View Full Version : Fat lazy boy training

06-04-2017, 12:16 PM
With Jaybo becoming more lazy and indolent by the hour Uncle was becoming extremely tired with his nephew's complete lack of motivation even the most severest thrashings saw Jaybo slipping back into his old lazy ways after promising he would reform and buck up his idea's

Uncle decided to contact his old retired Headmaster as he kept in contact and knew if anyone could sort out Jaybo then there was none finer and stricter than Mr. James Cainer.

Jaybo initially thought that Uncle had tired of him and tried to beg to stay when this fell on deaf ears he resigned himself to fate..

.. And found himself at the home of Mr Cainer and his wife Beatrice.
Uncle had explained that Jaybo better watch his manners and try not to upset The Cainers or woe betide
his bottom if he failed.

Jaybo at first did not think the Cainers that fearsome they both were in their sixties and looked pretty much a normal couple to him...

Jaybo did his best helping around the home being polite
and began to quite enjoy his structured life with the Cainers. uncle often left him alone where as the Cainers were always around and always seemed to have little chores to do.

One night jaybo woke to the sound of female sobbing..concerned he got out of bed and listened again he could hear a Swish Thwack! sound followed by more sobbing and pleading.
Jaybo knew that sound well , should he investigate?
He crept naked from the bed slipping on his dressing gown and opened his door a fraction there's that sound again louder now SWISH..THWACK! and a moan of distress surely Mr Cainer wasn't beating his wife?

Jaybo found himself outside the Cainers bedroom door the whacking sounds were loud now and coming faster....WHACK!..Yelp!...WHACK WHACK!..Owwwww! Jaybo braced himself and opened the door to the Cainers room.....

To be continued.. :)

06-04-2017, 01:53 PM
Part two

...the door swung fully open...
Jaybos tummy did a double flip he was confronted by two huge female bottoms criss crossed with red,pink and purple lines...jaybos eyes were out on stalks and his willy was starting to do the same....
Don't you ever knock?...boomed a voice...jaybo started to respond but couldn't tear his eyes away from those punished bums.
Mr Cainer cleared his throat...You boy get that gown off and stand in the corner I haven't finished with these two yet!...jaybo was dumbstruck he recognised Mrs Cainer and the other lady had similar looks but was younger.
Jaybo suddenly became aware of his naked body and his arousal and scuttled to the corner of the room.
Right my dears let's continue said Mr Cainer brandishing a long tattered cane that looked well used.
As the ladies thrashing continued jaybo noticed the umbrella stand in the corner bursting with canes of varying sizes and shapes.. Some with crook handles some looped at the end...all looked formidable.
Jaybo knew this had been to good to be true!

Jaybo learnt later that the other lady present was the Cainers daughter Agnes and along with her mother was used to her father's nightly punishment rituals.
... To be continued...

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Part the third...

Mr Cainer had consoled his wife and daughter with soft words and some industrial Strength soothing lotion which he thickly slathed on the ladies sore buttocks and thighs after the ladies had calmed down and put their nighties back on Mr Cainer ordered them to leave.

Mr Cainer explained that once he had retired he missed the disciplining of bottoms and his wife and daughter had become his surrogate pupils and despite his penchant they loved him enough to submit.

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Part the fourth..

Mr Cainer and jaybo were alone in the bedroom.
Jaybo knew Mr Cainers need and wondered if fate had brought him here, as much as he hated the humiliation of submitting to a beating, deep down he knew he craved it.
Sensing Jaybos acquiescence Mr Cainer gave Jaybo the choice of cane.
Jaybo looked through the bunch of canes and selected a lengthy supple whippy one for his punishment.

