View Full Version : Santas Surprise

05-10-2016, 12:01 PM
Everything in the following story is purely fictional and indeed never happened in real life, especially where the named children from school are concerned. Santa is based on my top, whom I helped around christmas time, collecting monies from residencies in the west London area. He was dressed as Santa and I one of his Elves. After we had finished counting the monies, which was for various local childrens’ charities, we eventually retired to Santas, house where I hoped to be spanked whilst he was still dressed as Santa. Unfortunately that never happened but I often fantasised about it, hence the story.

Several parts of the story are true, all the implements used to spank Boy are true and I can testify that they are painful as I have felt them many times striking my bare bottom, over his knees and over a spanking bench. Santas large cock is also true, and I can again testify as to the actions described in the story are correct, as I have experienced them many times. So, in fact, a lot of Boys, experiences are taken from my own experiences with my top. So read on, enjoy the story and remember, no children were ever spanked or hurt - just a figment of my imagination.

Santa’s Surprise

It was two in the morning on Christmas Eve and Boy was excited by the knowledge that Santa would be coming, bringing him some nice presents. He had got ready for bed, just wearing his favourite striped pyjamas bottoms because, although it was cold outside, the house was very warm.

He lay there now, half asleep, dreaming of Santa, was he going to bring me toy cars?, a train set and some colouring books?, some sweeties or all of them. He could hardly wait. A short while later he thought he heard a tinkling of a bell in the distance, and sat up in bed, now wide awake, listening hard.

After several heart stopping minutes he heard movement on the stairs and excitedly jumped out and stood by the side of his bed. A few moments later the door handle began to quietly turn, and the door slowly opened until Santa, carrying a sack stepped into the room.

When Santa saw Boy standing by his bed he asked “What are you doing out of bed, don’t you know that you will not get any presents if Santa catches you awake?”

“No Santa” Boy replied “I didn’t know, nobody told me”

“Well then” said Santa dropping his sack, “it’s just as well I brought a few special presents, just for you”

Boy was excited and made to open the sack.

“Stop” said Santa, “You have to wait for Santa to give you whatever presents are in the sack, you must not just help yourself, anyway I’ve a couple of questions that you need to answer me truthfully, then you WILL get whatever is in the sack”

“What are the questions?” Boy asked impatiently.

Santa sat himself on the edge of the bed and beckoned the boy to stand in front of him, when done he asked “ Have you been a good boy this last 12 months?”

Boy answered “yes Santa”

“Are you sure of that?” asked Santa

“Yes of course” said Boy.

“Well now, do the names Liam and Alfred mean anything to you”

“No Santa, I have never heard of them”

“Oh, thats strange because my Chief Elf helper tells me that these are the names of two younger children that you have been bullying at school, what do you say to that?”

Boy thought hard for an answer but knew he had been caught out, he replied “Errm I…….I”

“I thought so” said Santa, “is their anything else that you haven’t told me?”

“N..n..no Santa” said Boy

“What about Becky and Annabell, Chief Elf has also told me that you have pulled their pigtails and made them cry. Is that correct?”

Boy looked down at the floor in embarrassment and said “Yes Santa”

Santa said “ I asked you to answer my questions truthfully, which you have NOT done, so you will be punished severely for telling me lies before you get your special presents”

Santa leaned forward and untied Boys’ pyjamas cord and pulled them down so they dropped around his ankles, he then pulled Boy across his knees and began to spank him hard. Boy was so shocked that for an instant he did nothing, then, he started to yell and kick out his legs and twist his bottom, trying to avoid the numerous spanks that he was receiving. Boys’ right hand came up to try and stop the beating, then his left, but Santa just griped them both and held them behind his back and carried on spanking. Boy was now howling, pleading for him to stop, his legs were thrashing around and his bottom, which was getting red, squirmed this way and that trying to avoid Santa’s hand, but to no avail. During this kicking around, Boys’ pyjamas bottoms came off and he was now completely naked over Santa’s knees receiving his thrashing.

After what Santa considered a suitable time, he stopped the thrashing, mainly to rest his hand, and let Boy slide off his knees onto the floor, sobbing in front of him. He let him lay there for a few minutes until his sobs and sniffles eased off a bit. He said “that spanking was for telling me lies, now get up and go get your presents and bring them to me”.

Boy stood up unsteadily, then went to the sack, rubbing his glowing bottom, he pulled out three parcels wrapped in christmas paper, they were all oblong box shapes, two about 10” long and one about 24” long. He took them to Santa who selected one and gave it to him to open. Despite his embarrassment of standing naked in front of Santa, his sore bottom and conscious of his penis being on show, Boy was to too interested in what the present would be. It was quite light so he shook it to try to guess what it was, then eagerly ripped the wrapper off and opened the box. There was further paper wrapping the object inside, so he unwrapped this and was left holding a leather bat, similar to a ping pong bat only with straight sides. With a look of puzzlement he asked “what is this for?”

