View Full Version : School spanking

05-03-2008, 06:29 PM
When I was about 15 years old, I was given an after school detention with the promise of a sound slippering at the end of the hour. We ( the boys) has carefully crafted piece of leather we used to share which when placed down our pants would remove the sting. Unfortunately as I bent over to receive the slipper this piece of leather had slipped and become noticable under my trousers. He instructed me to remove it which involved me undoing my trousers. He then told me to leave my pants which I did, and gave me the option of 6 strokes with his slipper or twelve with his hand. I thought the hand would be the softer option, so I took the twelve. When I bent over he held my hip with one hand and spanked with the other.Even though I was in fear i became extremely arroused . He shouted at me whether I was enjoying the spanking to which I replied " certainly not sir" "because if you are I will start again" came the reply. He stopped and told me to go across his lap and was going to start again anyway. As I went across his lap he squeezed my erection with his thighs and proceeded to spank me again. After about ten I had no choice ( and because I was so young) I promptly ejaculated!!! He said there was something wrong with me, that I had problems and was going to take me to the headmaster, write to my parents and expel me. I pleaded with him not to. He the only other way was to spank it out of me, so he put me across his lap and spanked my bare buttocks for about fifteen minutes. During this time I ejaculated again, nut he didn't stop and just carried on spanking me. It was extremely painful but also very pleasurable.
About a week later i was in trouble at school this time with another teacher, to whom I had to report to after school for a caning. Whilst in the room about 45 minutes after the end of school, the first teacher who had given me such a spanking the week before walked in. "Good heavens" he said " I cant believe you're in trouble again, watch this one he puts things down his pants, I gave him a good sound bare spanking last week, I thought he would have learnt his lesson"." Well in that case" said the second teacher I too will give him a bare spanking" I should mention at this time both teachers were wearing shorts after playing tennis. He took me across his lap and started to spank me. After only about six I ejaculated, to which the first teacher explained what had gone on the week previously, and they decided that I should be expelled. Again I pleaded with them both and to please do whatever they felt necessary, but please not to tell my parents. So twice a week I reported to to both teachers for a good sound bare bottom spanking, between 50 -100 on each occassion. They always did it whilst they were wearing gym shorts, and soon realised they were enjoying the experience as much as I was, although I never let on except by ejaculating. I'm sure that after each time I left they enjoyed each others company as I always felt the erection in there pants whilst they gave me the spanking. To this day some 30 years later and been into spanking all this time I realise that I was born to be spanked.

15-03-2008, 02:33 AM
....To this day some 30 years later and been into spanking all this time I realise that I was born to be spanked.

That's a great story Russell. I'm glad you have put it down to life's rich experience rather than cry 'abuse' which often seems the current trend.

I received both cane and slipper at school but they were all rather mild compared with home. I experienced bare bottom spankings from my dad (carpet slipper, and then cane after 16), granddad (calloused miners hand), uncle (miners pit belt) and a shop customer (hand). I suppose from around 14 I always became erect - but generally after the actual spanking, when I was feeling the inflamed areas. And there is nothing like a set of cane welts (or so I found) for getting a stiffy - everytime I touched them I would jump to attention - and cane welts can last quite some time! LOL I once "disgraced" myself down my granddad's leg. He called me a "mucky young buggar" but it did not stop him spanking me - thereafter I was always dealt with in the old wash house out in the backyard.

Basically it is why we are all here - the erotic side of spanking has us all hooked. I am going to borrow your words Russell and say:
"To this day some 50 years later and been into spanking all this time I realise that I was born to be spanked." ;)

04-05-2008, 02:04 PM
That was a very interesting experience. I had some similar experiences at primary school and in a youth club. When I was about 10 I had a female teacher who took down my trousers and pants took me across her knee and spanked me on my bare bottom. It was not very sore. After this she would give me cuddle and rub my bottom which was nice.

