View Full Version : Part 4

21-01-2017, 09:02 PM

When mummy discovered what I had done she was both very angry and disappointed in me. I knew that I had done wrong and I expected some form of punishment, like not being able to play outside of go to bed in disgrace. I did not expect the instructions that I received from her, which were to go round to Mr Davies’s house and report to him after school. The next school day dragged and dragged, because I was terrified of what would happen that evening.
When I arrived outside the house, I walked slowly up the front path and nervously knocked on the front door. Mr Davies answered the door and asked what I was doing there, and I told him that mummy had sent me round because I had been naughty. He said:
“Oh, how inconvenient I was just about to have my evening meal, but you had better come in”.
I entered and was led to his dining room. It was set for his dinner, in fact, his dinner was on the table, steam gently rising from it. I learned later that Mrs Davies was a nursing sister who worked nights at the local hospital, and had cooked the meal ready for her husband when he came home from work.
“What did you do that made your mother send you to me” asked Mr Davies
“Out with it boy, I”m waiting”.
I felt sick inside and tears welled up into my eyes as I stammered:
“P-please sir, I’m sorry sir, I t-took some p-p-pennies f-from mummy’s purse to buy some sweeties”
“You took money from mummy’s purse, that is stealing and it is a very naughty thing to do, especially from your own mother, that is a heinous crime that must be punished. You will be spanked hard”
‘Oh N-n-n-o sir, please”
“Don’t interrupt Smith, You have delayed my meal which is getting cold. Now strip off all your clothes and stack them tidily on that chair, and be quick about it.”
I could tell that Mr Davies was very cross so I did what he asked me to do and when I was standing, shivering naked with my hands covering my willy, he said:
“Go stand in the corner with your hands on your head whilst I eat my dinner. You can contemplate the thrashing you are going to receive and ask yourself ‘was it worth it’, now go and don’t move”
I stood in the corner watching him eat, hands on my head, with my privates displayed in view. As I thought of what was about to happen, more tears welled up and I brushed them away.
“I told you not to move” said Mr Davies as I returned my hand to my head.
“Sorry sir”.
“You will be”
Mr Davies finished his dinner, then he cleared the table and took the plates to the kitchen. I heard him washing up, and all the time I stood with my hands on my head silently crying. He then went upstairs and i heard some draws open and close and he returned carrying two strange bat shaped objects, one of leather and one of wood. I didn’t know what they were for but I had a bad feeling about them.
He took his chair to the middle of the room and sat on it. He beckoned me over and said:
“Right Smith, you are to go over my knees again for a thorough spanking. You know the reasons why you are going over them don’t you.”?
“Y-y-yes Sir”
“Despite having received several spankings recently it does not seem to have done you any good, tonight, however, the spanking you are about to receive I guarantee you will remember, and maybe your behaviour will improve, Now over my knees.”
I lay across his knees and he began to spank my bottom hard, very hard, and before long I was shouting in pain, my legs kicking, bottom twisting to avoid the blows. My hand which had come up was held into my back, was to no avail as none of the blows missed their target. I was now in floods of tears, but still they came. Eventually they stopped and Mr Davies pulled me to my feet. I stood in front of him while he lectured me on my misdeeds. My bottom was burning, I had never been beaten so hard and for so long before, my legs were actually shaking. He turned from me and picked up something, when he returned back to me I saw that he was holding the leather bat.
“The spanking that you have had was for stealing from your mother, the next one will be for not doing as you are told, namely, moving your hand to wipe your eyes when told not to move. Now over again”
I hesitated but was pulled over his knees and was given six swots with the leather bat, which re-ignited the feelings of pain my bottom had already experienced and it had the same effect on me, only it was really on fire now.
I was told to get dressed then escorted to the door and sent on my way home.
When I arrived, mum said:
“Upstairs now”
Up I went, mum following.
“Trousers and pants off, then lay on the bed and let me see”
I lay on the bed and mum touched me me several times and felt my bottom. she said
“Your bottom still feels warm and it is very, very red, you really did get a good spanking, I hope you have learned your lesson. Now you can get into bed and think about your behaviour.”
“What about my tea mum”. I asked.
“You do not get any as further punishment”. She then left me to it and went downstairs.
Later, as I lay in bed and after the ache in my bottom had desisted, that strange feeling of warmth replaced the pain and I quickly dropped off to sleep.
I was to have many more spankings from Mr Davies over the next few years. As I got older I used to get a hard on before and during a spanking, once I knew I was going to have one. Mr Davies noticed my condition and would dish out a harder one. I used to enjoy the after effects of my spankings, especially the warm feelings in my bottom and used to engineer situations where I knew I would get spanked. Mr Davies was not getting any younger and eventually the spankings stopped. Thus began a lifelong love of spanking, which has not ended yet. Perhaps I was born to be spanked!!