister concentrating on one cheek each...Mr and Mrs Brown sat in awe at their daughters punishment dance until beckoned by the sisters they were handed the rulers and then encouraged by the sisters they tentivately at first began to spank Bertha.... See it's easy when you know how they cooed as they sat back and watched Mr and Mrs Brown pick up the pace with some humdinging thwacks..... A sorry looking face and bottom you never did see on a bratty madam...Bertha through snotty tears thanked the sisters for their intervention and she promised to behave Mr and Mrs Brown were presented with two new rulers as the previous ones used on Bertha had snapped during the ordeal...
Remember said the sisters were are only a phone call away if you ever need us.....
Berthas drive home was sore with her father taking a route home predominantly of cobblestones suggested by the sisters....
Bertha plotted silently she would bide her time but people would pay...oh yes... OUCH! as she thumped down in her seat as they hit a pothole in the road....