View Full Version : Part three

19-01-2017, 09:08 PM
Mr Bernard Hargreaves, the school caretaker, was not married and lived alone in the caretakers house. The house was situated partly within the school playground, in as much that it had a side door which looked like a front door that led out onto the playground. There were two windows, one at lower level and covered in a metal mesh, so that the caretaker could look out to survey his domain and a small window upstairs. It was also situated opposite the Junior school entrance so was on the same elevation as the wall with a gap in it to the school garden, where Mr Davies had spanked me in front of the class. There was also an entrance to the playground at the opposite end to the garden. This was where any deliveries were taken in by Mr Hargreaves. He was about 55 years old and was happy in his work, replacing empty toilet rolls in the boys and girls toilets, bringing in the coke for the classroom fires, many small repair and maintenance jobs which always seem to crop up.
Ever since he had heard me getting my spanking for being late for school, I noticed that every time I seem to bump into Mr Hargreaves during the day, he always looked at me funny, a sort of learing look which I found rather unsettling. I tended to ignore it most of the time but one day, whilst in the school garden, helping with gathering in the vegetables that were ready to pick and be taken to the school cook, I took a short cut across the plot and trampled some newly planted onion sets which were not there when I previously used the route.
Mr Hargreaves was very cross and he called me a careless boy and that he should report me to Mr Davies. I pleaded with him not to because I knew what would happen. So he said that I should report to him after school and after he had done his rounds. Then I was to help him re-plant all the onions.
After school I waited until he had done his rounds and went with him to the garden. Whilst helping to plant the fresh onion sets he began to question me about my spanking:
“What did it feel like? Did it hurt?” He asked me, with that look again.
“Of course it hurt, and it stung” I told him.
When we finished the planting he said:
“Right then, we will go up to the house and you can have a treat, orange juice or something. I followed him up to and into the house. I did not know why I didn’t go home, mum always told me not to talk to strangers but Mr Hargreaves wasn’t a stranger so I thought it was ok. We went into his kitchen and an orange juice was handed to me which I drank greedily. He was looking at me all the time. When I had finished the drink he said:
“Come upstairs, I have something for you”
“What is it” I said.
“Patience, you’ll see” he answered.
I followed him upstairs, passed the little window which gave light to the stairs, then into his bedroom where he sat down on his bed. He said to me:
“I’ve been thinking that planting the onions is not enough punishment for you to improve your ways so I have decided to spank your bottom, it will not be as hard as you got the other week but I am sure you will remember it. Come here” he said.
He stood me in front of him as I protested. He then undid the buttons of my shorts and pulled them down, I held on to my underpants but they were soon pulled out of my hands and joined the shorts on the floor. He pulled me over his knees and then started to caress my bottom, when I had expected to feel a spank. He tapped it gently all over and continued to rub it. I have to confess that it was not too bad and was beginning to enjoy the situation. Then the spanks came, three of them, but they were not as hard as Mr Davies’s, then the rubbing resumed - ‘ooo nice’ I thought. Three more spanks, more rubbing and it continued until I had had twelve smacks. During this action I felt Mr Hargreaves willy get harder as it progressed. When he had finished the spanks his hand slipped between my legs from behind and started to feel my willy. To my surprise it also got a little stiff.
“Naughty boy” said Mr Hargreaves, giving me three more slaps, but harder this time. I yelped a bit and when he finished he made me stand and look at my bottom in the mirror, which I saw was red and it felt warm.
Whilst I was looking at it Mr Hargreaves had slipped off his trousers and pants and when I turned round I was confronted buy his stiff willy pointing at me. I had never seen an adult willy before so
was agog at seeing it. I never knew they grew so big and thick, it had a bulbous head on it with a slit near the bottom.
He noticed my amazement and invited me to hold it. I declined but he insisted, with the threat of a hard spanking. I dutifully took hold of it and felt the smoothness of it I found that I could just about get my fingers around all of it. He also took hold of my willy and played around with it. He suddenly picked me up and lay me on the bed knelt down and put my willy in his mouth and started to suck it, because it was only small it seemed to get lost in it. I tried to push him off but he was too heavy and strong. I relented and he sucked and sucked at it until soon I decided that it was really rather nice, so I relaxed and let him get on with it. He eventually stopped and made me kneel in front of him whilst he sat on the bed, he pulled my head down to his stiff willy and told me to suck his also. I don’t know why but I just opened my mouth and took the bulbous bit inside, it just fitted, so I clamped my lips and started to suck. Mr Hargreaves hands came around to my bottom and started to squeeze it. I was sort of hemmed in onto his willy and I started to gag and splutter. He let go of my bum and as he straightened up I spat out his willy, which left some slime on my lips. He said:
“I’m sorry about that, I got carried away. Are you alright? Did you not enjoy that?”
“I didn’t know what you were doing at first but I did enjoy you sucking me in the end” I replied.
“Oh good, and did you enjoy sucking me?”
“ Well when you pushed my head towards it I just felt I had to try it, but it was really too big in my mouth, I didn’t know how big they became and I started to choke”. I said.
“That gets better with practice, it is like all new things you are not used to”
“I suppose” I said.
“Did you enjoy the spanking bit”
“I did, especially when you rubbed my bottom, and I liked it when it got warm”.
“Well then, we must do it again sometime, maybe in a more regular occasion, In the meantime you had better get dressed and be off home. Mind you, you mustn’t tell anybody, your mother of any of the teachers, I might get the sack”.
“ok I won’t tell anyone” I told him.
When I finally got home mum asked me were I’d been, and I told her that I had been in the recreation park, playing with my friends.
She scolded me and said if I come home late without telling her she would send me to Mr Davies.

Note: This was my first experience of a meeting with what is now termed a peadophile, although that word was unknown to me. After that initial meeting and experience I had several meetings with him and learned quite a lot about male sexuality and how to make somebody happy and contented. He eventually left the school. I don’t know the reasons but I guess he just wanted pastures new.