Red Ryder
24-05-2008, 12:02 AM

This answers my question about erections and orgasms during spanking. Thanks so much for sharing. Once, I got a hard-on before my dad paddled me with his favorite 18" wooden ruler. But I lost it due to the pain. Now I realize that some guys have gotten or kept an erection all the way through. Good show. I'd like to have the same experience.


Red Ryder

15-06-2008, 04:11 PM
Wish I had teachers like.

18-06-2008, 03:56 PM
I remember getting spanked when I was 16. I had left school and taken a student apprenticeship with an engineering firm. This involved 3 days training at a factory under an apprentice instructor; 2 days and one night at a technical college. The night school was a real drudge and I skipped a couple of classes. One day as I was just about to leave the factory when the apprentice instructor called me into his office. He asked why I had skipped night school. I didn't realise that the college sent attendance records to him. I muttered some excuse. He then read the riot act to me saying that he could take me to the apprentice board and get me dismissed. I pleaded with him not to. He then said he would give me another chance but I had to be punished somehow. He asked what would have happened if I played truant at school. I said that I would have probably got six of the best on the bottom with a cane. He said that he did not have a cane but he could give me a spanking, if I agreed, instead. I agreed. He came from behind his desk and made me stand up and sat down on the chair that I had been sitting on. He then told me to drop my pants and tuck my underpants in so that my buttocks were showing. He then order me to lie over his knee. I think he must have smacked by bare bottom about twenty times. I have never felt so humiliated and sore in my life - but it made me sexually excited. I never told anybody about the episode until years later when I told my wife. Her opinion was not very sympathic and said that I deserved a spanking even though I was 16.

red bot
24-06-2008, 10:02 AM
when i was about twelve i recieved my first caning for fighting three strokes across my trousers. it stung but was nothing compared to my mext trip to the head.myself and a mate phillip chudley had both been caught smoking marched to the heads office we waited ten minutes before we were both called in and told to remove our blazers chudley was then called over and stood in front of the heads desk and told to drop his trusers stretch over the desk and keep his head up. going to a book case the head took out a cane straight about 3 ft in lenght . he then gave chudley eight strokes and he yelled from the third one onwards. i was not much better when it came to me my underpants seemed stuck to my bum.the one redeeming thing was our trip to the toilets to rub each others bums and the good wanking we both gave each other

18-07-2008, 11:26 AM
I also got a good spanking off a female teacher for not doing homework when i was about 12, she wore a thick tweed skirt and when she put me over her knee her skirt rode up alittle revealing a stocking top which gave me an instant erection,she must of felt and then saw my bulge because she blushed whe she told me to get out.

24-08-2008, 07:57 PM
I'd like to recount my experience of a school spanking I had when I was in the second or third year of primary school. We had gone to the local swimming baths for swimming lessons, and were told by the master, Mr Davies, not to run along the side of the pool. Towards the end of the lesson, I did run along the edge, and was told by Mr Davies, to report to him after the lesson which I duly did. He took me to a tunnel under the pool, which had a bench running along the wall and he sat down, he told me to take my swimming trunks off. I struggled because the trunks had a belt with a metal buckle and my fingers were cold and I couldn't unbuckle it. Mr Davies showed remarkable patience because he waited until I managed to undo the buckle and take my bathers down round my ankles. He ordered me across his knees and gave my bottom half a dozen hard smacks, which, because my bottom was still wet from the trunks, really stung, and I cried. He ordered me to pull my trunks up and go and get dressed.
When I got home I told my Mum that Mr Davies had smacked my bare bottom for running along the side of the pool - expecting some sympathy - Instead, she said that it was about time someone knew how to deal with me and that she would know where to send me next time I was naughty. Needless to say, that is exactly what she did. I was sent to Mr Davies one evening after school. I was trembleing when I knocked on his door. He answered and asked why I was there. I told him that my mum had sent me round. He asked me why and I told him that it was because I had been naughty and that I had told my Mum about the swimming pool, and that he would know what to do.
Mr Davies took me into his dining room and asked me what I had done. He then instructed me to remove my shorts and underpants whilst he placed a dining chair in the middle of the room. He took me over his knee and gave my bottom the biggest spanking it had ever had. I yelled and squirmed over his knee but he held me firmly and did not stop until I was in floods of tears.
This was the first of many such visits to Mr Davies. Later at about 11 years old I started to get erections and I used to look forward to getting spanked, in fact I engineered them. Unfortunately Mr Davies wasn't getting any younger and my last spanking by him occurred when I was 14 years old. I have been spanked may times since but none I remember so fondly as those administered by Mr Davies. Like you, I was born to be spanked so if anyone out there is able to oblige message me.