Santa said “It is for You” taking it from him then pulling him back across one knee, this time clamping his other leg behind Boys” legs, holding them still and unable to kick out. Boys’ already red and sore bottom was in perfect position to receive the first whack with the leather paddle. When it came, Boy cried out and carried out crying out at every swot until he had received ten of them. By that time Boys’ bottom was bright red and he was crying floods of tears.

When the punishment was over Santa allowed Boy to recover for several minutes again, he also rubbed is bottom for him, noticing the redness and the little goosebumps that covered it. He eventually told him to open another present which he handed to him. Boy was not too eager to open this one now but Santa insisted, telling him he would go back across his knee to get another ten swats from the leather paddle. So, trembling, Boy gingerly opened the parcel, and found to his horror, another paddle, this time made of wood. He cringed at the thought that flashed through his mind, of his bottom being assaulted by this implement.

Santa put the leather paddle down on the bed and held his hand out and took the wooden paddle from Boys’ trembling hand. With his free hand Santa pulled Boy towards him but Boy resisted and struggled against what he knew was going to happen to him. But Santa again took Boy between his legs and pushed him over his left knee, then delivered a further ten swats to Boys’ very sore bottom, making sure that every part of that bottom received a swat so that it was all over burning, He had tried to avoid it with his right hand but was again held out of the target area by Santas’ own left hand, he tried to kick out but his bottom was held firmly in place by Santas” right leg. He yelled and screamed with every swat and cried and cried when it was over.

Whilst Boy lay sobbing on the bed where he ended up, Santa said “that punishment was for what you put Liam and Alfred through.”

After Boy had recovered from his punishment, well to be fair, he wasn’t fully recovered, Santa said “I hope that you may learn from your experience that you should never, never tell lies and that you must not bully younger boys and you will always do as you are told, when you are told, Is that clear.”

“Y …y….y…yes Santa” said Boy.

“Right then” said Santa “get off that bed and kneel in front of me”

Boy did as he was told.

“Now reach up and undo my belt and do it now” said Santa

Again Boy did as he was told, fearful of another thrashing if he didn’t.

“Pull my trousers down” Santa ordered.

Boy obeyed.

Santa stepped out of his trousers.

“now pull my underpants down, and pleasure me” Santa said.

Boy had noticed the large bulge in Santa’ underpants, It must be his penis, he thought, it is much bigger than mine. He started to pull the pants down but they only got so far down because the penis prevented it going further. He had to pull the front of the underpants forward and when he did so Santa’s penis sprang out of his underpants. Boy was shocked, he didn’t know such huge things existed, it must have been over seven and a half inches long and un-circumsized. Boy was mesmerised by the thing standing out straight in front of him, his sore bottom forgotten, he felt a strange feeling coming over him, his heart started to pump wildly and he felt the need to touch it, explore it.

Santa saw the look of wonder in Boy’s eyes and said “hold it” which Boy dutifully did and he looked at it closely studying every detail of its length, girth, glans, urethra, and the scrotum that dangled loosely beneath it. “Now kiss it” said Santa. Boy tentatively leaned forward with his head and kissed the hard shaft, then the glans, which twitched in an upward movement. Boy noticed a small drop of pre-cum at the meatus, and involuntarily put out his tongue and licked it off, to find it tasted slightly salty.

Although enjoying the moment Santa decided that enough was enough. He had come to punish this boy for the misdemeanours he had carried out, and there were outstanding issues to take care of, no time for enjoyment.

Earlier,Santa had noticed something when he had entered the room. Against the wall stood an upholstered wooden bench with four legs about 30” inches tall. He had an idea how to use this item. He ordered Boy to stand up and pull the bench out into the middle of the room.

He then told Boy to undo the last present.

Boy looked aghast for he knew what was coming and he refused to open it.

Santa said “Do as you are told, when you are told - remember”

“Y -y-yes Santa” Boy acknowledged.

With trembling fingers Boy fumbled with the package. Impatient, Santa said “give it here boy” and snatched the parcel from his hand, “If you can’t open it then I will”, and Santa opened the last present, which turned out to be a quite thick leather strap about twenty inches long and three inches wide. When Boy saw this his heart started to pump hard again, but this time through fear.

“You will now lay over the bench . . . . now” said Santa.

Boy, with a morbid sense of terror, did as he was told. Santa then secured his lower legs to the legs of the bench and then secured his hands in the same way “ You will not be struggling now” said Santa, thinking to himself it is amazing how useful a roll of Duck Tape is, it has many uses.

