View Full Version : Prefect Demoted and Humiliated

Will Glover
20-05-2016, 11:39 AM
I think it’s fair to say that as a prefect I had it a lot easier than the other boys in my school. For a start, our uniforms were much better. We had our own special tie, which was in dark subtle colours, rather than the bright multi-coloured bands of the normal school tie, we didn’t have to wear school caps (while other boys were severely punished if they were caught without one) - but most of all, we had the much coveted privilege of wearing long trousers with our uniforms. In fact I’d often swagger about the playground smirking at the other boys in their grey school shorts with knee-high socks. Particularly the taller ones, who, because of the shortness of the inside leg (only about 3 inches), had a lot of bare thigh showing!
If I saw one with particularly shapely thighs I used to wolf-whistle, or shout:
“Oi oi, nice legs!”
Or: “Hey, keep those knee-high socks pulled up or you’ll report to me for a beating!”
If I really wanted to make them squirm I’d walk past one really close and sneakily drop an empty sweet rapper from my pocket. Then I’d turn round and shout:
”You! Pick that up now!”
Of course the boy would have to comply. Then I’d watch as he knelt down or bend over and his shorts rode up, exposing even more of his curvy thighs, and even a bit of bum-cheek! Then I’d wolf-whistle or even smack him on the bum! Ahh it was good to be in a position of power! Too late did I realise what the consequences of abusing that power would be!

It’s true sometimes I wondered how it would feel to still be one of those boys in shorts with knee-high socks. I actually fantasised about it once or twice – the idea even turned me on if I’m honest. But I soon learnt to my horror that the reality was much different!
One day I took things a step too far. There was a boy in my year called Simeon, with short dark hair and honey-coloured skin, which made the sight of his shapely bare legs above his knee-socks particularly enticing! But because he wasn’t overly tall his shorts only came to about mid-thigh. It wasn’t right! I deserved to see a lot more, and as a prefect I should easily be able to make him, and get away with it! So, one lunchtime I saw him going up the steps towards his dorm. I watched his curvaceous thighs as he climbed the stairs, and I knew now was my moment! So I crept up behind him, grabbed the waistband of his shorts, and pulled! Instantly they stretched, revealing his bum cheeks in… I couldn’t believe it…little yellow Y-front underpants with pink teddy bears on!!
“Oi! What’s – HEY!“ he started. His fist came round to stop me, but I stretched back out of reach and pulled harder!
“Aiieeeeeeeeeee!” he cried as the buttons popped off the front of his shorts! They came sliding down to his ankles and over his shoes, and as I stumbled back down the stairs his feet came right out of them!
“Haha! Nice knicks, UNDERPANTS BOY!”
I grabbed his shorts before he could get them back, holding them up in triumph, as Simeon blushed, desperately pulling down his shirt tails, trying to cover his little yellow undies! Gosh his thighs looked even more shapely above his knee-high socks now!

But then suddenly there was a voice behind me.

“Glover! What do you think you are doing?” It was the headmaster himself! How could I have such rotten luck?

“My office! Now!”

The headmaster listened as I babbled my explanation, but it was to no avail. He knew I was a bully and that I’d gone a step too far. I wondered what my punishment would be. A detention perhaps? Lines? Nothing I couldn’t handle surely?

Then he spoke. “I’ve already arranged your punishment! Since you are determined to be a disgrace to the prefects’ badge, so you shall no-longer wear it! This means you will also no longer be entitled to your uniform privileges.”
My jaw fell open! Surely this couldn’t mean…
“You shall wear school cap, and ordinary school tie”, he added, producing a pair of each for me from his top drawer, “and I shall send matron over to your dorm room to take away all of your long trousers!”
“What? No! No sir! Please –“
“No interruptions Glover! You have proven you are not mature enough to wear them, so from now on you shall be in regulation school shorts with knee-high socks!”
I gapsed! No this couldn’t be happening! School shorts with knee-high socks?? I’d be ridiculed! I got down on my knees and begged him to change his mind.
“Sir! No sir you can’t! Pleeeeeeeeease!!! The other boys! If they see me dressed like that they’ll –“
“They’ll give you a taste of your own medicine I’ve no doubt! And it won’t be undeserved either! Perhaps having those legs on display will teach not to bully the other boys so often!”
I tried to protest again, but he held up his hand.
“Get up and get back to your dorm room. And get changed right away. There’ll be new uniform in your sizes waiting, I’ve sent it on ahead. And leave those trousers on your bed for matron to collect.”
As I got up I was suddenly very conscious of the fabric of my trousers against my thighs. I wouldn’t be feeling that again for a long time, not with the humiliation that was about to occur!
“Oh”, he added as I turned mournfully to go, “and you’d better keep your knee-high socks pulled up to your knees! I don’t want any standards dropping!”

My heart pounded as I made my way back to my dorm room. I hardly noticed anyone around me, trudging through the corridors, about to become the laughing stock of the whole school! Oooh I was already squirming with embarrassment!