20-09-2008, 02:40 AM
I can spank you!

25-01-2009, 04:58 PM
When I was in primary school we had a music teacher for one hour per week who was very strict. If anyone was naughty she would announce that they were to be "severely punished".

She would then move her chair into the middle of the front of the class make the person being punished bend over her lap and spank them.

The first two times this happened was one of the girls, and flipped up the back of their skirts and spanked them on their knickers. Quite a thrill for me to watch.

On another occasion it was me, over her knee I went and she slapped me about ten times, it wasn't that hard and the real punishment was probably the humiliation. It was certainly no where near the severity of the spankings I got at home.

The girls all complained that they got smacked on their knickers and I was allowed to keep my trousers up. The teacher said she had smacked me harder, which I don't believe.

Ever since then though I have fantasised about getting a proper spanking off of her.

09-02-2009, 09:28 AM
When I entered Junior School, albeit decades ago, I was fully aware that School teachers punished
naughty boys by spanking them, I can also remember some boys feeling 'miffed' because girls were dealt with in other ways.

I also remember asking my Dad when travelling somewhere in his car 'why are girls
not spanked' he seemed to think that such a punishment was 'unladylike' for some
reason that made perfect sense to me at that time.

What are little boys made of?

Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails
That's what little boys are made of !"

What are little girls made of?

"Sugar and spice and all things nice
That's what little girls are made of!"

Hence spanking much more appropriate for boys.

Like most boys I wanted to avoid being spanked, because I was so young
I had no idea that certain School Teachers were what we now call 'spanking fetishists'
These were times when very few questions were asked allowing 'motive' to go completely
unoticed, I think it fair to say the first spanking I received was solely to punish
me in other words a fair and just spanking, but there came a time when another MALE
School teacher punished me suggesting I just might enjoy.

The odd thing being I did, I also discovered advantages, why? because regularly spanked
boys were admired by their classmates.

Happy Days

10-02-2009, 01:03 PM
When I was around the age of 8, I remember being called out in front of the class by Mr Bennett. A very round man with little round glasses who always wore a 3 piece suit. He didn't say anything to me but stood right in front of me looking down. The class was pin drop quiet, and I had no idea why he was staring me in the eye with a furious look on his face. Then he said, get to the headmaster now, he is waiting for you.

My mouth was dry, my heart beating loud in my ears. I walked with leaden legs wondering what I had done. In the back of my mind I knew, but didnt dare to think about it.

That morning I had flashed my dick to two girls in the playground for a laugh. They were friends on mine and had dared me on and laughed and ran when I did it. I couldn't believe they had told.

The head confirmed my worst nightmare. They had told and he wasn't happy. I was totally embarrassed as he began to explain what I already knew that it was unacceptable behaviour to 'show my privates' in public!

He told me that he was going to make sure that I remembered his words should I be tempted to do that again.

I told me to take off my 'plimsolls'. I thought this odd but did as told. Then he told me to take my shorts off, I pleaded but was quickly put in my place as he was 6 foot 3, and had a very deep and loud voice that commanded respect.

I pulled them down and off as he pulled me towards him sitting on a chair he lifted me onto his knees, my legs dangled down my hands grasped to hold onto the chair legs.

then he pulled my underpants tight and began to slap my bottom. The sting is indescribable now, but I remember the familiar sucking in of air that makes a screeching sound, that's the closest I can get!

He must have given me about 20 smacks or so. My bottom was small and skinny and his hands big and hard. I had marks from tops of my legs to my waist. It was bright red and stung like made especially the underneath of my bottom cheeks.