Jaybo bent over the end of the bed in supplication straightening his legs hands on the foot of the bed pushing out his bottom and arching his back.
Mr Cainer admired the full unblemished target he would thoroughly enjoy caning this bottom.
Mr Cainer gently tapped the lowest part of the cheeks to set up his shot.
A tremendous whoosh as the cane flew through the air coming to a sudden halt as it wrapped neatly across both cheeks..Jaybo bit his lower lip as the pain surged across his bum and he rocked his heels and wriggled his bum to shake out the sting.
Mr Cainer relished this caning he drew it out leaving ample time for the pain to reach its crescendo.
Jaybo asked Mr Cainer if he could lay on the bed as his legs were shaky this he allowed as he could administer some scorching downward strokes right across the fullest part of jaybos bottom.
Jaybo was a tear filled heap of endorphins and throbbing by the time Mr Cainer was done with him
Symmetrical tram lines ran across his bottom and he welcomed the rubbing on of the cooling soothing lotion
This man knew how to cane as jaybo groaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain

07-04-2017, 01:43 PM
Part five....

Continuing on Jaybo has decided he enjoys the company of The Cainer Family and his naturally submissive nature
fits well with Mr Cainers masterly approach.
His wife Beatrice and daughter Agnes dote on him and even Jaybo thinks he has some almost "trance" like hold as when he asks or tells you to do something you do it perhaps that's why he was such a fine Headmaster.

One morning Agnes emerged from her father's bedroom red eyed and blushing trying to walk without letting the obvious pain in her bottom show she spotted me and dashed to her bedroom.
Strange thought Jaybo most of Mr Cainers punishments were evening affairs, I wonder what's she's done?...

Mr Cainer had some business in town and Beatrice explained that Agnes had been caught by her father using a dildo on herself.. Mr Cainer had been in apoplexy unfortunately Agnes thought she was alone as she had heard her father leave and start the car but he had returned to ask if she wanted anything in town...
And caught her mid-frig plunging herself on her bed.
His eyes flashed red and trying to keep a lid on his anger he told Agnes to report to his bedroom with the offending dildo.

Agnes afraid and startled from her interrupted fun sighed miserably and slowly left her room and knocked meekly on the door....

07-04-2017, 04:31 PM
Part six...

Agnes has been caught pleasuring herself by her father Mr James Cainer a retired headmaster and strict disciplinarian she has been summoned to her fathers bedroom to explain herself.
Jaybo a guest of The Cainer family is busy tidying in the garage and Beatrice Mr Cainers wife is busy in the kitchen they are unaware of what is happening upstairs....

Agnes shamefully faces her Father she has the offending dildo and doesnt know what to do with it.
Mr Cainer has his back to his daughter rocking silently on his heels.
Agnes trys to offer some explanation but is cut off by Mr Cainers arm raised and finger pointed indicating silence.
Agnes knows that to plead would only fall on deaf ears.

Mr Cainer sighs and says Agnes I understand we all have needs but to be so brazen with a guest in the home I cannot let this pass I would ask you to be stoic and quiet while you receive your caning go and strip and lay on the bed and present your bottom.....

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Part seven

Agnes has placed herself on the bed face down raising her hips and bottom in the appropriate manner bolstered by pillows...her chin on her hands she is waiting for the inevitable.....

Her father is selecting the correct cane for the job not too thick nor too thin she needs to be appropiately corrected bingo! he thinks one of his surviving crook handled specials yes this will do nicely....

Agnes trembling full bottom wriggles in anticipation ...feint marks from her previous thrashing just visible on her pale flesh...
Mr Cainer places the offending dildo in front of Agnes and prepares a few practice swishes.....
Remember girl take these in silence please!

The first stroke crashes into the proferred bottom cheeks with a resounding SSMACKK! and Agnes buries her head into the bedclothes clenching and writhing...
Mr Cainer times the second stroke carefully waiting for the wriggling to subside...

Agnes is doing her level best to stop from yelling out and is frantically squirming on the bed to dissipate the tortuous stinging fire roasting her prominent bottom...

the cane flays down and Agnes screams into her pillow.

Mr Cainer is impressed with his daughters resolve and she presents a well thrashed arse.
I am not going to allow you any of the soothing lotion this time let this be a timely lesson my girl.

Agnes still in the throes of a blistering beating is somewhat wet and wonders if her father will notice if she takes the dildo back to her bedroom for later.
She will make darn sure he really is out when she next decides to masturbate.