Boys’ already soundly spanked and paddled bottom was now set up as the prefect immobile target, He began to sob again because he knew what was about to befall his poor battered buttocks.
“Please Santa” wailed Boy “no more, I’ll be good in future - please no more”

Santa stood to one side of the bench with the strap in his hand, in his mind he was measuring the distance to Boy’s upturned bottom, and making sure that there was nothing to impede the swing of the strap. “It is a little late for that now” said Santa as he raised the strap and brought it swiftly down across Boys bottom which instantly turned bright red again. Boy screamed, much louder this time. Santa raised the strap once more and brought it swiftly down on the same target, time and time again. Boy was howling all the time as his buns received a further ten hard strokes.

“That was for Becky, you will not pull her pigtails again will you?” said Santa when the beating had finished.

“No, n’ o-o-oh” cried Boy, as his bottom clenched and unclenched, the tops of his legs shaking uncontrollably.

Santa stood back and inspected his handiwork. A bright red, glowing and bruised bottom, still quivering, buttocks clenching, unclenching. Santa then felt a bit sorry for the boy, after all, he did kissed my penis he thought. So he set the strap down and went over to his sack, rumbled around in it, found a tub of E45 cream which he took out and walked back to Boy, unscrewing the lid as he did so.

Boy was still sobbing as Santa dipped into the tub and scooped out a quantity of the cream. He gently applied some to the shaking right bun. Boy emitted a slight “ooh” as the cool cream touched his burning skin. Santa spread the cooling cream all over the bun, “aahhhhh” mewed Boy. Santa then moved his attention to the left bun, dipping into the tub once again he spread the cream evenly over the bun but, in doing so he inadvertently touched Boy’s sphincter which drew a sharp intake of breath from the boy, Santa noticed this but carried on spreading the cream. As he massaged the cream into the skin of the buttocks, he wondered if there was more to Boy’s reaction than he originally thought and began to move his fingers into the top of the crease between the buttocks. Working his way slowly down, he eventually arrived at the anus and gently worked his fingers around the sphincter. Boy began to sigh and his buttocks moved upwards towards Santa’s probing fingers, which slipped into the entrance of the anus, bringing further, louder sighs from Boy.

Santa thought to himself “this boy is in need of something else” so he stopped what he was doing and went back to his sack. He, once again routed through it until he found what he was looking for, a condom packet and lubricant. he stood, opened the condom, squeezed the teat between his fingers and unrolled the rubber over his now erect penis. He squirted some of the lubricant onto his staff and massaged it down the full length then walked back towards Boy’s captive bottom, his member swinging from side to side as he moved. When he arrived he squirted some lubricant into the crease of Boys’ buttocks so that it ran down the channel and over his anus. Holding his penis at the base, Santa pressed the glans into the top of the crease and slid it downwards until it reached the anus, where he gently pressed against the sphincter. Boy was moaning quietly.

Santa gradually increased the pressure on the sphincter until it surrendered and opened to allow the glans to penetrate. “AAAHhhhhh” moaned Boy as it did. Santa gently pushed his cock into Boy a couple of inches, then withdrew. “Ooooooh” went Boy. Santa pushed aside the sphincter once again and entered, this time pushing deeper into Boy’s rectum, withdrew again. Again the “AAhhhh: and “Ooooh” from Boy. The next movement from Santa pushed his cock further into Boys’ rectum, but instead of stopping and withdrawing, gently pushing onward and deeper until the entire length was enveloped. Boy uttered a sound like “Nnnnnnnngh” as it reached the end.

Santa held his cock deep inside Boy for about thirty seconds, letting him settle, then he put his hands on Boy’s hips and began to slowly move his cock backwards, but not withdrawing and then moving forwards slowly, backwards, forwards, backwards, forwards until he was sliding in and out in a steady rhythm. His scrotum rocking backwards and forwards and slapping against Boy’s scrotum at the end of each thrust: Slap……..Slap…….Slap…….Slap…….Slap. Boy was uttering “Ohhh” in time with every Slap.

This rhythm had carried on for some time until Santa’s hands began to tightened on Boy’s waist. and uttered a sound “mmmmmmgh” as though trying to hold something back, and the rhythm increased in tempo, the thrusts becoming more violent. His scrotum was swinging madly, striking Boy’s scrotum hard SlapSlapSlapSlapSlap. Boy, who had been moaning quietly reacted to the sudden change in tempo and each violent thrust was accompanied by a “Ahhhh” and a “Huht" as the cock reached the end of its travel. So it became one continuous moan “AhhhhHuhtAhhhhHuhtAhhhhHuhtAhhhhHuhtAhhhhHuht”.