He told me that was the last of it and I should never consider doing again what happened that day etc. I couldn't hear him, my mind was fuzzy, my bottom on fire. I don't remember pulling my shorts up or my plimsolls on.

I staggered from his room and was allowed to go to the toilet before having to stand with my hands on my head in the school hall during break.

I looked at my bottom over my shoulder in a cubicle. It was hot to touch, and I thought it would never cool.

That night in bed, I thought about all that had happened and felt the shame and embarrassment flood through me. Above it all thought was the little erection that stays with me still. He was right about one thing. I will never forget!

02-03-2009, 11:33 PM
This is becoming a under age fantasy site. site. I want nothing more to do with it.


03-03-2009, 04:30 PM
If I thought it was becoming an 'under-age fantasy site' I'd pull the plug.

No, the fact is people in this particular forum have noticed the title of the same is "Experiences" and as such are setting out what happened to them and there is, I presume, no element of fantasy involved - certainly most of them read as one would expect.

Do feel free to ask for your profile to be deleted and we will comply asap however some of the fantasy's that have been posted in the correct place are really quite good and perhaps you should take a look there prior to judging us too harshly.

Very best wishes

Chief bottom

17-03-2009, 01:12 AM
I am very new on this site & this my first post, I don't agree with Derek - I think most of our experiences started when young children -(Mine certainly did ) but it's only when you get older that you appreciate the sensation that you had at the time but can enjoy them now.

20-09-2009, 04:45 PM
when i was at school we had three female teachers that would spank,even for minor things. i remember watching another boy getting spanked in front of the class for something i had done,and look back wishing it had been me or is that how i now see it.
then when fourteen and puberty had arrived the female teacher would often say to us boys you are not to big to go across my knee,which set me off thinking how could i stay behind after school and find my self across her knee. it never happened it wasn't until i was in my fifty's that my next door neighbour arranged for me to go across her friends knee,and boy did i enjoy it.
thereafter i would visit her once a fortnight for afternoons of long spankings.
she is not around anymore so still looking for a replacement.

09-01-2010, 01:51 PM
At the primary school i went to the female teachers could only spank the girls, the bois by male teachers. If u where going to get the strap the headmaster would do. As every at the new term he would go round each class and tell us what would happen and slam the strap on a desck. Ho we all would jump.

28-01-2010, 08:20 PM
At my Junior School in the mid to late 60's we had 2 male teachers who would slap the backs of our upper legs, both boys and girls, all boys wore shorts and all girls wore skirts both of varying lenghts, of which mine offered very little protection from the teachers hand or prying eyes.
The method employed was to have the pupil stood by the teachers desk infront of the class, facing the blackboard, we would hear the instruction to touch our toes and to keep our legs straight, the teacher would then lift the skirt or shorts to bare the target area and apply either 3 hand strokes to each leg or 6 strokes to 1 leg, this was the maximum they were allowed to give per day, however you could be sent to another teacher who would then give you another 6 in the same maner.
We also had a female teacher who would not spank us but would take us to either of the male teachers for discipline, in which case we would be punished infront of which ever class of students he was taking at the time.
As I progressed through the latter part of junior school I became jelous when others got slapped and I didn't which then encouraged me to start admitting to things I had not done just to get "another" slapping.
On 2 occasions it backfired on me and I ended up getting slippered by the headmistress in her office over the back of a chair, but my favourite was always, and still is Slapped legs.

01-02-2010, 01:03 AM
Aw man, that seriously turned me on! :)

01-02-2010, 08:54 PM
The good thing about Mr C and Mr J was that they were sticklers for straight legs while touching your toes, if you didn't conform to the rules, you got your legs slapped every day untill you could do it properly.
Although I didn't have a problem in that area I did earn a week's punishment on one occasion, that involved touching my toes at the blackboard every morning Monday to Friday at 09.25 just after assembly in the main hall and just prior to the first lesson of the day, I had my personalised pre-lesson tutoring session, I was quite disappointed when friday rolled around.