07-04-2017, 06:26 PM
part eight


James Cainer was happy with his lot,a born master and disciplinarian, he had no vices except for his driving spirit to punish wrongdoers and make them see the error of their ways.
He had excelled as a trainee teacher being both liked and feared by his associates and pupils.
Known as hard but fair he received grudging respect even through those he had reason to punish.
James eyelids fluttered as he allowed himself to slip into a deep slumber....his wifes soft breathing next to him in bed...he counted himself a lucky man a loving wife a wonderful daughter respecting and accepting his firm love and ruling....and now with the added guest of Jaybo an ex pupils nephew who needed strict guidance a satisfying warmth overtook him as he drifted off...

James often dreamt of his past....back as Headmaster of WELLSTRIPED ACADEMY his office his rooms and his then secretary (and now wife) Beatrice Beaton affectionately known as Bettie.....
James dreamed on ...he was not sure when he first fell for Bettie ...she was always neat and punctual , professional when needed and with a fantastic hourglass figure he would often ponder in quiet moments what she would look like naked and across his knee......

Beatrice gave a snort and a sigh next to James was she dreaming too?....

....James cast himself back to when Bettie had first admitted to him about her spanking fetish....
James had just finished giving six of the best to Jones a horrible bully and Jones had been particulary vocal in his receipt of his caning....Betties curiousity had been piqued obviously she had heard canings administered before but usually taken a bit more quietly with just the Thwit! Crack! as the cane landed......

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part nine mr cainers dream...

Mr Cainer noticed after he had ushered Jones from the room that Bettie looked flushed and her hand shook slightly ....concerned he asked her what was the matter had Jones been rude?....

Bettie sighed and looked into James eyes...
Erm... I...I have something to ask you ...James nodded to continue and sat down ...What is it Bettie...you know you need not fear me....there was a silence between them Bettie smiled James smiled ...I want you to punish me James....like you punish the boys!....

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part 10 mr cainers dream....

James Cainer could not quite beleive what had been said to him....
His secretary and secret crush had asked him to punish her!!!!.....like the boys!!!!....

Now it was James turn to fluster...and Bettis smiled as James Mr Cainer never got unruffled...

James and Bettie waited until evening.... school business had taken presidence over this revelation....James asked over and over is this what you really want? with Bettie nodding and smiling and giving little giggles.
James explained he never punished anyone without good cause and would not dream of caning Bettie so they needed a compromise....
Bettie admitted she had been taking small bits of money from the boys allowance funds and she blushed a deep red....

James found this just cause and his demenour change immediatley ... well in that case.. he thundered ...I have no choice but to give you a bare bottom spanking Bettie!....

Bettie quailed slightly at this ...on the b b bare she stammered.
Yes stealing is a disgusting crime and can only be resolved with hard punishment!

07-04-2017, 10:24 PM
Part 11 Mr Cainers dream

As James Cainer reminisced about the past in his sleep so too did his wife smiling in her sleep about the first time he punished her......

Bettie had admitted to James that she had been siphoning off small increments of money from the pupils allowance fund to buy little treats for herself....
She explained that hearing the boys punished she also felt she could confess to her crime......
James laid Bettie across his lap...This is what happens to those that steal from their employer and he neatly folded back her skirt and he gasped she was not wearing any panties... just a glorious lush Bottom...

One thing before you start James... I have never been spanked before, My parents didn't believe in it and I wasn't unruly at school you will be my First!

James took this information in....a pristine bottom all for Him!

There is always a first time for everything my dear he said and brought his palm down hard on one cheek with a resonant SMACKK!.....Bettie initial reaction was flight but a firm arm kept her pinned to carry on the stinging onslaught.....Smack after Smack played out on her poor cheeks turning the skin from a pale pink to crimson red....James was indeed good at this and all the kicking and wriggling wasn't going to stop the battering her buttocks were getting.
the shock alone was preventing tears as the meaty palm pummelled her behind purple.
Limp with exertion the Spanks lessened to a slower pace her bottom had gone from merely sore to volcano hot and the throbbing was astronomical when James finally let her rise...the initial anger she felt had dissipated and a serene calm came over Bettie she felt purged and born again and as she rubbed some of the soreness out of her bum she saw James in a new light could he be the One?....,