Santa felt his glans swell as it filled with blood, the glands very tender. He felt the rising in his loins,then suddenly he gripped Boy’s waist tighter, powerfully thrust forwards and upwards onto his toes, arching his back and pulling Boy’s hips violently towards him, the furthest two legs of the bench left the ground. Santa cried “AAAAAHHHHHHMmmmmnng” as his balls tightened and his semen raced up the urethra and spurted out of his meatus, into the waiting condom. Boys’ bottom clenched tight, and his sphincter involuntarily squeezed the shaft of the cock within. Boy also uttered “OOOHAGGHHH” as he also felt Santa’s cock swell massively and felt the semen race up the tube. It was like an erupting volcano as it deposited it’s load into Boy’s rectum. Santa half withdrew before violently thrusting his shuddering cock back forward again, jerking upwards shooting another load of semen into Boy. Withdrew again, thrust forward with another load, before collapsing on top of Boy over the bench.

Santa lay, spent, cock deep inside Boy, for several long moments, then, like a volcano has aftershocks, he violently shuddered, his cock jerked up inside Boy’s rectum but no semen flowed. Boy squeezed Santa’s cock again with his sphincter which caused further shuddering and jerking then, several more moments of inactivity, then more shudders and jerks until Santa felt his hard cock weakening and getting flaccid. He gently withdrew it, then removed his sperm filled condom, disposed of it, found a tissue and wiped his cock down. He then took another tissue and cleaned Boys rectum, removing the traces of his assault upon it and the traces of the lubricant he had used.

After a time, during which Boy was still bound over bench, moaning gently, his bottom still quenching occasionally, Santa stood and stretched. He picked up the strap, and studied Boys’ bottom and said “ You understand that after pleasure, there is always a price to pay” Boy said nothing. “In your case” said Santa, “the price you will have to pay is pain, you will now receive the balance of your punishment, which will be another ten hard swots with the strap”

‘Oh Nnoooo Santa, not that, I can’t take any more” cried Boy, trying to struggle out of his bonds.

“It is a pity that you didn’t think there might be consequences when you were pulling Annabell’s pigtails” said Santa as he once more raised the strap and brought it down hard across Boys’ bottom, whose skin had recovered somewhat during the previous interlude, instantly developed a wide band of bright crimson. Boy screamed and pleaded, but the strap raised and fell across his bottom another nine times.
After the tenth stroke Santa said “You will have another five extra hard strokes to reinforce the memory of your thrashing. You will never bully or pull hair again. Is that clear?”

“Y-Ye-Ye- Yeeeessss Santa” stuttered Boy.

The strap again began to strike Boys’ bottom with extra force. Boy was absolutely beside himself, yelling, with the pain coursing through his buttocks, each strike seemed to get worse, his bottom was on fire.

When the beating had finished, Santa once again smoothed some cold cream onto the crimson buns, bringing some relief, but not much, to the loudly sobbing boy. He released him from his restraints and Boy raised himself off the bench with some difficulty. Despite the cream, Boys’ buttocks were still in agony and he stood,sobbing and sniffling, rubbing hard, trying to take away the pain.

Santa cleared all his stuff, including the three presents he had given Boy. Boy was not too disappointed to see them disappear into the sack. Santa then told Boy to put his pyjamas bottoms back on and get into bed. He said “When I come next year, I expect you to be in this bed, fast asleep, otherwise you will know what to expect. You will also know what to expect if, during the year, I hear that you have been bullying or carrying out any other misdemeanours. Do you understand?”

“Yes Santa, i’m sorry Santa” said Boy
Santa then collected his sack and left the way he had entered the house.

Boy lay in his bed, he couldn’t go to sleep. His bottom was still hurting after the thrashing it had taken. As the minutes passed eventually the hurt disappeared and a feeling of warmth came over his bottom. Still not being able to sleep, the glowing feeling of his bottom felt surprisingly nice. In his mind he recounted his experience. How Santa had dragged him over his knees and gave him a spanking over his knees followed by twenty swats with the paddles, he hoped he would never feel those again.

Boy recalled the later strapping and remembering what happened afterwards, Boy felt his cock starting to get hard. His hand slipped beneath the sheets and his fingers found the hardening cock. He started to play with it, making it even more hard. He remembered Santas’ cock, how he was fascinated by seeing such a large one. He started to slid his hand up and down his own cock in a slow regular movement. He remembered holding Santas’ cock, his heart started pumping again as he thought of it standing by his face. He started to wank harder as he thought of the stiff cock forcing it’s way into his rectum, thought of feeling the semen racing up as Santa ejaculated, the throbbing shuddering cock in his rectum. He was coming himself now, his semen spurting up his cock and out into his bedclothes. God! he thought, I loved that cock of Santa up me, the feeling of it inside me, even the warm feeling of my bottom now!

He thought I must remember to punch that little twat Alfred on the nose just before Christmas, but only Alfred, I don’t want such a beating again, just a spanking to get my bottom nice and warm and red. I want to see and feel Santas' cock get hard again, try to get a repeat performance. ! ! !