View Full Version : origin of my kink

04-12-2015, 02:13 PM
my first taste of spanking happened at primary school in essex in 1977, i was about 9 years old. i had a form tutor called miss llyens, i guess she was welsh? she was a bit old school dressed in mostly black , grey black hair and i guess about 50. she warned the class at the start of the year that she kept a training shoe in her drawer and any messing about would result in a whacking with 'stinger' , kids being kids i dont remember being that scared of her or her threats we got on with school life.now i cannot for the life of me remember what we had done to get in trouble but i remember me and another boy being called to her desk probrably a bit of a disagreement anyway she sent this other boy back to his desk and kept interrogating me i started to run out of answers and kept shrugging my shoulders this seriously pissed off miss lleyns she went red in the face opened her drawer and got out stinger, oh crap! she called me round to her side of the desk and pulled me across her knee, now i was a bit of a chunky kid and she had me lean right over her lap , feet off the floor elbows almost touching the floor with my arse in the air i felt her pull my trousers tight to my bum then she gave me 10 thumping whacks with the slipper, the class went very quiet and subdued all you could hear was my whacking , funnily enough the shock of it all i dont recall much pain just dull ache but i stood up to a sea of classmates looking at me, then i blubbed like a baby. punishment over miss llyens said to the class he is only crying because of humiliation in front of you all. i had to sit at her desk at the naughty table for the rest of the day and miss playtime but when the kids went out miss llyens askedif i was okay and got me adrink of water so she was not all bad. i will never forget that day. i wish i could get a replacement miss llyens today god she could whack!