Sure enough, there were packets of grey school shorts waiting on my bed, along with several pairs of long socks with the school bands at the top. Thankfully the dorm room was empty. I was just thinking I’d try and prolong this a little if I could when…
“Glover! Are you changed yet?”
That was matron’s voice from the other side of the door! She was early!
“Hand me those trousers through the door! I’ve already collected your other pairs!”
So I had no choice. I unbuckled my school trousers and let them drop to the floor, stepping out of them. Then I removed my socks and shoes, and picked up a pair of the grey school shorts. As I slid them up my legs it was clear straight away just how short they were going to be on me – barely covering the tops of my thighs!
I grabbed a pair of the knee-high socks, and remembering the headmaster’s words, made sure I pulled them right up to my knees. Doing so made my thighs feel even more exposed! Then I fastened on my shoes. So this was it. This was how it felt being a junior boy again! I tied the junior school tie around my neck, put the cap squarely on my head (it was very tight!) and looked at myself in the mirror. Gosh my thighs felt SO naked! What would the other boys say when they saw me like this?!
The knocking came again.
“Glover! What’s taking so long?!”
Reluctantly I opened the door, handing over my trousers. Matron smirked.
“Ooh my, those shorts are short on you aren’t they! Well, perhaps you’ll behave better from now on! Off you go to lunch little boy!”
Gosh – I’d forgotten it was lunchtime! So I had to go out into the school yard right now in my new uniform! I gulped! But I had no choice. I stepped out into the corridor, feeling ten times more self-conscious than I had before, then down the stairs into the yard. I couldn’t help but stare down at my legs as I walked. Why did they have to be so hairless and shapely? I’d get cat-calls for sure!

Whew! The cold breeze on my naked thighs as I opened the doors and stepped outside! Almost immediately the other boys started pointing and staring. I blushed, crouching to try and cover myself, but a prefect walking past yelled “Stand up straight boy!” and I had no choice but remove my arms and expose my humiliation to the whole playground. Then the prefect spoke again: “Wait a minute…Will?? Is that you! Ooohhhh look who’s in shortie-shorts! Wow, nice pair of leggies junior-boy!”
The other boys started calling and jeering too.
“Whooooooo! Nice legs Will!”
“Trousers shrink in the wash did they?”
“Hey look at those thighs!”
“Hey look, Will’s lost his trousers!”
“Ha-ha, Glover’s been demoted! He’s got his leggies out!”
Then the prefect dropped a sweet-wrapper in front of me. I knew what was coming.
“You! Pick that up!”
I had no choice but to obey, blushing as my own trick was used against me. I felt my shorts tighten around the tops of my thighs as I bent over, I felt the cold air on my bum-cheeks as they were exposed! One bold guy, who I knew by his face I’d picked on before, actually came up and ran his fingers up my thigh before I could stop him! Then he actually squeezed my bum!
“Yeeep!” I yelped, crossing my legs and squirming. But before I could do anything else I saw another face coming towards me – Simeon! I tried to run, but the crowd of boys closed in around me! I was trapped!
“Hey Will,” said Simeon, “like the new uniform! Suits you better, having your legs out!”
I blushed again as everyone laughed.
“No wait – could still do with a few improvements I think. For a start, your cap’s too far back on your head!”
At which words, before I could stop him he yanked my new school cap forward over my eyes with a sharp jerk. I tried to pull it back, but he didn’t stop there!
“And your tie’s a bit loose too!”
He gave a strong tug on the end of my tie and I gulped as I felt it pulled tight! I choked and gurgled, struggling with the knot – it was pinching my neck soooo hard!
“And your shorts are far too high on your waist!”
My hands were so busy fiddling with my cap and my tie that I was too slow to stop him as he sharply yanked open the buttons! I gave a shriek as my shorts slipped right down to my shoes, exposing me to the whole playground in my white Y-front underpants!
All the boys exploded in roars of laughter!
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” I squealed with embarrassment! I tried to reach down and pull my shorts back up, but my tie was so tight that I nearly choked myself and I let to let go and put both my hands around my neck to loosen it. So my shorts slipped down my legs to my shoes again! More laughs came from the boys.
“Whee look at his undies!” cried Simeon. “Now you know what it’s like, UNDERPANTS BOY!”
“Forget shorts,” said another boy, “he deserves to be made to stay in his UNDERPANTS!”
I gasped as they closed in on me!
I had just enough time to hurriedly pull my shorts back up, and charge past the leaders before they grabbed me. I ran as fast as I could.
“That’s it, LEG it Glover!”
The taunts and whistles still came as I dashed, full sprint, through the throng of laughing boys, Simeon and the others in hot pursuit. One of them grabbed my blazer by its tails. Desperately I slipped out of it, running in my shirt-sleeves. Then another hand grabbed onto the back of my shorts!
I ran even harder, but suddenly…
All the buttons on my shorts burst right off, and before I could stop them they slid right down a third time, revealing my underpants once more!
Then two boys grabbed my arms while a third slipped them over my shoes.
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Nooooooooooooooo! Pleeeeeeeeeease!” I squealed as they threw the shorts between them, out of my reach.
“Beg on your knees!” smirked Simeon.
So I had no choice. I got down on my knees, my thighs bulging, my bum barely covered by my tight white underpants and prostrated myself in front of them. This was so humiliating! I couldn’t believe what I’d been reduced to! And they still didn’t give my shorts back! Soooooo embarrassing!